uuid: e38bc945-3a73-42f8-9851-242be14f88ed langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - drutopia_site id: config_sync.module.drutopia_site snapshotSet: config_sync extensionType: module extensionName: drutopia_site items: - collection: '' name: block_content.type.basic data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: { } id: basic label: 'Basic block' revision: 0 description: 'A basic block contains a title and a body.' _core: default_config_hash: zglzjmYxi0G0ag9MZ02y0LSJOdpWRwJxyP_OvFojFyo - collection: '' name: block_content.type.slide data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: { } id: slide label: Slide revision: 1 description: '' _core: default_config_hash: pOGP3cCvZKJh3KvC3N1wt5CzxZgG0DOu7KDyFMi3gZw - collection: '' name: contact.form.feedback data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: { } id: feedback label: 'Website feedback' recipients: - admin@example.com reply: '' weight: 0 message: 'Your message has been sent.' redirect: '' _core: default_config_hash: vymHlgJy26BuI5GGj9-IXjwR3dRC5C0tij4BpWJnoqw - collection: '' name: core.entity_form_display.block_content.basic.default data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - block_content.type.basic - field.field.block_content.basic.body module: - text id: block_content.basic.default targetEntityType: block_content bundle: basic mode: default content: body: type: text_textarea_with_summary weight: -4 settings: rows: 9 summary_rows: 3 placeholder: '' third_party_settings: { } region: content info: type: string_textfield weight: -5 settings: size: 60 placeholder: '' third_party_settings: { } region: content hidden: { } _core: default_config_hash: 6qtUzM5E9WGaNTRlMmYhrScXEP509jFMzRWm3gqFXvQ - collection: '' name: core.entity_form_display.block_content.slide.default data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - block_content.type.slide - field.field.block_content.slide.field_slide module: - paragraphs id: block_content.slide.default targetEntityType: block_content bundle: slide mode: default content: field_slide: type: entity_reference_paragraphs weight: 26 settings: title: Paragraph title_plural: Paragraphs edit_mode: open add_mode: dropdown form_display_mode: default default_paragraph_type: '' third_party_settings: { } region: content info: type: string_textfield weight: -5 region: content settings: size: 60 placeholder: '' third_party_settings: { } hidden: { } _core: default_config_hash: 7cKjgY8GVkmEzOYGZdSAsWt1T5V3L5rEKw19Llx246c - collection: '' name: core.entity_view_display.block_content.basic.default data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - block_content.type.basic - field.field.block_content.basic.body module: - text id: block_content.basic.default targetEntityType: block_content bundle: basic mode: default content: body: label: hidden type: text_default weight: 0 settings: { } third_party_settings: { } region: content hidden: search_api_excerpt: true _core: default_config_hash: CmZdrveBfdzcVjaY5Iy891AdoO9AoBMJ4pdhu0WwXkI - collection: '' name: core.entity_view_display.block_content.slide.columnar data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - block_content.type.slide - core.entity_view_mode.block_content.columnar - field.field.block_content.slide.field_slide module: - ds - entity_reference_revisions id: block_content.slide.columnar targetEntityType: block_content bundle: slide mode: columnar content: field_slide: type: entity_reference_revisions_entity_view weight: 0 label: hidden settings: view_mode: columnar link: '' third_party_settings: ds: ds_limit: '' region: content hidden: search_api_excerpt: true _core: default_config_hash: Qy6nDH_-O3SoksTn8t8slyCbTE2fP_sYtISt1_hZKZc - collection: '' name: core.entity_view_display.block_content.slide.default data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - block_content.type.slide - field.field.block_content.slide.field_slide module: - entity_reference_revisions id: block_content.slide.default targetEntityType: block_content bundle: slide mode: default content: field_slide: type: entity_reference_revisions_entity_view weight: 0 label: hidden settings: view_mode: default link: '' third_party_settings: { } region: content hidden: search_api_excerpt: true _core: default_config_hash: Ifn3KdN-1MT1MGhO0hGpyV6avfoMPpy6q2yuD5tsEgg - collection: '' name: editor.editor.basic_html data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - filter.format.basic_html module: - ckeditor5 format: basic_html editor: ckeditor5 settings: toolbar: items: - bold - italic - '|' - link - '|' - bulletedList - numberedList - '|' - blockQuote - drupalInsertImage - '|' - heading - code - '|' - sourceEditing plugins: ckeditor5_heading: enabled_headings: - heading2 - heading3 - heading4 - heading5 - heading6 ckeditor5_imageResize: allow_resize: true ckeditor5_list: reversed: false startIndex: true ckeditor5_sourceEditing: allowed_tags: - '<cite>' - '<dl>' - '<dt>' - '<dd>' - '<a hreflang>' - '<blockquote cite>' - '<ul type>' - '<ol start type>' - '<h2 id>' - '<h3 id>' - '<h4 id>' - '<h5 id>' - '<h6 id>' image_upload: status: true scheme: public directory: inline-images max_size: '' max_dimensions: width: 0 height: 0 _core: default_config_hash: lZlUTSJqWaN3iU0I0fhvQVgqf4ps9fxPPC-g_9aWIRc - collection: '' name: editor.editor.full_html data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - filter.format.full_html module: - ckeditor5 format: full_html editor: ckeditor5 settings: toolbar: items: - bold - italic - underline - strikethrough - code - superscript - subscript - removeFormat - '|' - link - '|' - bulletedList - numberedList - '|' - blockQuote - drupalInsertImage - insertTable - specialCharacters - horizontalLine - '|' - heading - '|' - undo - redo - sourceEditing plugins: ckeditor5_heading: enabled_headings: - heading2 - heading3 - heading4 - heading5 - heading6 ckeditor5_imageResize: allow_resize: true ckeditor5_list: reversed: true startIndex: true ckeditor5_sourceEditing: allowed_tags: { } image_upload: status: true scheme: public directory: inline-images max_size: '' max_dimensions: width: 0 height: 0 _core: default_config_hash: xaB_r7M0ei85xf3DREBJ7vg7cWRdpnGUqxRNGcjsO3w - collection: '' name: field.field.block_content.basic.body data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - block_content.type.basic - field.storage.block_content.body module: - text id: block_content.basic.body field_name: body entity_type: block_content bundle: basic label: Body description: '' required: false translatable: true default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: display_summary: false required_summary: false allowed_formats: { } field_type: text_with_summary _core: default_config_hash: j00Gfs9AFqwK4x9RIsISLbPO7vA12psPR4s60wOIwQo - collection: '' name: field.field.block_content.slide.field_slide data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - block_content.type.slide - field.storage.block_content.field_slide - paragraphs.paragraphs_type.slide module: - entity_reference_revisions id: block_content.slide.field_slide field_name: field_slide entity_type: block_content bundle: slide label: Slide description: 'Adds a Slide paragraph to a custom block' required: false translatable: false default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: handler: 'default:paragraph' handler_settings: target_bundles: slide: slide target_bundles_drag_drop: file: weight: 6 enabled: false image: weight: 7 enabled: false slide: enabled: true weight: 8 text: weight: 9 enabled: false update: weight: 10 enabled: false field_type: entity_reference_revisions _core: default_config_hash: DTGKvSTSWQLuPM_GVGwvK_Uqu5RQfCkI6pyro9U2PVw - collection: '' name: filter.format.basic_html data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - editor name: 'Basic HTML' format: basic_html weight: 0 filters: filter_html: id: filter_html provider: filter status: true weight: -10 settings: allowed_html: '<a href hreflang> <em> <strong> <cite> <blockquote cite> <code> <ul type> <ol start type> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <h2 id> <h3 id> <h4 id> <h5 id> <h6 id> <p> <br> <span> <img src alt height width data-entity-type data-entity-uuid data-align data-caption>' filter_html_help: false filter_html_nofollow: false filter_align: id: filter_align provider: filter status: true weight: 7 settings: { } filter_caption: id: filter_caption provider: filter status: true weight: 8 settings: { } filter_html_image_secure: id: filter_html_image_secure provider: filter status: true weight: 9 settings: { } editor_file_reference: id: editor_file_reference provider: editor status: true weight: 11 settings: { } _core: default_config_hash: 73bBl0mQ4I5Md9_FoI1V9MErX_I6ykC9gNKwLqb80Ko - collection: '' name: filter.format.full_html data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - editor name: 'Full HTML' format: full_html weight: 1 filters: filter_align: id: filter_align provider: filter status: true weight: 8 settings: { } filter_caption: id: filter_caption provider: filter status: true weight: 9 settings: { } filter_htmlcorrector: id: filter_htmlcorrector provider: filter status: true weight: 10 settings: { } editor_file_reference: id: editor_file_reference provider: editor status: true weight: 11 settings: { } filter_html: id: filter_html provider: filter status: false weight: -10 settings: allowed_html: '' filter_html_help: true filter_html_nofollow: false _core: default_config_hash: KMhXYrB50PHlC9zRDcIi-BZAV9qSWhsxVvhznwJBvUM - collection: '' name: filter.format.restricted_html data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: { } name: 'Restricted HTML' format: restricted_html weight: 0 filters: filter_html: id: filter_html provider: filter status: true weight: -10 settings: allowed_html: '<a href hreflang> <em> <strong> <cite> <blockquote cite> <code> <ul type> <ol start type> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <h2 id> <h3 id> <h4 id> <h5 id> <h6 id>' filter_html_help: true filter_html_nofollow: false filter_autop: id: filter_autop provider: filter status: true weight: 0 settings: { } filter_url: id: filter_url provider: filter status: true weight: 0 settings: filter_url_length: 72 _core: default_config_hash: svzvsrZlfyHwBHGze539jJhmQPyb-CLVSc_jNHreKLw