
Style Guide


Styleguide Contents


This project contains SASS/CSS and markup samples for the Agaric.com website and any associated websites, including data.agaric.com. SASS source code is compiled to CSS. Handlebars templates are compiled to HTML markup examples.


The SASS/CSS code is built on the Bulma framework.


The markup examples are compiled by the Assemble static site generator. (It is not necessary to use this in your application.)


Here is a description of the directories:


Style Guide


Styleguide Contents


This project contains SASS/CSS and markup samples for the Agaric.com website and any associated websites, including data.agaric.com. SASS source code is compiled to CSS. Handlebars templates are compiled to HTML markup examples.


The SASS/CSS code is built on the Bulma framework.


The markup examples are comiled by the Assemble static site generator. (It is not necessary to use this in your application.)


Here is a description of the four directories:


Up and running


Up and running

  1. Install Grunt, npm install -g grunt-cli, and npm install -g grunt
  2. Go to the project directory: cd [PATH_TO_PROJECT]
  3. Install the node modules: npm install
  4. -
  5. Run the command grunt.
  6. +
  7. Run the command grunt.

Image Processing


Image Processing

Creating the duotone images can be accomplished using the ImageMagick library.

This is a two-step process. The first step is to create a black and white (grayscale) image:

convert test.jpg -colorspace Gray test_gray.jpg

The second step is to apply a color lookup table:

convert test_gray.jpg duo_cinnamon_clut.png -clut test_duo.jpg


The following duotone color lookup table .PNG files can be found in \sass\image-processing\:


The following duotone color lookup table .PNG files can be found in ..\..\static-layouts\image-processing\: