body:"Hi [comment-subscribed:author],\r\n\r\n[comment:author] has commented on: \"[node:title]\"\r\n\r\n----\r\n[comment:title]\r\n[comment:body]\r\n----\r\n\r\nYou can view the comment at the following url\r\n[comment:url]\r\n\r\nYou can stop receiving emails when someone replies to this post,\r\nby going to [comment-subscribed:unsubscribe-url]\r\n\r\nYou can set up auto-following feature for all future posts\r\nby creating your own user with a few clicks here [site:login-url]\r\n\r\n-- [site:name] team\r\n[site:url]\r\n"
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