Scripts in this directory will be executed inside the solr container (if it exists, of course). This is just an example, but any named service can have a directory with commands. Note that /mnt/ddev_config must be mounted into the 3rd-party service with a stanza like this in the docker-compose.solr.yaml: volumes: - type: "bind" source: "." target: "/mnt/ddev_config" A number of environment variables are supplied to the scripts, including: DDEV_DOCROOT: Relative path from approot to docroot DDEV_HOSTNAME: Comma-separated list of FQDN hostnames DDEV_PHP_VERSION DDEV_WEBSERVER_TYPE: nginx-fpm, apache-fpm, apache-cgi DDEV_PROJECT_TYPE: drupal8, typo3, backdrop, wordpress, etc. DDEV_ROUTER_HTTP_PORT: Router port for http DDEV_ROUTER_HTTPS_PORT: Router port for https More environment variables may be available, see