# Varnish environment configuration description. This was derived from
# the old style sysconfig/defaults settings

# Set this to 1 to make systemd reload try to switch vcl without restart.

# Main configuration file. You probably want to change it.
VARNISH_VCL_CONF={{ varnish_config_path }}/default.vcl

# Default address and port to bind to. Blank address means all IPv4
# and IPv6 interfaces, otherwise specify a host name, an IPv4 dotted
# quad, or an IPv6 address in brackets.
VARNISH_LISTEN_PORT={{ varnish_listen_port }}

# Admin interface listen address and port
VARNISH_ADMIN_LISTEN_ADDRESS={{ varnish_admin_listen_host }}
VARNISH_ADMIN_LISTEN_PORT={{ varnish_admin_listen_port }}

# Shared secret file for admin interface
VARNISH_SECRET_FILE={{ varnish_config_path }}/secret

# Backend storage specification, see Storage Types in the varnishd(5)
# man page for details.
VARNISH_STORAGE="{{ varnish_storage }}"

# Default TTL used when the backend does not specify one

# User and group for the varnishd worker processes

# Other options, see the man page varnishd(1)
#DAEMON_OPTS="-p thread_pool_min=5 -p thread_pool_max=500 -p thread_pool_timeout=300"