Update articles
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 52 additions and 46 deletions
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The migration plugin is a file written in YAML formar. It needs to live in a mod
type: module
name: First Example
name: First Migration
description: 'Example of basic Drupal migration. Learn more at <a href="https://understanddrupal.com/migrations" title="Drupal Migrations">https://understanddrupal.com/migrations</a>.'
package: Migrate examples
core_version_requirement: ^10 || ^11
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Using process plugins for data transformation in Drupal migrations
In the previous chapter, we wrote our first Drupal migration. In that example, we copied verbatim values from the source to the destination. More often than not, the data needs to be transformed in some way or another to match the format expected by the destination syatem or to meet business requirements. Now we will learn more about process plugins and how they work as part of the Drupal migration pipeline.
In the previous chapter, we wrote our first Drupal migration. In that example, we copied verbatim values from the source to the destination. More often than not, the data needs to be transformed in some way or another to match the format expected by the destination system or to meet business requirements. Now we will learn more about process plugins and how they work as part of the Drupal migration pipeline.
## Syntactic sugar
The Migrate API offers a lot of syntactic sugar to make it easier to write migration definition files. Field mappings in the process section are an example of this. Each of them requires a process plugin to be defined. If none is manually set, then the `get` plugin is assumed. The following two code snippets are equivalent in functionality.
The Migrate API offers a lot of syntactic sugar to make it easier to write migration plugins. Field mappings in the process section are an example of this. Each of them requires a process plugin to be defined. If none is manually set, then the `get` plugin is assumed. The following two code snippets are equivalent in functionality.
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ process:
source: creative_title
The `get` process plugin simply copies a value from the source to the destination without making any changes. Because this is a common operation, `get` is considered the default. There are many process plugins provided by Drupal core and contributed modules. Their configuration can be generalized as follows:
The `get` process plugin copies a value from the source to the destination without making any changes. Because this is a common operation, `get` is considered the default. There are many process plugins provided by Drupal core and contributed modules. Their configuration can be generalized as follows:
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ The process plugin is configured within an extra level of indentation under the
## Providing default values
Sometimes, the destination requires a property or field to be set, but that information is not present in the source. Imagine you are migrating nodes. As we have mentioned, it is recommended to write one migration file per content type. If you know in advance that for a particular migration you will always create nodes of type `Basic page`, then it would be redundant to have a column in the source with the same value for every row. The data might not be needed. Or it might not exist. In any case, the `default_value` plugin can be used to provide a value when the data is not available in the source.
Sometimes the destination requires a property or field to be set, but that information is not present in the source. Imagine you are migrating nodes. It is recommended to write one migration per content type. If you have a migration to nodes of type `Basic page`, it would be redundant to have a column in the source with the same value for every row. The data might not be needed. Or it might not exist. In any case, the `default_value` plugin can be used to provide a value when the data is not available in the source.
source: ...
@ -42,34 +42,34 @@ process:
plugin: default_value
default_value: page
plugin: "entity:node"
plugin: 'entity:node'
The above example sets the `type` property for all nodes in this migration to `page`, which is the machine name of the `Basic page` content type. Do not confuse the name of the plugin with the name of its configuration property as they happen to be the same: `default_value`. Also note that because a (content) `type` is manually set in the process section, the `default_bundle` key in the destination section is no longer required. You can see the latter being used in the example of the chapter _Writing your Drupal migration_.
The above example sets the `type` property for all nodes in this migration to `page`, which is the machine name of the `Basic page` content type. Do not confuse the name of the plugin with the name of its configuration property as they happen to be the same: `default_value`. Also note that because `type` is manually set in the process section, the `default_bundle` key in the destination section is no longer required. You can see the latter being used in the example of the chapter 2. If `type` is defined in the `process` section and `default_bundle` in the `destination` section, the former takes precedence.
## Concatenating values
Consider the following migration request: you have a source listing people with first and last name in separate columns. Both are capitalized. The two values need to be put together (concatenated) and used as the title of nodes of type `Basic page`. The character casing needs to be changed so that only the first letter of each word is capitalized. If there is a need to display them in all caps, CSS can be used for presentation. For example: `FELIX DELATTRE` would be transformed to `Felix Delattre`.
