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# Ansible Role: PHP-Memcached
Installs PHP Memcached support on RedHat/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu.
## Requirements
This role doesn't *explicitly* require Memcached to be installed, but if you don't have the daemon running somewhere (either on the same server, or somewhere else), this role won't be all that helpful. Check out `geerlingguy.memcached` for a simple role to install and configure Memcached (either on the same server, or separate servers).
## Role Variables
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see `defaults/main.yml`):
php_enablerepo: ""
(RedHat/CentOS only) If you have enabled any additional repositories (might I suggest geerlingguy.repo-epel or geerlingguy.repo-remi), those repositories can be listed under this variable (e.g. `remi,epel`). This can be handy, as an example, if you want to install the latest version of PHP from Remi's repository.
php_memcached_package: php-memcached
The package to install for PHP Memcached support. For Debian/Ubuntu and PHP 5.x, use `php5-memcached`.
## Dependencies
- geerlingguy.php
## Example Playbook
- hosts: webservers
- { role: geerlingguy.php-memcached }
## License
## Author Information
This role was created in 2014 by [Jeff Geerling](http://jeffgeerling.com/), author of [Ansible for DevOps](http://ansiblefordevops.com/).