This project includes the [Agaric styleguide]( as a [git submodule](
To be able to import the configuration, you need to get the initializing database (where we will also be collaborating on content) [from the test site]( pending resolution of [drutopia#216](
See `web/themes/custom/agarica/patternlibrary/` for how to make changes, especially involving Sass to CSS compilation for styles.
After making changes withing the Pattern Library within the custom Agaric theme, commit these changes *first* to the pattern library itself, and second commit the pattern library as a whole to the main project (it will be a single change, "Subproject commit" and the current hash value of the subproject repository.
Agaric is currently using a Platform as a Service version of Drutopia with additional modules.
Set up [drutopia_host]( and [hosting_private](, as documented in hosting private.
Then use [ahoy](, from within the hosting_private directory (`cd ~/Projects/drutopia-platform/drutopia_host/hosting_private`).
(And likewise for `agaric_live`.) Use `deploy-site-force` in place of `deploy-site` if you need to override configuration changes made on live and you are certain you have captured all wanted changes.
The Drupal settings files are also managed by Drutopia. On each deploy, the file is generated and replaces the `settings.local.php` that is on the server with whatever settings will match the Drutopia configuration. Therefore, in order to add settings, you must edit the vault settings using:
Look for the Yaml section for `agaric_live`, or `agaric_test`, as appropriate, and edit the `php_settings_code` section to add items to that site's setting overrides. For example: