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30 lines
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image_src: 'https://agaric.coop/themes/custom/agarica/patternlibrary/agaric/images/agaric-975x400-v1.png'
description: 'We help cause-driven organizations meet their goals by building websites and other tools using free and open-source software.'
title: 'Agaric Tech Cooperative - Web Strategy, Design and Development'
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og_email: ask@agaric.coop
og_postal_code: '02134'
og_description: 'We help cause-driven organization meet their goals by building websites and other tools using free and open-source software.'
og_phone_number: '(508) 283-3557'
og_image: 'https://agaric.coop/themes/custom/agarica/patternlibrary/agaric/images/agaric-975x400-v1.png'
og_region: Massachusetts
og_locality: Boston
og_site_name: 'Agaric Tech Cooperative'
og_title: 'Agaric Tech Cooperative - Web Strategy, Design and Development'
og_image_alt: Agaric.
twitter_cards_image_alt: 'Two stylized mushrooms.'
twitter_cards_image: 'https://agaric.coop/themes/custom/agarica/patternlibrary/agaric/images/agaric-square.png'
twitter_cards_description: 'We help cause-driven organization meet their goals by building websites and other tools using free and open-source software.'
twitter_cards_site: '@agaric'
twitter_cards_title: 'Agaric Tech Cooperative'
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