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* @file
* User page callback file for the user module.
* Menu callback; Retrieve a JSON object containing autocomplete suggestions for existing users.
function user_autocomplete($string = '') {
$matches = array();
if ($string) {
$result = db_select('users')->fields('users', array('name'))->condition('name', db_like($string) . '%', 'LIKE')->range(0, 10)->execute();
foreach ($result as $user) {
$matches[$user->name] = check_plain($user->name);
* Form builder; Request a password reset.
* @ingroup forms
* @see user_pass_validate()
* @see user_pass_submit()
function user_pass() {
global $user;
$form['name'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Username or e-mail address'),
'#size' => 60,
'#required' => TRUE,
'#default_value' => isset($_GET['name']) ? $_GET['name'] : '',
// Allow logged in users to request this also.
if ($user->uid > 0) {
$form['name']['#type'] = 'value';
$form['name']['#value'] = $user->mail;
$form['mail'] = array(
'#prefix' => '<p>',
// As of https://www.drupal.org/node/889772 the user no longer must log
// out (if they are still logged in when using the password reset link,
// they will be logged out automatically then), but this text is kept as
// is to avoid breaking translations as well as to encourage the user to
// log out manually at a time of their own choosing (when it will not
// interrupt anything else they may have been in the middle of doing).
'#markup' => t('Password reset instructions will be mailed to %email. You must log out to use the password reset link in the e-mail.', array('%email' => $user->mail)),
'#suffix' => '</p>',
$form['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions');
$form['actions']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('E-mail new password'));
return $form;
* Form validation handler for user_pass().
* @see user_pass_submit()
function user_pass_validate($form, &$form_state) {
if (isset($form_state['values']['name']) && !is_scalar($form_state['values']['name'])) {
form_set_error('name', t('An illegal value has been detected. Please contact the site administrator.'));
$user_pass_reset_ip_window = variable_get('user_pass_reset_ip_window', 3600);
// Do not allow any password reset from the current user's IP if the limit
// has been reached. Default is 50 attempts allowed in one hour. This is
// independent of the per-user limit to catch attempts from one IP to request
// resets for many different user accounts. We have a reasonably high limit
// since there may be only one apparent IP for all users at an institution.
if (!flood_is_allowed('pass_reset_ip', variable_get('user_pass_reset_ip_limit', 50), $user_pass_reset_ip_window)) {
form_set_error('name', t('Sorry, too many password reset attempts from your IP address. This IP address is temporarily blocked. Try again later or <a href="@url">request a new password</a>.', array('@url' => url('user/password'))));
// Always register an per-IP event.
flood_register_event('pass_reset_ip', $user_pass_reset_ip_window);
$name = trim($form_state['values']['name']);
// Try to load by email.
$users = user_load_multiple(array(), array('mail' => $name, 'status' => '1'));
$account = reset($users);
if (!$account) {
// No success, try to load by name.
$users = user_load_multiple(array(), array('name' => $name, 'status' => '1'));
$account = reset($users);
if (isset($account->uid)) {
// Register user flood events based on the uid only, so they can be cleared
// when a password is reset successfully.
$identifier = $account->uid;
$user_pass_reset_user_window = variable_get('user_pass_reset_user_window', 21600);
$user_pass_reset_user_limit = variable_get('user_pass_reset_user_limit', 5);
// Don't allow password reset if the limit for this user has been reached.
// Default is to allow 5 passwords resets every 6 hours.
if (!flood_is_allowed('pass_reset_user', $user_pass_reset_user_limit, $user_pass_reset_user_window, $identifier)) {
form_set_error('name', format_plural($user_pass_reset_user_limit, 'Sorry, there has been more than one password reset attempt for this account. It is temporarily blocked. Try again later or <a href="@url">login with your password</a>.', 'Sorry, there have been more than @count password reset attempts for this account. It is temporarily blocked. Try again later or <a href="@url">login with your password</a>.', array('@url' => url('user/login'))));
// Register a per-user event.
flood_register_event('pass_reset_user', $user_pass_reset_user_window, $identifier);
form_set_value(array('#parents' => array('account')), $account, $form_state);
* Form submission handler for user_pass().
* @see user_pass_validate()
function user_pass_submit($form, &$form_state) {
global $language;
$name = $form_state['values']['name'];
if (isset($form_state['values']['account'])) {
$account = $form_state['values']['account'];
// Mail one time login URL and instructions using current language.
$mail = _user_mail_notify('password_reset', $account, $language);
if (!empty($mail)) {
watchdog('user', 'Password reset instructions mailed to %name at %email.', array('%name' => $account->name, '%email' => $account->mail));
else {
watchdog('user', 'Password reset form was submitted with an unknown or inactive account: %name.', array('%name' => $name));
$password_reset_text = variable_get('user_password_reset_text', t('If %identifier is a valid account, an email will be sent with instructions to reset your password.'));
drupal_set_message(format_string($password_reset_text, array('%identifier' => $name)));
$form_state['redirect'] = 'user';
* Menu callback; process one time login link and redirects to the user page on success.
* In order to never disclose password reset hashes via referrer headers or
* web browser history, this function always issues a redirect when a valid
* password reset hash is in the URL.
function user_pass_reset($form, &$form_state, $uid, $timestamp, $hashed_pass, $action = NULL) {
global $user;
// Check for a reset hash in the session. Immediately remove it (to prevent it
// from being reused, for example if this page is visited again via the
// browser history) and store it for later use.
if (isset($_SESSION['pass_reset_hash'])) {
$session_reset_hash = $_SESSION['pass_reset_hash'];
else {
$session_reset_hash = NULL;
// When processing the one-time login link, we have to make sure that a user
// isn't already logged in.
if ($user->uid) {
// The existing user is already logged in. Log them out and reload the
// current page so the password reset process can continue.
if ($user->uid == $uid) {
// Preserve the current destination (if any) and ensure the redirect goes
// back to the current page; any custom destination set in
// hook_user_logout() and intended for regular logouts would not be
// appropriate here.
$destination = array();
if (isset($_GET['destination'])) {
$destination = drupal_get_destination();
drupal_goto(current_path(), array('query' => drupal_get_query_parameters() + $destination));
// A different user is already logged in on the computer.
else {
$reset_link_account = user_load($uid);
$is_valid = FALSE;
if (!empty($reset_link_account) && $timestamp >= $reset_link_account->login && $timestamp <= REQUEST_TIME) {
if ($hashed_pass == user_pass_rehash($reset_link_account->pass, $timestamp, $reset_link_account->login, $reset_link_account->uid, $reset_link_account->mail)) {
$is_valid = TRUE;
elseif ($session_reset_hash && $session_reset_hash == user_pass_rehash($reset_link_account->pass, $timestamp, $reset_link_account->login, $reset_link_account->uid, $reset_link_account->mail)) {
$is_valid = TRUE;
if ($is_valid) {
drupal_set_message(t('Another user (%other_user) is already logged into the site on this computer, but you tried to use a one-time link for user %resetting_user. Please <a href="!logout">logout</a> and try using the link again.',
array('%other_user' => $user->name, '%resetting_user' => $reset_link_account->name, '!logout' => url('user/logout'))), 'warning');
} else {
// Invalid one-time link specifies an unknown user.
drupal_set_message(t('The one-time login link you clicked is invalid.'), 'error');
else {
// Time out, in seconds, until login URL expires. Defaults to 24 hours =
// 86400 seconds.
$timeout = variable_get('user_password_reset_timeout', 86400);
$current = REQUEST_TIME;
// Some redundant checks for extra security ?
$users = user_load_multiple(array($uid), array('status' => '1'));
if ($timestamp <= $current && $account = reset($users)) {
// No time out for first time login.
if ($account->login && $current - $timestamp > $timeout) {
drupal_set_message(t('You have tried to use a one-time login link that has expired. Please request a new one using the form below.'), 'error');
// Validate the reset hash from the URL or from the session.
$is_valid = FALSE;
if ($account->uid && $timestamp >= $account->login && $timestamp <= $current) {
// If the reset hash in the URL is valid, put it in the session and
// redirect to the same URL but with the hash replaced by an invalid
// one ("confirm"). This prevents disclosing the hash via referrer
// headers or web browser history.
if ($hashed_pass == user_pass_rehash($account->pass, $timestamp, $account->login, $account->uid, $account->mail)) {
if ($action === 'login') {
// The 'login' action redirects directly to the user edit form.
$is_valid = TRUE;
else {
$_SESSION['pass_reset_hash'] = $hashed_pass;
$args = arg();
foreach ($args as &$arg) {
if ($arg == $hashed_pass) {
$arg = 'confirm';
$path = implode('/', $args);
drupal_goto($path, array('query' => drupal_get_query_parameters()));
// If the reset hash from the session is valid, use that.
elseif ($session_reset_hash && $session_reset_hash == user_pass_rehash($account->pass, $timestamp, $account->login, $account->uid, $account->mail)) {
$is_valid = TRUE;
if ($is_valid) {
// First stage is a confirmation form, then login
if ($action == 'login') {
if (variable_get('user_failed_login_identifier_uid_only', FALSE)) {
// Clear flood events based on the uid only if configured.
$identifier = $account->uid;
else {
// The default identifier is a combination of uid and IP address.
$identifier = $account->uid . '-' . ip_address();
// Only clear the user specific flood events. We cannot clear the more
// broad IP address flood events because that would open a
// vulnerability where an attacker with a valid account could use that
// to brute force other accounts.
flood_clear_event('failed_login_attempt_user', $identifier);
// Set the new user.
$user = $account;
// user_login_finalize() also updates the login timestamp of the
// user, which invalidates further use of the one-time login link.
// Clear any password reset flood events for this user.
flood_clear_event('pass_reset_user', $account->uid);
watchdog('user', 'User %name used one-time login link at time %timestamp.', array('%name' => $account->name, '%timestamp' => $timestamp));
drupal_set_message(t('You have just used your one-time login link. It is no longer necessary to use this link to log in. Please change your password.'));
// Let the user's password be changed without the current password check.
$token = drupal_random_key();
$_SESSION['pass_reset_' . $user->uid] = $token;
drupal_goto('user/' . $user->uid . '/edit', array('query' => array('pass-reset-token' => $token)));
else {
$form['message'] = array('#markup' => t('<p>This is a one-time login for %user_name and will expire on %expiration_date.</p><p>Click on this button to log in to the site and change your password.</p>', array('%user_name' => $account->name, '%expiration_date' => format_date($timestamp + $timeout))));
$form['help'] = array('#markup' => '<p>' . t('This login can be used only once.') . '</p>');
$form['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions');
$form['actions']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Log in'));
$form['#action'] = url("user/reset/$uid/$timestamp/$session_reset_hash/login");
// Prevent the browser from storing this page so that the token will
// not be visible in the form action if the back button is used to
// revisit this page.
drupal_add_http_header('Cache-Control', 'no-store');
return $form;
else {
drupal_set_message(t('You have tried to use a one-time login link that has either been used or is no longer valid. Please request a new one using the form below.'), 'error');
else {
// Deny access, no more clues.
// Everything will be in the watchdog's URL for the administrator to check.
* Menu callback; logs the current user out, and redirects to the home page.
function user_logout() {
* Logs the current user out.
function user_logout_current_user() {
global $user;
watchdog('user', 'Session closed for %name.', array('%name' => $user->name));
module_invoke_all('user_logout', $user);
// Destroy the current session, and reset $user to the anonymous user.
* Process variables for user-profile.tpl.php.
* @param array $variables
* An associative array containing:
* - elements: An associative array containing the user information and any
* fields attached to the user. Properties used:
* - #account: The user account of the profile being viewed.
* @see user-profile.tpl.php
function template_preprocess_user_profile(&$variables) {
$account = $variables['elements']['#account'];
// Helpful $user_profile variable for templates.
foreach (element_children($variables['elements']) as $key) {
$variables['user_profile'][$key] = $variables['elements'][$key];
// Preprocess fields.
field_attach_preprocess('user', $account, $variables['elements'], $variables);
* Process variables for user-profile-item.tpl.php.
* The $variables array contains the following arguments:
* - $element
* @see user-profile-item.tpl.php
function template_preprocess_user_profile_item(&$variables) {
$variables['title'] = $variables['element']['#title'];
$variables['value'] = $variables['element']['#markup'];
$variables['attributes'] = '';
if (isset($variables['element']['#attributes'])) {
$variables['attributes'] = drupal_attributes($variables['element']['#attributes']);
* Process variables for user-profile-category.tpl.php.
* The $variables array contains the following arguments:
* - $element
* @see user-profile-category.tpl.php
function template_preprocess_user_profile_category(&$variables) {
$variables['title'] = check_plain($variables['element']['#title']);
$variables['profile_items'] = $variables['element']['#children'];
$variables['attributes'] = '';
if (isset($variables['element']['#attributes'])) {
$variables['attributes'] = drupal_attributes($variables['element']['#attributes']);
* Form builder; edit a user account or one of their profile categories.
* @ingroup forms
* @see user_account_form()
* @see user_account_form_validate()
* @see user_profile_form_validate()
* @see user_profile_form_submit()
* @see user_cancel_confirm_form_submit()
function user_profile_form($form, &$form_state, $account, $category = 'account') {
global $user;
// During initial form build, add the entity to the form state for use during
// form building and processing. During a rebuild, use what is in the form
// state.
if (!isset($form_state['user'])) {
$form_state['user'] = $account;
else {
$account = $form_state['user'];
// @todo Legacy support. Modules are encouraged to access the entity using
// $form_state. Remove in Drupal 8.
$form['#user'] = $account;
$form['#user_category'] = $category;
if ($category == 'account') {
user_account_form($form, $form_state);
// Attach field widgets.
$langcode = entity_language('user', $account);
field_attach_form('user', $account, $form, $form_state, $langcode);
$form['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions');
$form['actions']['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Save'),
if ($category == 'account') {
$form['actions']['cancel'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Cancel account'),
'#submit' => array('user_edit_cancel_submit'),
'#access' => $account->uid > 1 && (($account->uid == $user->uid && user_access('cancel account')) || user_access('administer users')),
$form['#validate'][] = 'user_profile_form_validate';
// Add the final user profile form submit handler.
$form['#submit'][] = 'user_profile_form_submit';
return $form;
* Form validation handler for user_profile_form().
* @see user_profile_form_submit()
function user_profile_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
entity_form_field_validate('user', $form, $form_state);
* Form submission handler for user_profile_form().
* @see user_profile_form_validate()
function user_profile_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$account = $form_state['user'];
$category = $form['#user_category'];
// Remove unneeded values.
// Before updating the account entity, keep an unchanged copy for use with
// user_save() later. This is necessary for modules implementing the user
// hooks to be able to react on changes by comparing the values of $account
// and $edit.
$account_unchanged = clone $account;
entity_form_submit_build_entity('user', $account, $form, $form_state);
// Populate $edit with the properties of $account, which have been edited on
// this form by taking over all values, which appear in the form values too.
$edit = array_intersect_key((array) $account, $form_state['values']);
user_save($account_unchanged, $edit, $category);
$form_state['values']['uid'] = $account->uid;
if ($category == 'account' && !empty($edit['pass'])) {
// Remove the password reset tag since a new password was saved.
unset($_SESSION['pass_reset_'. $account->uid]);
// Clear the page cache because pages can contain usernames and/or profile information:
drupal_set_message(t('The changes have been saved.'));
* Submit function for the 'Cancel account' button on the user edit form.
function user_edit_cancel_submit($form, &$form_state) {
$destination = array();
if (isset($_GET['destination'])) {
$destination = drupal_get_destination();
// Note: We redirect from user/uid/edit to user/uid/cancel to make the tabs disappear.
$form_state['redirect'] = array("user/" . $form['#user']->uid . "/cancel", array('query' => $destination));
* Form builder; confirm form for cancelling user account.
* @ingroup forms
* @see user_edit_cancel_submit()
function user_cancel_confirm_form($form, &$form_state, $account) {
global $user;
$form['_account'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $account);
// Display account cancellation method selection, if allowed.
$admin_access = user_access('administer users');
$can_select_method = $admin_access || user_access('select account cancellation method');
$form['user_cancel_method'] = array(
'#type' => 'item',
'#title' => ($account->uid == $user->uid ? t('When cancelling your account') : t('When cancelling the account')),
'#access' => $can_select_method,
$form['user_cancel_method'] += user_cancel_methods();
// Allow user administrators to skip the account cancellation confirmation
// mail (by default), as long as they do not attempt to cancel their own
// account.
$override_access = $admin_access && ($account->uid != $user->uid);
$form['user_cancel_confirm'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Require e-mail confirmation to cancel account.'),
'#default_value' => ($override_access ? FALSE : TRUE),
'#access' => $override_access,
'#description' => t('When enabled, the user must confirm the account cancellation via e-mail.'),
// Also allow to send account canceled notification mail, if enabled.
$default_notify = variable_get('user_mail_status_canceled_notify', FALSE);
$form['user_cancel_notify'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Notify user when account is canceled.'),
'#default_value' => ($override_access ? FALSE : $default_notify),
'#access' => $override_access && $default_notify,
'#description' => t('When enabled, the user will receive an e-mail notification after the account has been cancelled.'),
// Prepare confirmation form page title and description.
if ($account->uid == $user->uid) {
$question = t('Are you sure you want to cancel your account?');
else {
$question = t('Are you sure you want to cancel the account %name?', array('%name' => $account->name));
$description = '';
if ($can_select_method) {
$description = t('Select the method to cancel the account above.');
foreach (element_children($form['user_cancel_method']) as $element) {
else {
// The radio button #description is used as description for the confirmation
// form.
foreach (element_children($form['user_cancel_method']) as $element) {
if ($form['user_cancel_method'][$element]['#default_value'] == $form['user_cancel_method'][$element]['#return_value']) {
$description = $form['user_cancel_method'][$element]['#description'];
// Always provide entity id in the same form key as in the entity edit form.
$form['uid'] = array('#type' => 'value', '#value' => $account->uid);
return confirm_form($form,
'user/' . $account->uid,
$description . ' ' . t('This action cannot be undone.'),
t('Cancel account'), t('Cancel'));
* Submit handler for the account cancellation confirm form.
* @see user_cancel_confirm_form()
* @see user_multiple_cancel_confirm_submit()
function user_cancel_confirm_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
global $user;
$account = $form_state['values']['_account'];
// Cancel account immediately, if the current user has administrative
// privileges, no confirmation mail shall be sent, and the user does not
// attempt to cancel the own account.
if (user_access('administer users') && empty($form_state['values']['user_cancel_confirm']) && $account->uid != $user->uid) {
user_cancel($form_state['values'], $account->uid, $form_state['values']['user_cancel_method']);
$form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/people';
else {
// Store cancelling method and whether to notify the user in $account for
// user_cancel_confirm().
$edit = array(
'user_cancel_method' => $form_state['values']['user_cancel_method'],
'user_cancel_notify' => $form_state['values']['user_cancel_notify'],
$account = user_save($account, $edit);
_user_mail_notify('cancel_confirm', $account);
drupal_set_message(t('A confirmation request to cancel your account has been sent to your e-mail address.'));
watchdog('user', 'Sent account cancellation request to %name %email.', array('%name' => $account->name, '%email' => '<' . $account->mail . '>'), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
$form_state['redirect'] = "user/$account->uid";
* Helper function to return available account cancellation methods.
* See documentation of hook_user_cancel_methods_alter().
* @return
* An array containing all account cancellation methods as form elements.
* @see hook_user_cancel_methods_alter()
* @see user_admin_settings()
* @see user_cancel_confirm_form()
* @see user_multiple_cancel_confirm()
function user_cancel_methods() {
$methods = array(
'user_cancel_block' => array(
'title' => t('Disable the account and keep its content.'),
'description' => t('Your account will be blocked and you will no longer be able to log in. All of your content will remain attributed to your user name.'),
'user_cancel_block_unpublish' => array(
'title' => t('Disable the account and unpublish its content.'),
'description' => t('Your account will be blocked and you will no longer be able to log in. All of your content will be hidden from everyone but administrators.'),
'user_cancel_reassign' => array(
'title' => t('Delete the account and make its content belong to the %anonymous-name user.', array('%anonymous-name' => variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous')))),
'description' => t('Your account will be removed and all account information deleted. All of your content will be assigned to the %anonymous-name user.', array('%anonymous-name' => variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous')))),
'user_cancel_delete' => array(
'title' => t('Delete the account and its content.'),
'description' => t('Your account will be removed and all account information deleted. All of your content will also be deleted.'),
'access' => user_access('administer users'),
// Allow modules to customize account cancellation methods.
drupal_alter('user_cancel_methods', $methods);
// Turn all methods into real form elements.
$default_method = variable_get('user_cancel_method', 'user_cancel_block');
foreach ($methods as $name => $method) {
$form[$name] = array(
'#type' => 'radio',
'#title' => $method['title'],
'#description' => (isset($method['description']) ? $method['description'] : NULL),
'#return_value' => $name,
'#default_value' => $default_method,
'#parents' => array('user_cancel_method'),
return $form;
* Menu callback; Cancel a user account via e-mail confirmation link.
* @see user_cancel_confirm_form()
* @see user_cancel_url()
function user_cancel_confirm($account, $timestamp = 0, $hashed_pass = '') {
// Time out in seconds until cancel URL expires; 24 hours = 86400 seconds.
$timeout = 86400;
$current = REQUEST_TIME;
// Basic validation of arguments.
if (isset($account->data['user_cancel_method']) && !empty($timestamp) && !empty($hashed_pass)) {
// Validate expiration and hashed password/login.
if ($timestamp <= $current && $current - $timestamp < $timeout && $account->uid && $timestamp >= $account->login && $hashed_pass == user_pass_rehash($account->pass, $timestamp, $account->login, $account->uid, $account->mail)) {
$edit = array(
'user_cancel_notify' => isset($account->data['user_cancel_notify']) ? $account->data['user_cancel_notify'] : variable_get('user_mail_status_canceled_notify', FALSE),
user_cancel($edit, $account->uid, $account->data['user_cancel_method']);
// Since user_cancel() is not invoked via Form API, batch processing needs
// to be invoked manually and should redirect to the front page after
// completion.
else {
drupal_set_message(t('You have tried to use an account cancellation link that has expired. Please request a new one using the form below.'), 'error');
* Page callback: Displays the user page.
* Displays user profile if user is logged in, or login form for anonymous
* users.
* @return
* A render array for either a user profile or a login form.
* @see user_view_page()
* @see user_login()
function user_page() {
global $user;
if ($user->uid) {
menu_set_active_item('user/' . $user->uid);
return menu_execute_active_handler(NULL, FALSE);
else {
return drupal_get_form('user_login');