# About the Agaric Pattern Library & Style Guide This living styleguide is powered by the same styles as power the Agaric site itself. Changes in `agaric/sass/agaric/` will be reflected both in the styleguide and ultimately on the live sites, so be cautious! ## Set up #### Use the right version of node with: `nvm use` _This command will look at your `.nvmrc` file and use the version node.js specified in it. This ensures all developers use the same version of node for consistency._ #### If that version of node isn't installed, install it with: `nvm install` #### Install npm dependencies with `npm install` _This command looks at `package.json` and installs all the npm dependencies specified in it. Some of the dependencies include grunt and grunt-sass._ ### Rebuild the style guide `grunt kss` ### Run the static design layouts `grunt` _This will open the static layouts in your browser. At the bottom you can click between them and to the style guide._ ## Contents The `agaric` folder contains the styles, as Sass .scss files, that we expect to be applicable to all Agaric-branded web applications. ### Markup examples and static layouts See `styleguide/index.html` for project info.