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* @file
* Tests for simpletest.module.
class SimpleTestFunctionalTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* The results array that has been parsed by getTestResults().
protected $childTestResults;
* Store the test ID from each test run for comparison, to ensure they are
* incrementing.
protected $test_ids = array();
* The pass message.
protected $pass;
* The fail message.
protected $fail;
* The valid permission.
protected $valid_permission;
* The invalid permission.
protected $invalid_permission;
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'SimpleTest functionality',
'description' => "Test SimpleTest's web interface: check that the intended tests were run and ensure that test reports display the intended results. Also test SimpleTest's internal browser and API's both explicitly and implicitly.",
'group' => 'SimpleTest'
function setUp() {
if (!$this->inCURL()) {
// Create and login user
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer unit tests'));
else {
* Test the internal browsers functionality.
function testInternalBrowser() {
global $conf;
if (!$this->inCURL()) {
$this->assertTrue($this->drupalGetHeader('Date'), 'An HTTP header was received.');
$this->assertTitle(t('Welcome to @site-name | @site-name', array('@site-name' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'))), 'Site title matches.');
$this->assertNoTitle('Foo', 'Site title does not match.');
// Make sure that we are locked out of the installer when prefixing
// using the user-agent header. This is an important security check.
global $base_url;
$this->drupalGet($base_url . '/install.php', array('external' => TRUE));
$this->assertResponse(403, 'Cannot access install.php with a "simpletest" user-agent header.');
$user = $this->drupalCreateUser();
$headers = $this->drupalGetHeaders(TRUE);
$this->assertEqual(count($headers), 2, 'There was one intermediate request.');
$this->assertTrue(strpos($headers[0][':status'], '302') !== FALSE, 'Intermediate response code was 302.');
$this->assertFalse(empty($headers[0]['location']), 'Intermediate request contained a Location header.');
$this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), $headers[0]['location'], 'HTTP redirect was followed');
$this->assertFalse($this->drupalGetHeader('Location'), 'Headers from intermediate request were reset.');
$this->assertResponse(200, 'Response code from intermediate request was reset.');
// Test the maximum redirection option.
$edit = array(
'name' => $user->name,
'pass' => $user->pass_raw
variable_set('simpletest_maximum_redirects', 1);
$this->drupalPost('user?destination=user/logout', $edit, t('Log in'));
$headers = $this->drupalGetHeaders(TRUE);
$this->assertEqual(count($headers), 2, 'Simpletest stopped following redirects after the first one.');
* Test validation of the User-Agent header we use to perform test requests.
function testUserAgentValidation() {
if (!$this->inCURL()) {
global $base_url;
$simpletest_path = $base_url . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'simpletest');
$HTTP_path = $simpletest_path .'/tests/http.php?q=node';
$https_path = $simpletest_path .'/tests/https.php?q=node';
// Generate a valid simpletest User-Agent to pass validation.
$this->assertTrue(preg_match('/simpletest\d+/', $this->databasePrefix, $matches), 'Database prefix contains simpletest prefix.');
$test_ua = drupal_generate_test_ua($matches[0]);
$this->additionalCurlOptions = array(CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $test_ua);
// Test pages only available for testing.
$this->assertResponse(200, 'Requesting http.php with a legitimate simpletest User-Agent returns OK.');
$this->assertResponse(200, 'Requesting https.php with a legitimate simpletest User-Agent returns OK.');
// Now slightly modify the HMAC on the header, which should not validate.
$this->additionalCurlOptions = array(CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $test_ua . 'X');
$this->assertResponse(403, 'Requesting http.php with a bad simpletest User-Agent fails.');
$this->assertResponse(403, 'Requesting https.php with a bad simpletest User-Agent fails.');
// Use a real User-Agent and verify that the special files http.php and
// https.php can't be accessed.