_Tip_: Question business requirements when they might produce undesired results. For instance, if you were to implement this feature as requested `DAMIEN MCKENNA` would be transformed to `Damien Mckenna`. That is not the correct capitalization for the last name `McKenna`. If automatic transformation is not possible or feasible for all variations of the source data, take notes and perform manual updates after the initial migration. Evaluate as many use cases as possible and bring them to the client's attention.
_Tip_: Question business requirements when they might produce undesired results. For instance, if you were to implement this feature as requested `DAMIEN MCKENNA` would be transformed to `Damien Mckenna`. That is not the correct capitalization for the last name `McKenna`. If automatic transformation is not possible or feasible for all variations of the source data, take note and perform manual updates after the initial migration. Evaluate as many use cases as possible and bring them to the client's attention.
To implement this feature, let's create a new module `ud_migrations_process_intro`, create a `migrations` folder, and write a migration definition file called `udm_process_intro.yml` inside it. Download the sample module from <https://github.com/dinarcon/ud_migrations> It is the one named `UD Process Plugins Introduction` and machine name `udm_process_intro`. For this example, we assume a Drupal installation using the `standard` installation profile which comes with the `Basic Page` content type. Let's see how to handle the concatenation of first an last name.
To implement this feature, let's create a new module `process_example`. Inside its `migrations` folder, and write a migration plugin called `process_example.yml`. Download the sample module from <https://www.drupal.org/project/migrate_examples> For this example, we assume a Drupal installation using the `standard` installation profile which comes with the `Basic Page` content type. Let's see how to handle the concatenation of first and last name.
id: udm_process_intro
label: "UD Process Plugins Introduction"
id: process_example
label: Process Plugins Example
plugin: embedded_data
- unique_id: 1
first_name: "FELIX"
last_name: "DELATTRE"
first_name: FELIX
last_name: DELATTRE
- unique_id: 2
first_name: "BENJAMIN"
last_name: "MELANÇON"
first_name: BENJAMIN
last_name: MELANÇON
- unique_id: 3
first_name: "STEFAN"
last_name: "FREUDENBERG"
first_name: STEFAN
last_name: FREUDENBERG
type: integer
@ -82,22 +82,22 @@ process:
- first_name
- last_name
delimiter: " "
delimiter: ' '
plugin: "entity:node"
plugin: entity:node
The [concat](https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21modules%21migrate%21src%21Plugin%21migrate%21process%21Concat.php/class/Concat) plugin can be used to glue together an arbitrary number of strings. Its `source` property contains an array of all the values that you want put together. The `delimiter` is an optional parameter that defines a string to add between the elements as they are concatenated. If not set, there will be no separation between the elements in the concatenated result. This plugin has an **important limitation**. You cannot use strings literals as part of what you want to concatenate. For example, joining the string `Hello` with the value of the `first_name` column. All the values to concatenate need to be columns in the source or fields already available in the process pipeline. We will talk about the latter in a later chapter.
The [concat](https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21modules%21migrate%21src%21Plugin%21migrate%21process%21Concat.php/class/Concat) plugin can be used to glue together an arbitrary number of strings. Its `source` property contains an array of all the values that you want put together. The `delimiter` is an optional parameter that defines a string to add between the elements as they are concatenated. If not set, there will be no separation between the elements in the concatenated result. This plugin has an **important limitation**. You cannot use strings literals as part of what you want to concatenate. For example, joining the string `Hello` with the value of the `first_name` column. All the values to concatenate need to provided by the source plugin or fields already available in the process pipeline. It is possible to leverage a feature called source constants to concatenate string literals. We will talk about this in chapter !!!.
To execute the above migration, you need to enable the `ud_migrations_process_intro` module. Assuming you have `Migrate Run` installed, open a terminal, switch directories to your Drupal docroot, and execute the following command: `drush migrate:import udm_process_intro` Refer to the end of the _Writing your first Drupal migration_ chapter if it fails. If it works, you will see three basic pages whose title contains the names of some of my Drupal mentors. #DrupalThanks
To execute the above migration, you need to enable the `process_example` module. Open a terminal, switch directories to your Drupal's webroot, and execute the following command: `drush migrate:import process_example`. If the migration fails, refer to the end of the chapter 2 for debugging information. If it works, you will see three basic pages whose title contains the names of some of my Drupal mentors. #DrupalThanks
## Chaining process plugins
Good progress so far, but the feature has not been fully implemented. You still need to change the capitalization so that only the first letter of each word in the resulting title is uppercase. Thankfully, the Migrate API allows [**chaining of process plugins**](https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/api/migrate-api/migrate-process-plugins/migrate-process-overview#full-pipeline). This works similarly to unix pipelines in that the output of one process plugin becomes the input of the next one in the chain. When the last plugin in the chain completes its transformation, the return value is assigned to the destination field. Let's see this in action:
id: udm_process_intro
label: "UD Process Plugins Introduction"
id: process_example
label: Process Plugins Example
source: ...
type: ...
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ process:
- first_name
- last_name
delimiter: " "
delimiter: ' '
- plugin: callback
callable: mb_strtolower
- plugin: callback
@ -114,10 +114,10 @@ process:
destination: ...
The [callback](https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21modules%21migrate%21src%21Plugin%21migrate%21process%21Callback.php/class/Callback) process plugin pass a value to a PHP function and returns its result. The function to call is specified in the `callable` configuration option. Note that this plugin expects a `source` option containing a column from the source or value of the process pipeline. That value is sent as the first argument to the function. Because we are using the `callback` plugin as part of a chain, the source is assumed to be the last output of the previous plugin. Hence, there is no need to define a `source`. So, we concatenate the columns, make them all lowercase, and then capitalize each word.
The [callback](https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21modules%21migrate%21src%21Plugin%21migrate%21process%21Callback.php/class/Callback) process plugin passes a value to a PHP function and returns its result. The function to call is specified in the `callable` configuration option. The `source` option holds a value provided by the source plugin or one from process pipeline. That value is sent as the first argument to the function. Because we are using the `callback` plugin as part of a chain, the source is assumed to be the output of the previous plugin. Hence, there is no need to define a `source`. The example concatenates the first and last names, make them all lowercase, and then capitalize each word.
Relying on direct PHP function calls should be a last resort. Better alternatives include writing your own process plugins which encapsulates your business logic separate of the migration definition. The `callback` plugin comes with its own **limitation**. For example, you cannot pass extra parameters to the `callable` function. It will receive the specified value as its first argument and nothing else. In the above example, we could combine the calls to `mb_strtolower` and ucwords into a single call to mb_convert_case(\$source, MB_CASE_TITLE) if passing extra parameters were allowed.
Relying on direct PHP function calls should be a last resort. Better alternatives include writing your own process plugins which encapsulate your business logic. The `callback` plugin is versatile. It can public methods in a PHP class. If the `source` is an array, it can be expanded to be so each element is passed as a different argument to the callable. Refer to the [plugin documentation](https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21modules%21migrate%21src%21Plugin%21migrate%21process%21Callback.php/class/Callback) for various examples.
_Tip_: You should have a good understanding of your source and destination formats. In this example, one of the values to want to transform is `MELANÇON`. Because of the cedilla (**ç**) using `strtolower` is not adequate in this case since it would leave that character uppercase (`melanÇon`). [Multibyte string functions](https://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mbstring.php) (mb\_\*) are required for proper transformation. `ucwords` is not one of them and would present similar issues if the first letter of the words are special characters. Attention should be given to the character encoding of the tables in your destination database.
_Tip_: You should have a good understanding of your source and destination formats. In this example, one of the values to transform is `MELANÇON`. Because of the cedilla (**ç**) using `strtolower` is not adequate in this case. It would leave that character uppercase (`melanÇon`). [Multibyte string functions](https://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.mbstring.php) (mb\_\*) are required for proper transformation. `ucwords` is not one of them and would present similar issues if the first letter of a word is special characters. Also, attention should be given to the character encoding of the tables in your destination database.
_Technical note_: `mb_strtolower` is a function provided by the [mbstring](https://www.php.net/manual/en/mbstring.installation.php) PHP extension. It does not come enabled by default or you might not have it installed altogether. In those cases, the function would not be available when Drupal tries to call it. The following error is produced when trying to call a function that is not available: `The "callable" must be a valid function or method`. For Drupal and this particular function that error would never be triggered, even if the extension is missing. That is because Drupal core depends on some Symfony packages which in turn depend on the `symfony/polyfill-mbstring` package. The latter provides a polyfill for mb\_\* functions that has been leveraged since version 8.6.x of Drupal.
_Technical note_: `mb_strtolower` is a function provided by the [mbstring](https://www.php.net/manual/en/mbstring.installation.php) PHP extension. It does not come enabled by default or you might not have it installed altogether. In those cases, the function would not be available when Drupal tries to call it. The following error is produced when trying to call a function that is not available: `The "callable" must be a valid function or method`. For this example, the error would never be triggered even if the extension is missing. That is because Drupal core depends on some Symfony packages which in turn depend on the `symfony/polyfill-mbstring` package. The latter provides a polyfill for mb\_\* functions that has been leveraged since version 8.6.x of Drupal.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ In the previous chapter, we learned how to use process plugins to transform data
## Getting the example code
Today's example will consist of migrating data into the `Body` and `Image` fields of the `Article` content type that are available out of the box. This assumes that Drupal was installed using the `standard` installation profile. As in previous examples, we will create a new module and write a migration definition file to perform the migration. The code snippets will be compact to focus on particular elements of the migration. The full code is available at <https://github.com/dinarcon/ud_migrations> The module name is `UD Migration Subfields` and its machine name is `ud_migrations_subfields`. The `id` of the example migration is `udm_subfields`. This example uses the [Migrate Files](https://www.drupal.org/project/migrate_file) module (explained later). Make sure to download and enable it. Otherwise, you will get an error like: `In DiscoveryTrait.php line 53: The "file_import" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigratePluginManager are:...`. Let's see part of the *source* definition:
Today's example will consist of migrating data into the `Body` and `Image` fields of the `Article` content type is provided by the `standard` installation profile. As in previous examples, we will create a new module and write a migration plugin. The code snippets will be compact to focus on particular elements of the migration. The full code is available at <https://www.drupal.org/project/migrate_examples> The module name is `Migration Subfields Example` and its machine name is `subfields_example`. This example uses the [Migrate Files](https://www.drupal.org/project/migrate_file) module (explained later). Make sure to download and enable it. Otherwise, you will get an error like: `In DiscoveryTrait.php line 53: The "file_import" plugin does not exist. Valid plugin IDs for Drupal\migrate\Plugin\MigratePluginManager are: ...`. Let's see part of the *source* definition:
@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ source:
unique_id: 1
name: 'Michele Metts'
profile: '<a href="https://www.drupal.org/u/freescholar" title="Michele on Drupal.org">freescholar</a> on Drupal.org'
photo_url: 'https://udrupal.com/photos/freescholar.jpg'
photo_description: 'Photo of Michele Metts'
photo_width: '587'
photo_height: '657'
name: Micky Metts
profile: <a href="https://www.drupal.org/u/freescholar" title="Micky on Drupal.org">freescholar</a> on Drupal.org
photo_url: https://udrupal.com/photos/freescholar.jpg
photo_description: Photo of Micky Metts
photo_width: 587
photo_height: 657
Only one record is presented to keep snippet short, but more exist. In addition to having a unique identifier, each record includes a name, a short profile, and details about the image.
## Migrating formatted text
The `Body` field is of type `Text (formatted, long, with summary)`. This type of field has three components: the full text (*value*) to present, a *summary* text, and a text *format*. The Migrate API allows you to write to each component separately defining subfields targets. The next code snippets shows how to do it:
The `Body` field is of type `Text (formatted, long, with summary)`. This type of field has three components: the text *value* to present, a *summary* text, and the text *format* to use. The Migrate API allows you to write to each component separately defining subfields targets.
