- name: Include OS-specific variables.
  include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"

- name: Define php_tideways_module_path.
    php_tideways_module_path: "{{ __php_tideways_module_path }}"
  when: php_tideways_module_path is not defined

- name: Define php_tideways_config_filename.
    php_tideways_config_filename: "{{ __php_tideways_config_filename }}"
  when: php_tideways_config_filename is not defined

# Setup/install tasks.
- name: Ensure dependencies for installing Tideways are present.
  package: "name={{ item }} state=installed"
    - make
    - gcc
    - unzip

- name: Download and untar Tideways.
    src: "{{ tideways_download_url }}"
    dest: "{{ workspace }}"
    copy: no
    creates: "{{ workspace }}/{{ tideways_download_folder_name }}"

- name: Build Tideways.
  shell: >
    {{ item }}
    chdir={{ workspace }}/{{ tideways_download_folder_name }}
    creates={{ workspace }}/{{ tideways_download_folder_name }}/modules/tideways.so
    - phpize
    - ./configure
    - make
    - make install
  notify: restart webserver

- name: Ensure Tideways module path exists.
    path: "{{ php_tideways_module_path }}"
    state: directory
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0755

- name: Move Tideways module into place.
  shell: >
    cp {{ workspace }}/{{ tideways_download_folder_name }}/modules/tideways.so {{ php_tideways_module_path }}/tideways.so
    creates={{ php_tideways_module_path }}/tideways.so
  notify: restart webserver

# TODO - Install the Tideways.php file for UI?
# $ php -r 'echo ini_get("extension_dir")."\n";'
# $ cp Tideways.php /path/to/php/lib

- include: configure.yml
- include: xhprof.yml
  when: tideways_install_xhprof_ui