$this->additionalCurlOptions = array(CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12');
$this->assertResponse(403, 'Requesting http.php with a normal User-Agent fails.');
$this->assertResponse(403, 'Requesting https.php with a normal User-Agent fails.');
* Make sure that tests selected through the web interface are run and
* that the results are displayed correctly.
function testWebTestRunner() {
$this->pass = t('SimpleTest pass.');
$this->fail = t('SimpleTest fail.');
$this->valid_permission = 'access content';
$this->invalid_permission = 'invalid permission';
if ($this->inCURL()) {
// Only run following code if this test is running itself through a CURL request.
else {
// Run twice so test_ids can be accumulated.
for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) {
// Run this test from web interface.
$edit = array();
$edit['SimpleTestFunctionalTest'] = TRUE;
$this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Run tests'));
// Parse results and confirm that they are correct.
// Regression test for #290316.
// Check that test_id is incrementing.
$this->assertTrue($this->test_ids[0] != $this->test_ids[1], 'Test ID is incrementing.');
* Test to be run and the results confirmed.
function stubTest() {
$this->pass(t('Test ID is @id.', array('@id' => $this->testId)));
// Generates a warning.
$a = '';
foreach ($a as $b) {
// Call an assert function specific to that class.
// Generates 3 warnings inside a PHP function.
debug('Foo', 'Debug');
* Assert nothing.
function assertNothing() {
$this->pass("This is nothing.");
* Confirm that the stub test produced the desired results.
function confirmStubTestResults() {
$this->assertAssertion(t('Enabled modules: %modules', array('%modules' => 'non_existent_module')), 'Other', 'Fail', 'simpletest.test', 'SimpleTestFunctionalTest->setUp()');
$this->assertAssertion($this->pass, 'Other', 'Pass', 'simpletest.test', 'SimpleTestFunctionalTest->stubTest()');
$this->assertAssertion($this->fail, 'Other', 'Fail', 'simpletest.test', 'SimpleTestFunctionalTest->stubTest()');
$this->assertAssertion(t('Created permissions: @perms', array('@perms' => $this->valid_permission)), 'Role', 'Pass', 'simpletest.test', 'SimpleTestFunctionalTest->stubTest()');
$this->assertAssertion(t('Invalid permission %permission.', array('%permission' => $this->invalid_permission)), 'Role', 'Fail', 'simpletest.test', 'SimpleTestFunctionalTest->stubTest()');
// Check that a warning is caught by simpletest.
// The exact error message differs between PHP versions so we check only
// the presense of the 'foreach' statement.
$this->assertAssertion('foreach()', 'Warning', 'Fail', 'simpletest.test', 'SimpleTestFunctionalTest->stubTest()');
// Check that the backtracing code works for specific assert function.
$this->assertAssertion('This is nothing.', 'Other', 'Pass', 'simpletest.test', 'SimpleTestFunctionalTest->stubTest()');
// Check that errors that occur inside PHP internal functions are correctly reported.
// The exact error message differs between PHP versions so we check only
// the function name 'simplexml_load_string'.
$this->assertAssertion('simplexml_load_string', 'Warning', 'Fail', 'simpletest.test', 'SimpleTestFunctionalTest->stubTest()');
$this->assertAssertion("Debug: 'Foo'", 'Debug', 'Fail', 'simpletest.test', 'SimpleTestFunctionalTest->stubTest()');
$this->assertEqual('6 passes, 5 fails, 4 exceptions, and 1 debug message', $this->childTestResults['summary'], 'Stub test summary is correct');
$this->test_ids[] = $test_id = $this->getTestIdFromResults();
$this->assertTrue($test_id, 'Found test ID in results.');
* Fetch the test id from the test results.
function getTestIdFromResults() {
foreach ($this->childTestResults['assertions'] as $assertion) {
if (preg_match('@^Test ID is ([0-9]*)\.$@', $assertion['message'], $matches)) {
return $matches[1];
return NULL;
* Assert that an assertion with the specified values is displayed
* in the test results.
* @param string $message Assertion message.
* @param string $type Assertion type.
* @param string $status Assertion status.
* @param string $file File where the assertion originated.
* @param string $functuion Function where the assertion originated.
