'Pager functionality', 'description' => 'Tests pager functionality.', 'group' => 'Pager', ); } function setUp() { parent::setUp(array('dblog')); // Insert 300 log messages. for ($i = 0; $i < 300; $i++) { watchdog('pager_test', $this->randomString(), NULL, WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } $this->admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array( 'access site reports', )); $this->drupalLogin($this->admin_user); } /** * Tests markup and CSS classes of pager links. */ function testActiveClass() { // Verify first page. $this->drupalGet('admin/reports/dblog'); $current_page = 0; $this->assertPagerItems($current_page); // Verify any page but first/last. $current_page++; $this->drupalGet('admin/reports/dblog', array('query' => array('page' => $current_page))); $this->assertPagerItems($current_page); // Verify last page. $elements = $this->xpath('//li[contains(@class, :class)]/a', array(':class' => 'pager-last')); preg_match('@page=(\d+)@', $elements[0]['href'], $matches); $current_page = (int) $matches[1]; $this->drupalGet($GLOBALS['base_root'] . $elements[0]['href'], array('external' => TRUE)); $this->assertPagerItems($current_page); } /** * Tests theme_pager() when an empty quantity is passed. */ public function testThemePagerQuantityNotSet() { $variables = array( 'element' => 0, 'parameters' => array(), 'quantity' => '', 'tags' => '', ); pager_default_initialize(100, 10); $rendered_output = theme_pager($variables); $this->assertNotIdentical(stripos($rendered_output, 'next'), FALSE); $this->assertNotIdentical(stripos($rendered_output, 'last'), FALSE); } /** * Asserts pager items and links. * * @param int $current_page * The current pager page the internal browser is on. */ protected function assertPagerItems($current_page) { $elements = $this->xpath('//ul[@class=:class]/li', array(':class' => 'pager')); $this->assertTrue(!empty($elements), 'Pager found.'); // Make current page 1-based. $current_page++; // Extract first/previous and next/last items. // first/previous only exist, if the current page is not the first. if ($current_page > 1) { $first = array_shift($elements); $previous = array_shift($elements); } // next/last always exist, unless the current page is the last. if ($current_page != count($elements)) { $last = array_pop($elements); $next = array_pop($elements); } // Verify items and links to pages. foreach ($elements as $page => $element) { // Make item/page index 1-based. $page++; if ($current_page == $page) { $this->assertClass($element, 'pager-current', 'Item for current page has .pager-current class.'); $this->assertFalse(isset($element->a), 'Item for current page has no link.'); } else { $this->assertNoClass($element, 'pager-current', "Item for page $page has no .pager-current class."); $this->assertClass($element, 'pager-item', "Item for page $page has .pager-item class."); $this->assertTrue($element->a, "Link to page $page found."); $this->assertNoClass($element->a, 'active', "Link to page $page is not active."); } unset($elements[--$page]); } // Verify that no other items remain untested. $this->assertTrue(empty($elements), 'All expected items found.'); // Verify first/previous and next/last items and links. if (isset($first)) { $this->assertClass($first, 'pager-first', 'Item for first page has .pager-first class.'); $this->assertTrue($first->a, 'Link to first page found.'); $this->assertNoClass($first->a, 'active', 'Link to first page is not active.'); } if (isset($previous)) { $this->assertClass($previous, 'pager-previous', 'Item for first page has .pager-previous class.'); $this->assertTrue($previous->a, 'Link to previous page found.'); $this->assertNoClass($previous->a, 'active', 'Link to previous page is not active.'); } if (isset($next)) { $this->assertClass($next, 'pager-next', 'Item for next page has .pager-next class.'); $this->assertTrue($next->a, 'Link to next page found.'); $this->assertNoClass($next->a, 'active', 'Link to next page is not active.'); } if (isset($last)) { $this->assertClass($last, 'pager-last', 'Item for last page has .pager-last class.'); $this->assertTrue($last->a, 'Link to last page found.'); $this->assertNoClass($last->a, 'active', 'Link to last page is not active.'); } } /** * Asserts that an element has a given class. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $element * The element to test. * @param string $class * The class to assert. * @param string $message * (optional) A verbose message to output. */ protected function assertClass(SimpleXMLElement $element, $class, $message = NULL) { if (!isset($message)) { $message = "Class .$class found."; } $this->assertTrue(strpos($element['class'], $class) !== FALSE, $message); } /** * Asserts that an element does not have a given class. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $element * The element to test. * @param string $class * The class to assert. * @param string $message * (optional) A verbose message to output. */ protected function assertNoClass(SimpleXMLElement $element, $class, $message = NULL) { if (!isset($message)) { $message = "Class .$class not found."; } $this->assertTrue(strpos((string) $element['class'], $class) === FALSE, $message); } }