# Parse timelogs for upload A script for converting basic timelogs to the formats for timetracking import. Initially for [Pomodoro Prompt](https://gitlab.com/agaric/python/pomodoroprompt) to Harvest and [Business Tracker](https://gitlab.com/novawebdevelopment/business-tracker) Pmodoro Prompt is extremely simplistic, and only has a description field and automatically saves the date. The time unit for each entry is half an hour. To import into a timetracking system of any sophistication, we need to parse our description and Harvest allows CSV import, with the fields: date,project,description If project doesn't exist it will create a new project. # Learning from this script and continuing development Rather than having to type out all 40 plus lines of data processing, you can also run the whole script in the interactive shell and play with it: After typing `python3` to get the interactive Python shell in this directory, you can do this line: ```python exec(open('pomodoro_to_harvest.py').read()) ``` And now you can interact with the resulting timelog DataFrame: ```python timelog.query("time>30").loc[:100,["description","time","orig_desc"]].tail(50) ```