Override unformatted view template from Octavia, no changes yet

This commit is contained in:
benjamin melançon 2018-11-12 11:10:42 -05:00
parent 52885edbbf
commit 0cacaf0002

View file

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
* @file
* Default theme implementation for an unformatted view display.
* If the display is configured to use Display Suite's alternating view modes,
* column classes are added appropriate to the view modes.
* @see http://bulma.io/documentation/columns/basics
* Available variables:
* - title: The title of this group of rows. May be empty.
* - rows: A list of the view's row items.
* - attributes: The row's HTML attributes.
* - content: The row's content.
* - view: The view object.
* - default_row_class: A flag indicating whether default classes should be
* used on rows.
* @see template_preprocess_views_view_unformatted()
* @ingroup themeable
View rows can be configured to have default classes per view mode. A child
template may define view_modes, which will be merged with the
default_view_modes below.
set default_view_modes = {
'__default': {
'row_classes': [
'is_grouped': false,
'group_limit': null,
'box': {
'row_classes': [
'is_grouped': false,
'group_limit': null,
'card': {
'row_classes': [
'is_grouped': false,
'group_limit': null,
'media': {
'row_classes': [
'is_grouped': true,
'group_limit': 4,
'simple_card': {
'row_classes': [
'is_grouped': false,
'group_limit': null,
'small_card': {
'row_classes': [
'is_grouped': false,
'group_limit': null,
'teaser': {
'row_classes': [
'is_grouped': false,
'group_limit': null,
{% set view_modes = view_modes ? default_view_modes|merge(view_modes) : default_view_modes %}
{% set has_view_mode = view.rowPlugin.options['view_mode'] is defined or view.rowPlugin.options['view_modes'] is defined %}
{% set view_mode = view.rowPlugin.options['view_mode'] ?? null %}
{# Add classes to the title, which is often the grouping field title. #}
set title_classes = [
{% set title_attributes = create_attribute().addClass(title_classes) %}
{# Only apply to page displays with a selected view mode. #}
{% if (not default_row_class) and has_view_mode %}
{# Make the title a full-width column. #}
{% set title_attributes = title_attributes.addClass(view_modes.__default.row_classes) %}
{# Determine if we use the alternating view modes. #}
{% set ds_alternating = (view.rowPlugin.options['alternating_fieldset']['alternating'] ?? false) %}
{% set ds_allpages = (view.rowPlugin.options['alternating_fieldset']['allpages'] ?? false) %}
{% set is_paged = view.getCurrentPage() ? true : false %}
{% set use_alternating_view_mode = (ds_alternating and (ds_allpages or not is_paged)) %}
{% set grouped_row = null %}
{% set consecutive_count = 0 %}
{% set previous_view_mode = null %}
{% set grouped_rows = {} %}
{% for row in rows %}
{# View mode is set per row when the view_modes option is present. #}
{% if view.rowPlugin.options['view_modes'] is defined and row.content['#view_mode'] is defined %}
{% set view_mode = row.content['#view_mode'] %}
{% endif %}
{% if use_alternating_view_mode %}
{% set view_mode = (view.rowPlugin.options['alternating_fieldset']['item_' ~ loop.index0] ?? view_mode) %}
{% endif %}
Add the previously set grouped_row if:
- we've switched view modes or
- we've reached the group_limit.
{% set group_limit = view_modes[view_mode]['group_limit'] ?? null %}
{% set row_classes = view_modes[view_mode]['row_classes'] ?? [] %}
{% set is_grouped = view_modes[view_mode]['is_grouped'] ?? false %}
{% if is_grouped %}
{% if consecutive_count == 0 %}
set grouped_row = {
'content': [row.content],
'attributes': row.attributes.addClass(row_classes),
{% set consecutive_count = 1 %}
{% else %}
{% set grouped_row = grouped_row|merge({ 'content': grouped_row.content|merge([row.content]) }) %}
{% if previous_view_mode == view_mode %}
{% set consecutive_count = (consecutive_count + 1) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Add the grouped_row if:
- we've reached the group_limit or
- we're at the last item.
{% if grouped_row and ((group_limit and (group_limit == consecutive_count)) or loop.last) %}
{% if consecutive_count > 1 %}
{% set grouped_row = grouped_row|merge({ 'attributes': grouped_row.attributes.addClass('has-grouped-items') }) %}
{% endif %}
{% set grouped_rows = grouped_rows|merge([grouped_row]) %}
{% set grouped_row = null %}
{% set consecutive_count = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set row = row|merge({ 'attributes': row.attributes.addClass(row_classes) }) %}
{% set grouped_rows = grouped_rows|merge([row]) %}
{% endif %}
{% set previous_view_mode = view_mode %}
{% endfor %}
{% set rows = grouped_rows %}
{% endif %}
{% if title %}
<h3{{ title_attributes }}>{{ title }}</h3>
{% endif %}
{% for row in rows %}
<div{{ row.attributes }}>
{{ row.content }}
{% endfor %}