# Note: This is not directly taken from the sass-lint from zurb foundation code: # https://github.com/zurb/foundation-sites/blob/develop/.scss-lint.yml # This should align as closely as possible with Drupal code standards: # https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/standards/css/csscomb-settings-for-drupal-css-formatting-and-sort-tool options: formatter: stylish files: include: 'scss/**/*.scss' rules: # Extends extends-before-mixins: 1 extends-before-declarations: 1 placeholder-in-extend: 1 # Mixins mixins-before-declarations: 1 # Line Spacing one-declaration-per-line: 1 empty-line-between-blocks: 1 single-line-per-selector: 1 # Disallows no-attribute-selectors: 0 no-color-hex: 0 no-color-keywords: 1 no-color-literals: 1 no-combinators: 0 no-css-comments: 0 no-debug: 1 no-disallowed-properties: 0 no-duplicate-properties: 0 no-empty-rulesets: 1 no-extends: 0 no-ids: 0 no-important: 1 no-invalid-hex: 1 no-mergeable-selectors: 1 no-misspelled-properties: 1 no-qualifying-elements: 1 no-trailing-whitespace: 1 no-trailing-zero: 1 no-transition-all: 1 no-universal-selectors: 0 no-url-domains: 1 no-url-protocols: 1 no-vendor-prefixes: 0 no-warn: 1 property-units: 0 # Nesting declarations-before-nesting: 1 force-attribute-nesting: 1 force-element-nesting: 1 force-pseudo-nesting: 1 # Name Formats class-name-format: - 1 - convention: hyphenatedbem function-name-format: 1 id-name-format: 0 mixin-name-format: 1 placeholder-name-format: 1 variable-name-format: 1 # Style Guide attribute-quotes: 1 bem-depth: 0 border-zero: 1 brace-style: 1 clean-import-paths: 1 empty-args: 1 hex-length: 1 hex-notation: 1 indentation: 1 leading-zero: 1 max-line-length: 0 max-file-line-count: 0 nesting-depth: 1 property-sort-order: - 1 - ignore-custom-properties: true order: # Specific - CSS property order # https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/standards/css/csscomb-settings-for-drupal-css-formatting-and-sort-tool - '$charset' - '$import' - '$namespace' - '$extend' - '$variable' - '$include' # Position - 'position' - 'z-index' - 'top' - 'right' - 'bottom' - 'left' # Disposition - 'display' - 'flex' - 'flex-basis' - 'flex-direction' - 'flex-flow' - 'flex-grow' - 'flex-shrink' - 'flex-wrap' - 'justify-content' - 'order' - 'box-align' - 'box-flex' - 'box-orient' - 'box-pack' - 'align-content' - 'align-items' - 'align-self' - 'columns' - 'column-gap' - 'column-fill' - 'column-rule' - 'column-span' - 'column-count' - 'column-width' - 'vertical-align' - 'float' - 'clear' # Dimension - 'box-sizing' - 'width' - 'min-width' - 'max-width' - 'height' - 'min-height' - 'max-height' - 'margin' - 'margin-top' - 'margin-right' - 'margin-bottom' - 'margin-left' - 'margin-collapse' - 'margin-top-collapse' - 'margin-right-collapse' - 'margin-bottom-collapse' - 'margin-left-collapse' - 'padding' - 'padding-top' - 'padding-right' - 'padding-bottom' - 'padding-left' # Global appearance - 'appearance' - 'opacity' - 'filter' - 'visibility' - 'size' - 'resize' - 'zoom' - 'transform' - 'transform-box' - 'transform-origin' - 'transform-style' # Border - 'outline' - 'outline-color' - 'outline-offset' - 'outline-style' - 'outline-width' - 'border' - 'border-top' - 'border-right' - 'border-bottom' - 'border-left' - 'border-width' - 'border-top-width' - 'border-right-width' - 'border-bottom-width' - 'border-left-width' - 'border-style' - 'border-top-style' - 'border-right-style' - 'border-bottom-style' - 'border-left-style' - 'border-radius' - 'border-top-left-radius' - 'border-top-right-radius' - 'border-bottom-right-radius' - 'border-bottom-left-radius' - 'border-radius-topleft' - 'border-radius-topright' - 'border-radius-bottomright' - 'border-radius-bottomleft' - 'border-color' - 'border-top-color' - 'border-right-color' - 'border-bottom-color' - 'border-left-color' - 'border-collapse' - 'border-spacing' # Background - 'background' - 'background-image' - 'background-color' - 'background-attachment' - 'background-clip' - 'background-origin' - 'background-position' - 'background-repeat' - 'background-size' # Shadow - 'box-shadow' # Animation - 'animation' - 'animation-delay' - 'animation-duration' - 'animation-iteration-count' - 'animation-name' - 'animation-play-state' - 'animation-timing-function' - 'animation-fill-mode' - 'transition' - 'transition-delay' - 'transition-duration' - 'transition-property' - 'transition-timing-function' # Content - 'content' - 'list-style' - 'list-style-image' - 'list-style-position' - 'list-style-type' - 'overflow' - 'overflow-x' - 'overflow-y' - 'clip' # Text - 'font' - 'font-family' - 'font-size' - 'font-smoothing' - 'osx-font-smoothing' - 'font-style' - 'font-variant' - 'font-weight' - 'src' - 'word-spacing' - 'letter-spacing' - 'line-height' - 'color' - 'direction' - 'text-align' - 'text-decoration' - 'text-indent' - 'text-overflow' - 'text-rendering' - 'text-size-adjust' - 'text-shadow' - 'text-transform' - 'white-space' - 'word-break' - 'word-wrap' - 'hyphens' - 'quotes' # Divers - 'pointer-events' - 'cursor' - 'backface-visibility' - 'caption-side' - 'empty-cells' - 'table-layout' - 'user-select' - 'interpolation-mode' - 'marks' - 'page' - 'set-link-source' - 'unicode-bidi' - 'speak' pseudo-element: 0 quotes: - 1 - style: double shorthand-values: 1 url-quotes: 1 variable-for-property: 1 zero-unit: 1 # Inner Spacing space-after-comma: 0 space-before-colon: 1 space-after-colon: 1 space-before-brace: 1 space-before-bang: 1 space-after-bang: 1 space-between-parens: 1 space-around-operator: 1 # Final Items trailing-semicolon: 1 final-newline: 1