{{ title }}
{{ link }}
{{ link }}
+ {% for item in item_elements -%}
+ {# The only Rss.php-provided element that we aren't overriding is pubDate #}
+ {# TODO when online look up if there's an elegant way to filter a for loop #}
+ {% if item.key == 'pubDate' %}
+ <{{ item.key }}{{ item.attributes -}}
+ {% if item.value -%}
+ >{{ item.value }}{{ item.key }}>
+ {% else -%}
+ {{ ' />' }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {%- endfor %}
{{ link }}#comments
{# The RSS Teaser view mode *must* be configured to output the body paragraph
(summary) LAST; see below for why. #}
- {{ description|render|raw }}
+ {{ description }}
Read more and discuss at agaric.coop.
{# Opening description tag is in paragraph template used for description,
see field/field--field-body-paragraph--rss-teaser.html.twig and only the