* @return Assertion result.
function assertAssertion($message, $type, $status, $file, $function) {
$message = trim(strip_tags($message));
$found = FALSE;
foreach ($this->childTestResults['assertions'] as $assertion) {
if ((strpos($assertion['message'], $message) !== FALSE) &&
$assertion['type'] == $type &&
$assertion['status'] == $status &&
$assertion['file'] == $file &&
$assertion['function'] == $function) {
$found = TRUE;
return $this->assertTrue($found, format_string('Found assertion {"@message", "@type", "@status", "@file", "@function"}.', array('@message' => $message, '@type' => $type, '@status' => $status, "@file" => $file, "@function" => $function)));
* Get the results from a test and store them in the class array $results.
function getTestResults() {
$results = array();
if ($this->parse()) {
if ($fieldset = $this->getResultFieldSet()) {
// Code assumes this is the only test in group.
$results['summary'] = $this->asText($fieldset->div->div[1]);
$results['name'] = $this->asText($fieldset->legend);
$results['assertions'] = array();
$tbody = $fieldset->div->table->tbody;
foreach ($tbody->tr as $row) {
$assertion = array();
$assertion['message'] = $this->asText($row->td[0]);
$assertion['type'] = $this->asText($row->td[1]);
$assertion['file'] = $this->asText($row->td[2]);
$assertion['line'] = $this->asText($row->td[3]);
$assertion['function'] = $this->asText($row->td[4]);
$ok_url = file_create_url('misc/watchdog-ok.png');
$assertion['status'] = ($row->td[5]->img['src'] == $ok_url) ? 'Pass' : 'Fail';
$results['assertions'][] = $assertion;
$this->childTestResults = $results;
* Get the fieldset containing the results for group this test is in.
function getResultFieldSet() {
$fieldsets = $this->xpath('//fieldset');
$info = $this->getInfo();
foreach ($fieldsets as $fieldset) {
if ($this->asText($fieldset->legend) == $info['name']) {
return $fieldset;
return FALSE;
* Extract the text contained by the element.
* @param $element
* Element to extract text from.
* @return
* Extracted text.
function asText(SimpleXMLElement $element) {
if (!is_object($element)) {
return $this->fail('The element is not an element.');
return trim(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($element->asXML())));
* Check if the test is being run from inside a CURL request.
function inCURL() {
return (bool) drupal_valid_test_ua();
* Test internal testing framework browser.
class SimpleTestBrowserTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* A flag indicating whether a cookie has been set in a test.
* @var bool
protected static $cookieSet = FALSE;
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'SimpleTest browser',
'description' => 'Test the internal browser of the testing framework.',
'group' => 'SimpleTest',
function setUp() {
variable_set('user_register', USER_REGISTER_VISITORS);
* Test DrupalWebTestCase::getAbsoluteUrl().
function testGetAbsoluteUrl() {
// Testbed runs with Clean URLs disabled, so disable it here.
variable_set('clean_url', 0);
$url = 'user/login';
$absolute = url($url, array('absolute' => TRUE));
$this->assertEqual($absolute, $this->url, 'Passed and requested URL are equal.');
$this->assertEqual($this->url, $this->getAbsoluteUrl($this->url), 'Requested and returned absolute URL are equal.');
$this->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Log in'));
$this->assertEqual($absolute, $this->url, 'Passed and requested URL are equal.');
$this->assertEqual($this->url, $this->getAbsoluteUrl($this->url), 'Requested and returned absolute URL are equal.');
$this->clickLink('Create new account');
$url = 'user/register';
$absolute = url($url, array('absolute' => TRUE));
$this->assertEqual($absolute, $this->url, 'Passed and requested URL are equal.');
$this->assertEqual($this->url, $this->getAbsoluteUrl($this->url), 'Requested and returned absolute URL are equal.');
* Tests XPath escaping.
function testXPathEscaping() {
$testpage = <<< EOF
<a href="link1">A "weird" link, just to bother the dumb "XPath 1.0"</a>
<a href="link2">A second "even more weird" link, in memory of George O'Malley</a>
// Matches the first link.
