The path in the `upgrade_d7_file.yml` migration file is different because this is executed inside the docker container so in the docker container the <ProjectRoot> is: `/var/www/html/` but no need to re-create those folders in the host machine.
Use `ddev describe` to see what the host and port are for your local environment, and use that in the first line here:
mysql --host= --port=32779 --user=root --password=root --database=db
GRANT ALL ON drupal7.* to 'db'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'db';
Now `ctrl+c` out of there, and, again substituting the host and port for your own, import your file from whereever you placed and named your db SQL dump:
1. Ensure the files you need are uploaded to the server. Obtain the latest from the prior site: database, and files. Upload these to the server (e.g. `scp *.gz`) and we'll extract them there.
1. If a deployment has been performed already, it must be moved out of the way by removing existing databases. Log into the server (`ssh`) and remove the database(s):
- Unzip the uploaded database file (this expects there to be only ONE such file): `gunzip *.mysql.gz`
- Rename the database file: `mv *.mysql geo_legacy.sql`
- Unpack the files, but first cd to where they go (again, there should only be ONE file ending in .tar.gz in home): `cd site/d7/sites/default/files/` and untar: `tar xzf ~/*.tar.gz` (this will take a minute/two).
- The server side is ready! Log off by typing `ctrl+d`