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ process:
field_text_with_summary/format: source_format
The syntax to migrate into subfields is the machine name of the field and the subfield name separated by a *slash* (/). Then, a *colon* (:), a *space*, and the *value*. You can set the value to a source column name for a verbatim copy or use any combination of process plugins. It is not required to migrate into all subfields. Each field determines what components are required so it is possible that not all subfields are set. In this example, only the value and text format will be set.
The syntax to migrate into subfields is the machine name of the field and the subfield name separated by a *slash* (**/**). Then, a *colon* (**:**), a *space*, and the *value* to assign. You can set the value to a source field name for a verbatim copy or use any combination of process plugins in a chain. It is not required to migrate into all subfields. Each field determines what components are required so it is possible that not all subfields are set. In this example, only the value and text format will be set.
@ -43,20 +43,20 @@ process:
default_value: restricted_html
The `value` subfield is set to the `profile` source column. As you can see in the first snippet, it contains HTML markup. An `a` tag to be precise. Because we want the tag to be rendered as a link, a text format that allows such tag needs to be specified. There is no information about text formats in the source, but Drupal comes with a couple we can choose from. In this case, we use the `Restricted HTML` text format. Note that the `default_value` plugin is used and set to `restricted_html`. When setting text formats, it is necessary to use their machine name. You can find them in the configuration page for each text format. For `Restricted HTML` that is /admin/config/content/formats/manage/restricted_html.
The `value` subfield is set to the `profile` source field. As you can see in the first snippet, it contains HTML markup. An `a` tag to be precise. Because we want the tag to be rendered as a link, a text format that allows such tag needs to be specified. There is no information about text formats in the source, but the `standard` installation of Drupal comes with a couple we can choose from. In this case, we use the `Restricted HTML` text format. The `default_value` plugin is used and set to `restricted_html`. When setting text formats, it is necessary to use their machine name. You can find them in the configuration page for each text format. For `Restricted HTML` that is /admin/config/content/formats/manage/restricted_html.
*Note*: Text formats are a whole different subject that even has security implications. To keep the discussion on topic, we will only give some recommendations. When you need to migrate HTML markup, you need to know which tags appear in your source, which ones you want to allow in Drupal, and select a text format that accepts what you have whitelisted and filter out any dangerous tag like `script`. As a general rule, you should avoid setting the `format` subfield to use the `Full HTML` text format.
*Note*: Text formats are a whole different subject that even has security implications. To stay topic, we will only give some recommendations. When you need to migrate HTML markup, you need to know which tags appear in your source and which ones you want to allow in Drupal. Then, select a text format that accepts what you have allowed and filters out any dangerous tag like `script`. As a general rule, you should avoid setting the `format` subfield to use the `Full HTML` text format.
## Migrating images
There are [different approaches to migrating images](https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/api/migrate-api/migrate-destination-plugins-examples/migrating-files-and-images). Today, we are going to use the Migrate Files module. It is important to note that Drupal treats images as files with extra properties and behavior. Any approach used to migrate files can be adapted to migrate images.
There are [different approaches to migrating images](https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/api/migrate-api/migrate-destination-plugins-examples/migrating-files-and-images). In this example we use the Migrate Files module. It is important to note that Drupal treats images as files with extra properties and behavior. Any approach used to migrate files can be adapted to migrate images.
plugin: file_import
source: photo_url
reuse: TRUE
file_exists: rename
id_only: TRUE
field_image/alt: photo_description
field_image/title: photo_description
@ -72,22 +72,28 @@ When migrating any field, you have to use their *machine name* in the mapping se
* `width` stores an integer number which represents the width in pixels.
* `height` stores an integer number which represents the height in pixels.
For the `target_id`, the plugin `file_import` is used. This plugin requires a `source` configuration value with a url to the file. In this case, the `photo_url` column from the *source* section is used. The `reuse` flag indicates that if a file with the same location and name exists, it should be used instead of downloading a new copy. When working on migrations, it is common to run them over and over until you get the expected results. Using the `reuse` flag will avoid creating multiple references or copies of image file, depending on the plugin configuration. The `id_only` flag is set so that the plugin only returns that file identifier used by Drupal instead of an entity reference array. This is done because the each subfield is being set manually. For the rest of the subfields (`alt`, `title`, `width`, and `height`) the value is a verbatim copy from the *source*.
