2018-10-31 23:34:46 -04:00
uuid: dcb1db22-1b59-43bb-aede-31045695dad6
2018-08-24 16:38:33 -04:00
langcode: en
status: true
- field.storage.node.field_summary
- node.type.blog
- text
default_config_hash: 4D-q06fQHsxPYyFMmGPATTZpX5u5yBuE_RpBBksqsWA
id: node.blog.field_summary
field_name: field_summary
entity_type: node
bundle: blog
label: Summary
description: 'Enter a short description of what this blog post is about. The summary is displayed on blog teasers, such as on the blog listing page. '
required: true
translatable: true
default_value: { }
default_value_callback: ''
settings: { }
field_type: text_long