$urls = $this->xpath('//a[text()=:text]', array(':text' => 'A "weird" link, just to bother the dumb "XPath 1.0"'));
$this->assertEqual($urls[0]['href'], 'link1', 'Match with quotes.');
$urls = $this->xpath('//a[text()=:text]', array(':text' => 'A second "even more weird" link, in memory of George O\'Malley'));
$this->assertEqual($urls[0]['href'], 'link2', 'Match with mixed single and double quotes.');
* Tests that cookies set during a request are available for testing.
public function testCookies() {
// Check that the $this->cookies property is populated when a user logs in.
$user = $this->drupalCreateUser();
$edit = array('name' => $user->name, 'pass' => $user->pass_raw);
$this->drupalPost('<front>', $edit, t('Log in'));
$this->assertEqual(count($this->cookies), 1, 'A cookie is set when the user logs in.');
// Check that the name and value of the cookie match the request data.
$cookie_header = $this->drupalGetHeader('set-cookie', TRUE);
// The name and value are located at the start of the string, separated by
// an equals sign and ending in a semicolon.
preg_match('/^([^=]+)=([^;]+)/', $cookie_header, $matches);
$name = $matches[1];
$value = $matches[2];
$this->assertTrue(array_key_exists($name, $this->cookies), 'The cookie name is correct.');
$this->assertEqual($value, $this->cookies[$name]['value'], 'The cookie value is correct.');
// Set a flag indicating that a cookie has been set in this test.
// @see SimpleTestBrowserTestCase::testCookieDoesNotBleed().
self::$cookieSet = TRUE;
* Tests that the cookies from a previous test do not bleed into a new test.
* @see SimpleTestBrowserTestCase::testCookies().
public function testCookieDoesNotBleed() {
// In order for this test to be effective it should always run after the
// testCookies() test.
$this->assertTrue(self::$cookieSet, 'Tests have been executed in the expected order.');
$this->assertEqual(count($this->cookies), 0, 'No cookies are present at the start of a new test.');
class SimpleTestMailCaptureTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* Implement getInfo().
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'SimpleTest e-mail capturing',
'description' => 'Test the SimpleTest e-mail capturing logic, the assertMail assertion and the drupalGetMails function.',
'group' => 'SimpleTest',
* Test to see if the wrapper function is executed correctly.
function testMailSend() {
// Create an e-mail.
$subject = $this->randomString(64);
$body = $this->randomString(128);
$message = array(
'id' => 'drupal_mail_test',
'headers' => array('Content-type'=> 'text/html'),
'subject' => $subject,
'to' => 'foobar@example.com',
'body' => $body,
// Before we send the e-mail, drupalGetMails should return an empty array.
$captured_emails = $this->drupalGetMails();
$this->assertEqual(count($captured_emails), 0, 'The captured e-mails queue is empty.', 'E-mail');
// Send the e-mail.
$response = drupal_mail_system('simpletest', 'drupal_mail_test')->mail($message);
// Ensure that there is one e-mail in the captured e-mails array.
$captured_emails = $this->drupalGetMails();
$this->assertEqual(count($captured_emails), 1, 'One e-mail was captured.', 'E-mail');
// Assert that the e-mail was sent by iterating over the message properties
// and ensuring that they are captured intact.
foreach ($message as $field => $value) {
$this->assertMail($field, $value, format_string('The e-mail was sent and the value for property @field is intact.', array('@field' => $field)), 'E-mail');
// Send additional e-mails so more than one e-mail is captured.
for ($index = 0; $index < 5; $index++) {
$message = array(
'id' => 'drupal_mail_test_' . $index,
'headers' => array('Content-type'=> 'text/html'),
'subject' => $this->randomString(64),
'to' => $this->randomName(32) . '@example.com',
'body' => $this->randomString(512),
drupal_mail_system('drupal_mail_test', $index)->mail($message);
// There should now be 6 e-mails captured.
$captured_emails = $this->drupalGetMails();
$this->assertEqual(count($captured_emails), 6, 'All e-mails were captured.', 'E-mail');
// Test different ways of getting filtered e-mails via drupalGetMails().
