site_name: Drupal VM Documentation repo_url: site_description: 'Drupal VM - A VM for local Drupal development, built with Vagrant + Ansible' theme: readthedocs extra_javascript: - js/fix_search.js markdown_extensions: - toc: permalink: True pages: - Home: '' - Getting Started: - Installation: - 'macOS': 'getting-started/' - 'Windows': 'getting-started/' - 'Linux': 'getting-started/' - 'Configuring Drupal VM': 'getting-started/' - 'Syncing Folders': 'getting-started/' - Building your codebase: - 'Using a local Drupal codebase': 'deployment/' - 'Using a composer package': 'deployment/' - 'Using composer.json': 'deployment/' - 'Using a Drush Make file': 'deployment/' - 'Drupal VM as a Composer Dependency': 'deployment/' - 'Deploying Drupal via Git': 'deployment/' - Basic configurations: - 'Using different base OSes': 'configurations/' - 'Using a different PHP version': 'configurations/' - Webservers: - 'Apache': 'configurations/' - 'Nginx': 'configurations/' - Databases: - 'Connect to the MySQL Database': 'configurations/' - 'Use MariaDB instead of MySQL': 'configurations/' - 'Use PostgreSQL instead of MySQL': 'configurations/' - Installed extras: - 'adminer (Database UI)': 'extras/' - 'blackfire (Profiling tool)': 'extras/' - 'drupalconsole (Drupal CLI)': 'extras/' - 'drush (Drupal CLI)': 'extras/' - 'elasticsearch (Search engine)': 'extras/' - 'java': 'extras/' - 'mailhog (Mail catcher)': 'extras/' - 'memcached (In-memory cache)': 'extras/' - 'newrelic (Performance monitoring)': 'extras/' - 'nodejs': 'extras/' - 'pimpmylog (Log viewer)': 'extras/' - 'redis (In-memory database)': 'extras/' - 'ruby': 'extras/' - 'selenium (BDD with Behat)': 'extras/' - 'solr (Search engine)': 'extras/' - 'tidways (Profiling tool)': 'extras/' - 'upload-progress': 'extras/' - 'varnish (Caching reverse proxy)': 'extras/' - 'xdebug (Debugging tool)': 'extras/' - 'xhprof (Profiling tool)': 'extras/' - Extending Drupal VM: - 'Adding Vagrant plugins Vagrantfile.local': 'extending/' - 'Passing on CLI arguments to ansible': 'extending/' - 'Pre- and Post-Provision Scripts': 'extending/' - Other Information: - 'Networking Notes': 'other/' - 'Vagrant LXC provider': 'other/' - 'Improving Performance': 'other/' - 'Docker': 'other/' - 'BigPipe with Drupal VM': 'other/' - 'Drupal multisite': 'deployment/' - 'Drupal 6 Notes': 'other/' - 'Drupal VM Management Tools': 'other/' - 'Emulating Acquia Cloud environment': 'other/' - 'Deploying to a production environment': 'other/' - 'Wordpress or other applications': 'other/'