# newrelic_license_key: yourkey

# User name
newrelic_user: newrelic
# User group
newrelic_group: newrelic
# User groups to append to user
newrelic_groups: []
# Name of the file where the server monitor will store it's log messages.
newrelic_logfile: /var/log/newrelic/nrsysmond.log
# Level of detail you want in the log file
newrelic_loglevel: info
# Set to true to disable NFS client statistics gathering.
newrelic_disable_nfs: yes
# Set to true to disable Docker container statistics gathering.
newrelic_disable_docker: yes
# start on boot
newrelic_service_enabled: yes
# current state: started, stopped
newrelic_service_state: started
# use default hostname, set a value to override the default hostname
newrelic_override_hostname: ~
# A series of label_type/label_value pairings: label_type:label_value
# proxy server to use (i.e. proxy-host:8080)
# Option to fix Docker memory (see: https://discuss.newrelic.com/t/wrong-path-to-cpu-and-memoy-data/36177)