Style Guide

## Styleguide Contents

This project contains SASS/CSS and markup samples for the website and any associated websites, including SASS source code is compiled to CSS. Handlebars templates are compiled to HTML markup examples.

The SASS/CSS code is built on the [Bulma framework](

The markup examples are comiled by the [Assemble static site generator]( _(It is not necessary to use this in your application.)_

Here is a description of the four directories:

- **assets:** compiled CSS, fonts, and images for production
- **design-output:** compiled HTML
- **design-source:** the templates for the markup samples
- **sass:** the uncompiled SASS files

Here are the complete static layouts:

* [Home](../static-layouts/design-output/index.html)
* [Work](../static-layouts/design-output/work.html)
* [Case Study](../static-layouts/design-output/case_study.html)
* [Initiatives](../static-layouts/design-output/initiatives.html)
* [Initiative](../static-layouts/design-output/initiatives_initiative.html)
* [Team](../static-layouts/design-output/about_team.html)
* [Person](../static-layouts/design-output/about_team_member.html)
* [Events](../static-layouts/design-output/about_events.html)
* [Event](../static-layouts/design-output/about_events_event.html)
* [Insights](../static-layouts/design-output/insights.html)
* [Insight](../static-layouts/design-output/insights_insight.html)
* [Bulma Elements](../static-layouts/design-output/bulma.html)

At the bottom of each static layout there are links to one another and back to this styleguide.

## Up and running

1. Install Grunt, `npm install -g grunt-cli`, and `npm install -g grunt`
2. Go to the project directory: `cd [PATH_TO_PROJECT]`
3. Install the node modules: `npm install`
4. Run the command `grunt`.

## Image Processing

Creating the duotone images can be accomplished using the [ImageMagick library](

This is a two-step process. The first step is to create a black and white (grayscale) image:

`convert test.jpg -colorspace Gray test_gray.jpg`

The second step is to apply a color lookup table:

`convert test_gray.jpg duo_cinnamon_clut.png -clut test_duo.jpg`

The following duotone color lookup table .PNG files can be found in `..\..\static-layouts\image-processing\`:

* `duo_berry_clut.png`
* `duo_blue_clut.png`
* `duo_briteblue_clut.png`
* `duo_cinnamon_clut.png`
* `duo_dandelion_clut.png`
* `duo_marine_clut.png`