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2018-06-20 21:38:13 -04:00
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<title>{{ options.title }}</title>
<meta name="description" content="">
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="kss-assets/kss.css">
{{ styles|raw }}
<body id="kss-node" {% if template.isItem %}class="kss-fullscreen-mode"{% endif %}>
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<header class="kss-header">
<a href="/"><h1 class="kss-doc-title">{{ options.title }}</h1></a>
<nav class="kss-nav">
<ul class="kss-nav__menu">
{% for menu_item in menu %}
<li class="kss-nav__menu-item">
<a class="kss-nav__menu-link" href="section-{{ menu_item.referenceURI }}.html">
<span class="kss-nav__name">{{ menu_item.header }}</span>
{% if menu_item.isActive and menu_item.children is not empty %}
<ul class="kss-nav__menu-child">
{% for menu_child in menu_item.children %}
<li class="kss-nav__menu-item">
<a class="kss-nav__menu-link" href="section-{{ menu_item.referenceURI }}.html#kssref-{{ menu_child.referenceURI }}">
<span class="kss-nav__name">{{ menu_child.header }}</span>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<article role="main" class="kss-main">
{% if template.isHomepage %}
{% if homepage %}
<div id="kssref-0" class="kss-section kss-section--depth-0 kss-overview kss-style">
{{ homepage|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
Display each section, in order.
The "root" element comes first in this loop, and can be detected using the
"loop.first" variable as seen below.
{% for section in sections %}
{% set sectionElement = loop.first ? 'div' : 'section' %}
<{{ sectionElement }} id="kssref-{{ section.referenceURI }}" class="kss-section kss-section--depth-{{ section.depth }} {% if template.isItem %}is-fullscreen{% endif %}">
<div class="kss-style">
{% set headerElement = (section.depth > 6) ? 'h6' : 'h' ~ section.depth %}
<{{ headerElement }} class="kss-title kss-title--level-{{ section.depth }}">
<a class="kss-title__permalink" href="#kssref-{{ section.referenceURI }}">
{{ section.header }}
</{{ headerElement }}>
{% if section.source.filename %}
<div class="kss-source kss-style">
Source: <code>{{ section.source.filename }}</code>, line {{ section.source.line }}
{% endif %}
{% if section.example %}
<p class="kss-toolbar">
{% if not template.isItem %}
<a href="#kssref-{{section.referenceURI}}" data-kss-fullscreen="kssref-{{section.referenceURI}}">
<span class="kss-toolbar__tooltip">Toggle full screen</span>
<svg class="off" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 64 64">
<path class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" d="M64 0v26l-10-10-12 12-6-6 12-12-10-10zM28 42l-12 12 10 10h-26v-26l10 10 12-12z"></path>
<svg class="on" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 64 64">
<path class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" d="M28 36v26l-10-10-12 12-6-6 12-12-10-10zM64 6l-12 12 10 10h-26v-26l10 10 12-12z"></path>
<a href="item-{{section.referenceURI}}.html" target="_blank">
<span class="kss-toolbar__tooltip">Open in new window</span>
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 64 64">
<rect x="0" y="20" width="40" height="44" fill="#fff"/>
<path class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" d="M40,64l-40,0l0,-44l40,0l0,44Zm-36,-40l0,36l32,0l0,-36l-32,0Z"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="0" y="20" width="40" height="10"/>
<rect x="24" y="0" width="40" height="44" fill="#fff"/>
<path class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" d="M64,44l-40,0l0,-44l40,0l0,44Zm-36,-40l0,36l32,0l0,-36l-32,0Z"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="24" y="0" width="40" height="10"/>
{% endif %}
<a href="#kssref-{{section.referenceURI}}" data-kss-guides="true">
<span class="kss-toolbar__tooltip">Toggle example guides</span>
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 64 64">
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="5" y="35" width="5" height="9"/>
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<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="54" y="35" width="5" height="9"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="5" y="21" width="5" height="9"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="5" y="0" width="5" height="15"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="35" y="5" width="9" height="5"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="20" y="5" width="9" height="5"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="0" y="5" width="15" height="5"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="54" y="0" width="5" height="15"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="49" y="5" width="15" height="5"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="54" y="49" width="5" height="15"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="49" y="54" width="15" height="5"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="5" y="49" width="5" height="15"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="0" y="54" width="15" height="5"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="35" y="54" width="9" height="5"/>
<rect class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" x="20" y="54" width="9" height="5"/>
<a href="#kssref-{{section.referenceURI}}" data-kss-markup="true">
<span class="kss-toolbar__tooltip">Toggle HTML markup</span>
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 64 64">
<path class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" d="M37.555,46.239l6.103,6.103l20.342,-20.342l-20.342,-20.342l-6.103,6.103l14.24,14.239l-14.24,14.239Z"/>
<path class="kss-toolbar__icon-fill" d="M26.445,17.761l-6.103,-6.103l-20.342,20.342l20.342,20.342l6.103,-6.103l-14.24,-14.239l14.24,-14.239Z"/>
{% endif %}
{% if section.description %}
<div class="kss-description">
{{ section.description|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% for parameter in section.parameters %}
{% if loop.first %}
<div class="kss-parameters__title">Parameters:</div>
<ul class="kss-parameters">
{% endif %}
<li class="kss-parameters__item">
<div class="kss-parameters__name"><code>{{ }}</code></div>
<div class="kss-parameters__description">
{{ parameter.description|raw }}
{% if parameter.defaultValue %}
<div class="kss-parameters__default-value">
Defaults to: <code>{{ parameter.defaultValue }}</code>
{% endif %}
{% if loop.last %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if section.example %}
<div class="kss-modifier__wrapper">
<div class="kss-modifier__heading kss-style">
Example{% if section.modifiers is not empty %}s{% endif %}
{% if section.modifiers is not empty %}
<div class="kss-modifier__default-name kss-style">
Default styling
{% endif %}
<div class="kss-modifier__example">
{{ section.example|raw }}
<div class="kss-modifier__example-footer"></div>
{% for modifier in section.modifiers %}
<div class="kss-modifier__name kss-style">
{{ }}
<div class="kss-modifier__description kss-style">
{{ modifier.description|raw }}
<div class="kss-modifier__example">
{{ modifier.markup|raw }}
<div class="kss-modifier__example-footer"></div>
{% endfor %}
{% if section.markup %}
<details class="kss-markup kss-style">
{% if section.markupFile %}
Markup: <code>{{ section.markupFile }}</code>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<pre class="prettyprint linenums lang-html"><code data-language="html">{{ section.markup|escape('html') }}</code></pre>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
</{{ sectionElement }}>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
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var spy = new ScrollSpy('#kss-node', {
nav: '.kss-nav__menu-child > li > a',
className: 'is-in-viewport'
var kssFullScreen = new KssFullScreen({
idPrefix: 'kss-fullscreen-',
bodyClass: 'kss-fullscreen-mode',
elementClass: 'is-fullscreen'
var kssGuides = new KssGuides({
bodyClass: 'kss-guides-mode'
var kssMarkup = new KssMarkup({
bodyClass: 'kss-markup-mode',
detailsClass: 'kss-markup'
{{ scripts|raw }}
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