2. Log into NextCloud at [share.mayfirst.org](https://share.mayfirst.org/ ) and go to [Calendar](https://share.mayfirst.org/apps/calendar/ ).
3. Create your own business calendar to be shared with teammates.
4. Share the newly created calendar with the Agaric team by clicking "Share" and then typing in the usernames of each member (do not trust the autocomplete, you will likely have to type the full username before the account shows up).
0. In NextCloud web calendar, press the three dots (**···) next to the calendar (your own or a colleagues) which you'd like to have in Thunderbird and press **Copy private link**

1. In Thunderbird calendar view, right-click in the empty space below your calendar and selecting **New Calendar...**

3. Choose the **CalDAV** option, paste the private link from the first step in the **Location** text field (leave the username blank) and press the **Next** button

4. Give your calendar a name, sticking to the name used in NextCloud to the extent practical, and save the dialog, and you're done!