$captured_emails = $this->drupalGetMails(array('id' => 'drupal_mail_test'));
$this->assertEqual(count($captured_emails), 1, 'Only one e-mail is returned when filtering by id.', 'E-mail');
$captured_emails = $this->drupalGetMails(array('id' => 'drupal_mail_test', 'subject' => $subject));
$this->assertEqual(count($captured_emails), 1, 'Only one e-mail is returned when filtering by id and subject.', 'E-mail');
$captured_emails = $this->drupalGetMails(array('id' => 'drupal_mail_test', 'subject' => $subject, 'from' => 'this_was_not_used@example.com'));
$this->assertEqual(count($captured_emails), 0, 'No e-mails are returned when querying with an unused from address.', 'E-mail');
// Send the last e-mail again, so we can confirm that the drupalGetMails-filter
// correctly returns all e-mails with a given property/value.
drupal_mail_system('drupal_mail_test', $index)->mail($message);
$captured_emails = $this->drupalGetMails(array('id' => 'drupal_mail_test_4'));
$this->assertEqual(count($captured_emails), 2, 'All e-mails with the same id are returned when filtering by id.', 'E-mail');
* Test Folder creation
class SimpleTestFolderTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Testing SimpleTest setUp',
'description' => "This test will check SimpleTest's treatment of hook_install during setUp. Image module is used for test.",
'group' => 'SimpleTest',
function setUp() {
return parent::setUp('image');
function testFolderSetup() {
$directory = file_default_scheme() . '://styles';
$this->assertTrue(file_prepare_directory($directory, FALSE), 'Directory created.');
* Test required modules for tests.
class SimpleTestMissingDependentModuleUnitTest extends DrupalUnitTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Testing dependent module test',
'description' => 'This test should not load since it requires a module that is not found.',
'group' => 'SimpleTest',
'dependencies' => array('simpletest_missing_module'),
* Ensure that this test will not be loaded despite its dependency.
function testFail() {
$this->fail(t('Running test with missing required module.'));
* Tests a test case that does not run parent::setUp() in its setUp() method.
* If a test case does not call parent::setUp(), running
* DrupalTestCase::tearDown() would destroy the main site's database tables.
* Therefore, we ensure that tests which are not set up properly are skipped.
* @see DrupalTestCase
class SimpleTestBrokenSetUp extends DrupalWebTestCase {
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Broken SimpleTest method',
'description' => 'Tests a test case that does not call parent::setUp().',
'group' => 'SimpleTest'
function setUp() {
// If the test is being run from the main site, set up normally.
if (!drupal_valid_test_ua()) {
// Create and log in user.
$admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer unit tests'));
// If the test is being run from within simpletest, set up the broken test.
else {
$this->pass(t('The test setUp() method has been run.'));
// Don't call parent::setUp(). This should trigger an error message.
function tearDown() {
// If the test is being run from the main site, tear down normally.
if (!drupal_valid_test_ua()) {
else {
// If the test is being run from within simpletest, output a message.
$this->pass(t('The tearDown() method has run.'));
* Runs this test case from within the simpletest child site.
function testBreakSetUp() {
// If the test is being run from the main site, run it again from the web
// interface within the simpletest child site.
if (!drupal_valid_test_ua()) {
$edit['SimpleTestBrokenSetUp'] = TRUE;
$this->drupalPost('admin/config/development/testing', $edit, t('Run tests'));
// Verify that the broken test and its tearDown() method are skipped.
$this->assertRaw(t('The test setUp() method has been run.'));
$this->assertRaw(t('The test cannot be executed because it has not been set up properly.'));
$this->assertNoRaw(t('The test method has run.'));
$this->assertNoRaw(t('The tearDown() method has run.'));
// If the test is being run from within simpletest, output a message.
else {
$this->pass(t('The test method has run.'));
* Verifies that tests bundled with installation profile modules are found.
class SimpleTestInstallationProfileModuleTestsTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* Use the Testing profile.
* The Testing profile contains drupal_system_listing_compatible_test.test,
* which attempts to:
* - run tests using the Minimal profile (which does not contain the
* drupal_system_listing_compatible_test.module)
* - but still install the drupal_system_listing_compatible_test.module
* contained in the Testing profile.