For the `target_id`, the plugin `file_import` is used. This plugin requires a `source` configuration value with a url to the file. In this case, the `photo_url` field from the *source* section is used. The `file_exists` configuration dictates what to do in case a file with the same name already exists. Valid options are `replace` to replace the existing file, `use existing` to reuse the file, and `rename` to append `_N` to the file name (where `N` is an incrementing number) until the filename is unique. When working on migrations, it is common to run them over and over until you get the expected results. Using the `use existing` option will avoid downloading multiple copies of image file. The `id_only` flag is set so that the plugin only returns that file identifier used by Drupal instead of an entity reference array. This is done because each subfield is being set manually. For the rest of the subfields (`alt`, `title`, `width`, and `height`) the value is a verbatim copy from the *source*.
*Note*: The Migrate Files module offers another plugin named `image_import`. That one allows you to set all the subfields as part of the plugin configuration. An example of its use will be shown in the next article. This example uses the `file_import` plugin to emphasize the configuration of the image subfields.
*Note*: The Migrate Files module offers another plugin named `image_import`. That one allows you to set all the subfields as part of the plugin configuration. An example of its use will be shown in the chapter !!!. This example uses the `file_import` plugin to emphasize the configuration of the image subfields.
## Which subfields are available?
Some fields have many subfields. [Address fields](https://www.drupal.org/project/address), for example, have 13 subfields. How can you know which ones are available? The answer is found in the class that provides the field type. Once you find the class, look for the `schema` method. The subfields are contained in the `columns` array of the value returned by that method. Let's see some examples:
Some fields have many subfields. [Address fields](https://www.drupal.org/project/address), for example, have 14 subfields. How can you know which ones are available? You can look for an !!!online reference or look for the info yourself by looking at Drupal's source code. The subfields are defined in the class that provides the field type. Once you find the class, look for the `schema` method. The subfields are contained in the `columns` array of the value returned by that method. Let's see some examples:
* The `Text (plain)` field is provided by the StringItem class.
* The `Number (integer)` field is provided by the IntegerItem class.
* The `Text (formatted, long, with summary)` field is provided by the TextWithSummaryItem class.
* The `Image` field is provided by the ImageItem class.
The `schema` method defines the database columns used by the field to store its data. When migrating into subfields, you are actually migrating into those particular database columns. Any restriction set by the database schema needs to be respected. That is why you do not use units when migrating width and height for images. The database only expects an integer number representing the corresponding values in pixels. Because of object oriented practices, sometimes you need to look at the parent class to know all the subfields that are available.
The `schema` method defines the database columns used by the field to store its data. When migrating into subfields, processed data will ultimately be written into those database columns. Any restriction set by the database schema needs to be respected. That is why you do not use units when migrating width and height for images. The database only expects an integer number representing the corresponding values in pixels. Because of object oriented practices, sometimes you need to look at the parent class to know all the subfields that are available.
*Technical note*: The Migrate API bypasses [Form API](https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/elements/8.8.x) validations. For example, it is possible to migrate images without setting the `alt` subfield even if that is set as required in the field's configuration. If you try to edit a node that was created this way, you will get a field error indicating that the alternative text is required. Similarly, it is possible to write the `title` subfield even when the field is not expecting it, just like in today's example. If you were to enable the `title` text later, the information will be there already. Remember that when using the Migrate API you are writing directly to the database.
*Technical note*: By default, the Migrate API bypasses [Form API](https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/elements/8.8.x) validations. For example, it is possible to migrate images without setting the `alt` subfield even if it marked as required in the field's configuration. If you try to edit a node that was created this way, you will get a field error indicating that the alternative text is required. Similarly, it is possible to write the `title` subfield even when the field is not expecting it, just like in today's example. If you were to enable the `title` text later, the information will be there already. For content migrations, you can enable validation by setting the `validate` configuration in the destination plugin:
plugin: entity:node
validate: true
Another option is to connect to the database and check the table structures. For example, the `Image` field stores its data in the `node__field_image` table. Among others, this table has five columns named after the field's machine name and the subfield:
Add table
Reference in a new issue