// ========= // This application file (THEMENAME.scss) is where all the partials are // imported. // // Do not name this file "peceful.scss". This file should be named // THEMENAME.scss. // // The first half of the file imports Zurb Foundation elements. // The second half is for you to included component files to // further customize the theme. // // Theme styles are categorized using SMACSS standards. Those categories are the // following: // // - Base: CSS reset/normalize plus HTML element styling. // - Layout: Macro arrangement of a web page, including any grid systems. // - Modules: Dictate minor layout modules or reusable elements. // - States: Describe the appearance of a module in various states. // - Theme: Specific customizations for your subtheme. // For more information about this new Drupal css file standard, please review // the following: // - https://drupal.org/node/1887922 // - http://smacss.com/ // ========= // ========= // Importing Zurb Foundation // // https://get.foundation/sites/docs/sass.html#adjusting-css-output // // Note: The following include statements import sass partials for corresponding // Foundation 6 features and components. If you do not need any of the features // listed below feel free to comment each line out and re-compile. // ========= // Make sure the charset is set appropriately @charset 'utf-8'; // --- Settings --- // This is your _settings.scss file where you can override foundation variables. // https://get.foundation/sites/docs/sass.html#the-settings-file @import "settings"; // --- Core --- // The following imports Zurb Foundation theme. @import "foundation"; @import "motion-ui"; // --- Components --- // If you want all the components, and don't care about // toggling any on or off, you can use this setting and comment // out the rest of the Foundation components. // @include foundation-everything($flex: false, $prototype: false); // Global styles @include foundation-global-styles; @include foundation-forms; @include foundation-typography; // Grids (choose one) @include foundation-xy-grid-classes; // @include foundation-grid; // @include foundation-flex-grid; // Generic components @include foundation-button; @include foundation-button-group; @include foundation-close-button; @include foundation-label; @include foundation-progress-bar; @include foundation-slider; @include foundation-range-input; @include foundation-switch; @include foundation-table; // Basic components @include foundation-badge; @include foundation-breadcrumbs; @include foundation-callout; @include foundation-card; @include foundation-dropdown; @include foundation-pagination; @include foundation-tooltip; // Containers @include foundation-accordion; @include foundation-media-object; @include foundation-orbit; @include foundation-responsive-embed; @include foundation-tabs; @include foundation-thumbnail; // Menu-based containers @include foundation-menu; @include foundation-menu-icon; @include foundation-accordion-menu; @include foundation-drilldown-menu; @include foundation-dropdown-menu; // Layout components @include foundation-off-canvas; @include foundation-reveal; @include foundation-sticky; @include foundation-title-bar; @include foundation-top-bar; // Helpers @include foundation-float-classes; @include foundation-flex-classes; @include foundation-visibility-classes; // Prototyping Utilities // https://get.foundation/sites/docs/prototyping-utilities.html // @include foundation-prototype-classes; // Motion UI // https://get.foundation/sites/docs/motion-ui.html @include motion-ui-transitions; @include motion-ui-animations; // ========= // Custom Components // // This is where to include any and all custom components for this // sub-theme. These can build off of, or overwrite Foundation's components. // As long as files start with an underscore, all the variables set in the // _settings.scss file can be used. // ========= // --- Base --- // Drupal-specific styles copied from base theme. (Required) @import "base/drupal"; // Import your mixins early so they can be used by other partials. (optional) // @import "base/mixins"; // @import "base/common"; // @import "base/elements"; // --- Layout --- // Each section of the document has it's own partial seperated out to improve // developer experience. Additionally, grids can be declared in layouts as well. //@import "layout/header"; //@import "layout/main"; //@import "layout/aside"; //@import "layout/footer"; // --- Modules --- // @import "modules/block"; // @import "modules/button"; // --- States --- // @import "states/collapse"; // --- Themes --- // @import "theme/button-light";