# Install a Drupal site with Drush.
# Usage:
#   install-drupal [version]
# [version] is optional, defaults to 8.4.x. Try 7.x, 7.55, 8.5.x, 8.3.2, etc.

# Exit on any individual command failure.
set -e

# Setup.

# Create Drupal project directory.
mkdir -p $PROJECT_PATH

# Download Drupal with Drush.
echo "Downloading Drupal $DRUPAL_VERSION"
drush dl drupal-$DRUPAL_VERSION \
  --destination=$PROJECT_PATH \

# Install Drupal with Drush.
echo "Installing Drupal"
drush si standard --root=$PROJECT_PATH/web -y \
  --db-url='mysql://drupal:drupal@localhost/drupal' \
  --site-name='Drupal VM' \
  --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin

# Set appropriate permissions.
chown -R www-data:www-data $PROJECT_PATH