# Ansible Role: Varnish [](https://travis-ci.org/geerlingguy/ansible-role-varnish) Installs the [Varnish HTTP Cache](https://varnish-cache.org/) on RedHat/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu Linux. ## Requirements Requires the EPEL repository on RedHat/CentOS (you can install it using the `geerlingguy.repo-epel` role). ## Role Variables Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see `defaults/main.yml`): varnish_package_name: "varnish" Varnish package name you want to install. See `apt-cache policy varnish` or `yum list varnish` for a listing of available candidates. varnish_version: "5.1" Varnish version that should be installed. See the [Varnish Cache packagecloud.io repositories](https://packagecloud.io/varnishcache) for a listing of available versions. Some examples include: `5.1`, `5.0`, `4.1`, `4.0`, `3.0`, and `2.1`. varnish_config_path: /etc/varnish The path in which Varnish configuration files will be stored. varnish_use_default_vcl: true Whether to use the included (simplistic) default Varnish VCL, using the backend host/port defined with the next two variables. Set this to `false` and copy your own `default.vcl` file into the `varnish_config_path` if you'd like to use a more complicated setup. If this variable is set to `true`, all other configuration will be taken from Varnish's own [default VCL](https://www.varnish-cache.org/trac/browser/bin/varnishd/default.vcl?rev=3.0). varnish_default_vcl_template_path: default.vcl.j2 The default VCL file to be copied (if `varnish_use_default_vcl` is `true`). Defaults the the simple template inside `templates/default.vcl.j2`. This path should be relative to the directory from which you run your playbook. varnish_listen_port: "80" The port on which Varnish will listen (typically port 80). varnish_default_backend_host: "" varnish_default_backend_port: "8080" Some settings for the default "default.vcl" template that will be copied to the `varnish_config_path` folder. The default backend host/port could be Apache or Nginx (or some other HTTP server) running on the same host or some other host (in which case, you might use port 80 instead). varnish_limit_nofile: 131072 The `nofiles` PAM limit Varnish will attempt to set for open files. The normal default is ~1024 which is much too low for Varnish usage. varnish_secret: "14bac2e6-1e34-4770-8078-974373b76c90" The secret/key to be used for connecting to Varnish's admin backend (for purge requests, etc.). varnish_admin_listen_host: "" varnish_admin_listen_port: "6082" The host and port through which Varnish will accept admin requests (like purge and status requests). varnish_storage: "file,/var/lib/varnish/varnish_storage.bin,256M" How Varnish stores cache entries (this is passed in as the argument for `-s`). If you want to use in-memory storage, change to something like `malloc,256M`. Please read Varnish's [Getting Started guide](http://book.varnish-software.com/4.0/chapters/Getting_Started.html) for more information. varnish_pidfile: /run/varnishd.pid Varnish PID file path. Set to an empty string if you don't want to use a PID file. varnish_enabled_services: - varnish Services that will be started at boot and should be running after this role is complete. You might need to add additional services if required, e.g. `varnishncsa` and `varnishlog`. If set to an empty array, no services will be enabled at startup. varnish_backends: apache: host: port: 80 nodejs: host: port: 80 varnish_vhosts: example.com: backend: apache nodejs.example.com: backend: nodejs You can configure multiple backends (and direct traffic from multiple virtual hosts to different backends) using the `varnish_backends` and `varnish_vhosts` variables. If you only use one backend (defined via `varnish_default_backend_host` and `varnish_default_backend_port`), then you do not need to define these variables. Do not add a `www` to the `vhosts` keys; it is added automatically by the `default.vcl.j2` VCL template. ## Dependencies None. ## Example Playbook - hosts: webservers vars_files: - vars/main.yml roles: - geerlingguy.varnish *Inside `vars/main.yml`*: varnish_secret: "[secret generated by uuidgen]" varnish_default_backend_port: 81 ... etc ... ## License MIT / BSD ## Author Information This role was created in 2014 by [Jeff Geerling](https://www.jeffgeerling.com/), author of [Ansible for DevOps](https://www.ansiblefordevops.com/).