A visitor sees the active menu trail. #142

opened 2018-12-28 18:08:31 +00:00 by cedewey · 12 comments
cedewey commented 2018-12-28 18:08:31 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a site visitor,
when I visit any given page, the main menu parent item is highlighted.

Work Required

Set active trail for:

## Acceptance Criteria Given that I am a site visitor, when I visit any given page, the main menu parent item is highlighted. ## Work Required Set active trail for: * [x] Add and enable menu trail by path module * [x] Override menu.html.twig file to render a class if "item.in_active_trail" is true (see https://www.drupal.org/node/2805679)
cedewey commented 2018-12-31 19:11:20 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

assigned to @cedewey and unassigned @mlncn

assigned to @cedewey and unassigned @mlncn
cedewey commented 2018-12-31 19:37:39 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

mentioned in merge request

mentioned in merge request !44
cedewey commented 2018-12-31 19:39:21 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

changed the description

changed the description
cedewey commented 2018-12-31 19:52:23 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

assigned to @mlncn and unassigned @cedewey

assigned to @mlncn and unassigned @cedewey
mlncn commented 2019-01-01 15:50:06 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

mentioned in commit 068bcc0991

mentioned in commit 068bcc0991fe73f1bd6b6f3be67afca8201e940a
mlncn commented 2019-01-01 16:10:24 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

mentioned in commit 0ba23099db

mentioned in commit 0ba23099db27636b9861d4059ad0fb3c5b20084c
mlncn commented 2019-01-01 16:14:15 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

marked the checklist item Override menu.html.twig file to render a class if "item.in_active_trail" is true (see https://www.drupal.org/node/2805679) as completed

marked the checklist item **Override menu.html.twig file to render a class if "item.in_active_trail" is true (see https://www.drupal.org/node/2805679)** as completed
mlncn commented 2019-01-01 16:16:14 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

@cedewey you missed the fact that, say, on the overall Blog page it did already have the is-active class but it wasn't showing because it was white on white. (Designs i guess presumed that a dark blue navbar would always be followed by a dark blue header section.) But that's fixed now too! (By moving the underline up a bit.)

@cedewey you missed the fact that, say, on the overall Blog page it *did* already have the `is-active` class but it wasn't showing because it was white on white. (Designs i guess presumed that a dark blue navbar would *always* be followed by a dark blue header section.) But that's fixed now too! (By moving the underline up a bit.)
mlncn commented 2019-01-01 16:16:33 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

assigned to @cedewey and unassigned @mlncn

assigned to @cedewey and unassigned @mlncn
cedewey commented 2019-01-01 22:15:12 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

changed milestone to %8

changed milestone to %8
cedewey commented 2019-01-01 23:11:00 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

Looks good and works as expected!

Looks good and works as expected!
cedewey commented 2019-01-01 23:11:01 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)


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Reference: agaric/agaric-coop#142
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