* @see DrupalSystemListingCompatibleTestCase
protected $profile = 'testing';
protected $admin_user;
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Installation profile module tests',
'description' => 'Verifies that tests bundled with installation profile modules are found.',
'group' => 'SimpleTest',
function setUp() {
$this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer unit tests'));
* Tests existence of test case located in an installation profile module.
function testInstallationProfileTests() {
$this->assertText('Installation profile module tests helper');
$edit = array(
'DrupalSystemListingCompatibleTestCase' => TRUE,
$this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Run tests'));
$this->assertText('DrupalSystemListingCompatibleTestCase test executed.');
* Verifies that tests in other installation profiles are not found.
* @see SimpleTestInstallationProfileModuleTestsTestCase
class SimpleTestOtherInstallationProfileModuleTestsTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* Use the Minimal profile.
* The Testing profile contains drupal_system_listing_compatible_test.test,
* which should not be found.
* @see SimpleTestInstallationProfileModuleTestsTestCase
* @see DrupalSystemListingCompatibleTestCase
protected $profile = 'minimal';
protected $admin_user;
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Other Installation profiles',
'description' => 'Verifies that tests in other installation profiles are not found.',
'group' => 'SimpleTest',
function setUp() {
$this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer unit tests'));
* Tests that tests located in another installation profile do not appear.
function testOtherInstallationProfile() {
$this->assertNoText('Installation profile module tests helper');
* Verifies that tests in other installation profiles are not found.
* @see SimpleTestInstallationProfileModuleTestsTestCase
class SimpleTestDiscoveryTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
* Use the Testing profile.
* The Testing profile contains drupal_system_listing_compatible_test.test,
* which attempts to:
* - run tests using the Minimal profile (which does not contain the
* drupal_system_listing_compatible_test.module)
* - but still install the drupal_system_listing_compatible_test.module
* contained in the Testing profile.
* @see DrupalSystemListingCompatibleTestCase
protected $profile = 'testing';
protected $admin_user;
public static function getInfo() {
return array(
'name' => 'Discovery of test classes',
'description' => 'Verifies that tests classes are discovered and can be autoloaded (class_exists).',
'group' => 'SimpleTest',
function setUp() {
$this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer unit tests'));
* Test discovery of PSR-0 test classes.
function testDiscoveryFunctions() {
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3') < 0) {
// Don't expect PSR-0 tests to be discovered on older PHP versions.
// TODO: What if we have cached values? Do we need to force a cache refresh?
$classes_all = simpletest_test_get_all();
foreach (array(
) as $class) {
$this->assert(!empty($classes_all['SimpleTest'][$class]), t('Class @class must be discovered by simpletest_test_get_all().', array('@class' => $class)));
* Tests existence of test cases.
function testDiscovery() {
// Tests within enabled modules.
// (without these, this test wouldn't happen in the first place, so this is
// a bit pointless. We still run it for proof-of-concept.)
// This one is defined in system module.
$this->assertText('Drupal error handlers');
// This one is defined in simpletest module.
$this->assertText('Discovery of test classes');
// Tests within disabled modules.
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3') < 0) {
// Don't expect PSR-0 tests to be discovered on older PHP versions.
// These are provided by simpletest itself via PSR-0 and PSR-4.
$this->assertText('PSR0 web test');
$this->assertText('PSR4 web test');
$this->assertText('PSR0 example test: PSR-0 in disabled modules.');
$this->assertText('PSR4 example test: PSR-4 in disabled modules.');
$this->assertText('PSR0 example test: PSR-0 in nested subfolders.');
$this->assertText('PSR4 example test: PSR-4 in nested subfolders.');
// Test each test individually.
foreach (array(
) as $class) {
$edit = array($class => TRUE);
$this->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Run tests'));
$this->assertText('The test run finished', t('Test @class must finish.', array('@class' => $class)));
$this->assertText('1 pass, 0 fails, and 0 exceptions', t('Test @class must pass.', array('@class' => $class)));