# The URL of your server (e.g. http://localhost:49871 or foobar.lndo.site) for browersync BROWSERSYNC: 'https://drupal-pece.ddev.site' # Gulp will reference these paths when it copies files PATHS: # Path to built css folder dist: "css" # Path to main scss files and settings for subtheme scss: "scss/*.scss" # Path to subtheme scss files componentScss: "scss/**/*.scss" # Paths to Sass libraries, which can then be loaded with @import foundationScss: - "node_modules/foundation-sites/scss" - "node_modules/motion-ui/src" # Path to custom JS js: "js/*.js" # Paths to Foundation JavaScript for webpack to bundle modules foundationJs: - "node_modules/foundation-sites/dist/js/*.js" - "node_modules/motion-ui/dist/*.js"