2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
uuid : 6a921fe8-0cec-45fc-865e-81518d51f212
langcode : en
status : open
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2022-03-06 21:14:00 -05:00
weight : 0
2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
open : null
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uid : 47
template : false
archive : false
id : training_notification_request
title : 'Training Notification Request'
description : 'Users who submit this form should be notified when any of the trainings they are interested in become available.'
2024-02-15 20:34:34 -05:00
categories : { }
2021-07-14 08:53:40 -04:00
elements : |
intro_text :
'#type' : processed_text
'#text' : |
<p>We do not currently have any public trainings scheduled. If you would like to be notified the next time any of our trainings are being offered, please tell us which ones. By filling out this form, you are also helping us to gage interest so that we will know when the time is right to host!</p>
<p> </p>
'#format' : basic_html
name :
'#type' : textfield
'#title' : Name
email :
'#type' : email
'#title' : Email
trainings :
'#type' : checkboxes
'#title' : Trainings
'#description' : 'Tell us which of our trainings you would like to be notified about '
'#title_display' : invisible
'#description_display' : invisible
'#options' :
'Getting started with Drupal 9' : 'Getting started with Drupal 9'
'Drupal 8/9 content migrations' : 'Drupal 8/9 content migrations'
'Upgrading to Drupal 8/9 using the Migrate API' : 'Upgrading to Drupal 8/9 using the Migrate API'
'Getting started with React.js' : 'Getting started with React.js'
'#required' : true
'#required_error' : 'you must select a training.'
'#options__properties' : ''
2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
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2021-04-21 23:13:50 -04:00
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2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
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2022-03-06 21:14:00 -05:00
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2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
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2021-07-14 08:53:40 -04:00
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2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
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2022-03-06 21:14:00 -05:00
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2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
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2022-03-06 21:14:00 -05:00
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2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
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2022-03-06 21:14:00 -05:00
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2022-03-04 14:13:49 -05:00
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2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
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2022-03-06 21:14:00 -05:00
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2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
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2022-03-06 21:14:00 -05:00
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2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
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2022-03-06 21:14:00 -05:00
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2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
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2021-04-21 23:13:50 -04:00
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2024-02-15 20:34:34 -05:00
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2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
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2022-03-06 21:14:00 -05:00
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2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
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2021-04-21 23:13:50 -04:00
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2021-04-21 23:07:59 -04:00
access :
create :
roles :
- anonymous
- authenticated
users : { }
permissions : { }
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users : { }
permissions : { }
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users : { }
permissions : { }
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users : { }
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administer :
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users : { }
permissions : { }
test :
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users : { }
permissions : { }
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users : { }
permissions : { }
handlers : { }
variants : { }