import pandas as pd import numpy as np # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt timelog = pd.read_csv("timelog-titled.csv") # Dump bad data. The real solution here is to get rid of the damned 'Cancel' # button on the Pomodoro Prompt dialog, but i don't know how to do that, so we # need to drop the rows where the work task description is blank, which is # coming in as not a number for reasons i'm not entirely clear on. Maybe # because it's the last row of the spreadsheet? Anyway we cannot do anything # with no data in the description, so drop them at the outset. timelog = timelog.dropna() timelog = timelog.reset_index(drop=True) # For debugging, keep original description around. timelog["orig_desc"] = timelog["description"] # Clean up description before we go to work on it. timelog['description'] = timelog['description'].str.strip() timelog["description"] = list(timelog["description"].str.split(";")) timelog = timelog.explode("description").reset_index() timelog["started"] = pd.to_datetime(timelog["started"]).dt.tz_convert("US/Eastern") timelog["recorded"] = pd.to_datetime(timelog["recorded"]).dt.tz_convert("US/Eastern") timelog["time"] = 30 # A pomodoro started before 3am Eastern time is considered to be a continuation # of the day before, so we are, effectively, on West Coast time for determining # the day we want to associate a time entry with. PomodoroPrompt saves as UTC. timelog["date"] = timelog["started"].dt.tz_convert("US/Pacific") timelog["day_of_week"] = pd.to_datetime(timelog["date"]).dt.day_name() # If a project has been specified (task prefixed with a colon), then put the # project in its own column. timelog['project'] = (np.where(timelog['description'].str.contains(': '), timelog['description'].str.split(': ', 1).str[0], None)) timelog['description'] = (np.where(timelog['description'].str.contains(': '), timelog['description'].str.split(': ', 1).str[1], timelog['description'])) # Mid-work clean up of description. timelog['description'] = timelog['description'].str.strip() # If a multiplier has been provided (an asterisk and an integer at the end of a # task), then multiply the time by it and remove it from the description. # Ensure we're splitting on the same asterisk we found: Use the end of string # signifier in the regular expression ($), and split from the right. timelog['tmp_multiplier'] = (np.where(timelog['description'].str.contains('\*\s*\d$'), timelog['description'].str.rsplit('*', 1).str[1].str.strip(), 1)) timelog['description'] = (np.where(timelog['description'].str.contains('\*\s*\d$'), timelog['description'].str.rsplit('*', 1).str[0], timelog['description'])) timelog["time"] = timelog["time"] * timelog['tmp_multiplier'].astype(int) timelog.drop(columns=['tmp_multiplier'], inplace=True) # Clean up description again, after it has been sliced and diced. timelog['description'] = timelog['description'].str.strip() # Condense duplicate entries by date, summing the minutes spent, and listing # the first started and last recorded times for each task. tl = timelog.groupby(["date", "project", "description"]).agg({"time": 'sum', "started": 'min', "recorded": 'max'}).reset_index()