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/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/
'use strict';
// Include gulp
var gulp = require('gulp');
// Include Our Plugins
var sync = require('browser-sync');
var runSequence = require('run-sequence');
// Include Our tasks.
// Each task is broken apart to it's own node module.
// Check out the ./gulp-tasks directory for more.
var taskCompile = require('./gulp-tasks/compile.js');
var taskMove = require('./gulp-tasks/move.js');
var taskLint = require('./gulp-tasks/lint.js');
var taskCompress = require('./gulp-tasks/compress.js');
var taskClean = require('./gulp-tasks/clean.js');
var taskStyleGuide = require('./gulp-tasks/styleguide.js');
var taskConcat = require('./gulp-tasks/concat.js');
// Compile Our Sass and JS
// We also move some files if they don't need
// to be compiled.
gulp.task('compile', ['compile:sass', 'compile:js', 'move:js']);
// Compile Sass
gulp.task('compile:sass', function() {
return taskCompile.sass();
// Compile JavaScript ES2015 to ES5.
gulp.task('compile:js', function() {
return taskCompile.js();
// If some JS components aren't es6 we want to simply move them
// into the dist folder. This allows us to clean the dist/js
// folder on build.
gulp.task('move:js', function() {
return taskMove.js();
// Lint Sass and JavaScript
gulp.task('lint', ['lint:sass', 'lint:js']);
// Lint Sass based on .sass-lint.yml config.
gulp.task('lint:sass', function () {
return taskLint.sass();
// Lint JavaScript based on .eslintrc config.
gulp.task('lint:js', function () {
return taskLint.js();
// Compress Files
gulp.task('compress', function() {
return taskCompress.assets();
// Generate style guide
gulp.task('styleguide', function() {
return taskStyleGuide.generate(__dirname);
// Concat all CSS files into a master bundle.
gulp.task('concat', function () {
return taskConcat.css();
// Clean all directories.
gulp.task('clean', ['clean:css', 'clean:js', 'clean:styleguide']);
// Clean style guide files.
gulp.task('clean:styleguide', function () {
return taskClean.styleguide();
// Clean CSS files.
gulp.task('clean:css', function () {
return taskClean.css();
// Clean JS files.
gulp.task('clean:js', function () {
return taskClean.js();
// Watch and recompile sass.
// Pull the sass watch task out so we can use run sequence.
gulp.task('watch:sass', function(callback) {
['lint:sass', 'compile:sass'],
// Main watch task.
gulp.task('watch', function() {
// BrowserSync proxy setup
// Uncomment this and swap proxy with your local env url.
// NOTE: for this to work in Drupal, you must install and enable
// This module should
// NOT be committed to the repo OR enabled on production.
// This should work out of the box for work within the style guide.
// sync.init({
// open: false,
// proxy: 'http://test.mcdev'
// });
// Watch all my sass files and compile sass if a file changes.
// Watch all my JS files and compile if a file changes.[
], ['lint:js', 'compile:js']);
// Watch all my twig files and rebuild the style guide if a file changes.
// Reload the browser if the style guide is updated.
gulp.task('watch:styleguide', ['styleguide'], sync.reload);
// Default Task
// runSequence runs 'clean' first, and when that finishes
// 'lint', 'compile', 'compress', 'styleguide' run
// at the same time. 'concat' runs last.
gulp.task('default', function(callback) {
['lint', 'compile', 'compress', 'styleguide'],