<!--- Drupal VM is used by developers in a wide variety of circumstances. Please use this template when reporting issues or suggesting features so we can help you more efficiently. **Delete this section** and fill in the rest of the template below, deleting the commented sections -->

### Issue Type

<!--- Pick one below and delete the rest: -->
 - Bug Report / Support Request
 - Feature Idea
 - Documentation Report

### Your Environment

<!--- Paste the output from the following command: `vagrant --version && echo "VirtualBox `vboxmanage --version`" && ansible --version` (paste it in the space between the three graves) -->


### Your OS

<!--- Pick one below and delete the rest: -->
 - **macOS** (version)
 - **Windows** (version)
 - **Linux** (version)

### Full console output

<!--- If this is a Bug Report / Support Request, please copy the ENTIRE contents of your console (including the command that was run), paste it into a new Gist on https://gist.github.com, then paste the link to the gist here. -->

### Summary

<!--- Explain the problem briefly. If submitting a bug report or support request, PLEASE paste the entire error message you're getting. -->