There's an error in the update hooks about url alias table not found, but confirmed that all the entries in `old_5ebc14_url_alias` also exist in the new `path_alias` table, so whatever happened there, nothing is lost in the upgrade.
The path in the `upgrade_d7_file.yml` migration file is different because this is executed inside the docker container so in the docker container the <ProjectRoot> is: `/var/www/html/` but no need to re-create those folders in the host machine.
Use `ddev describe` to see what the host and port are for your local environment, and use that in the first line here:
mysql --host= --port=32779 --user=root --password=root --database=db
GRANT ALL ON drupal7.* to 'db'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'db';
Now `ctrl+c` out of there, and, again substituting the host and port for your own, import your file from whereever you placed and named your db SQL dump:
- Obtain the latest from the prior site via [Migrate and Backup]( database, and public files, as two separate downloads. The following commands assume the files saved as `files.tar.gz` and `database.sql.gz`
- Upload these to the server: `scp *.gz`
- SSH to server: `ssh`
- Unzip the uploaded database file: `gunzip database.sql.gz`
- Drop the existing tables: ` geo_legacy`
- Reload the uploaded database: `mysql geo_legacy < database.sql`
- Change to the files folder and untar them: `cd site/d7/sites/default/files/` and then: `tar xzf ~/files.tar.gz` (this will take a couple minutes).
1. Now perform a deployment with drutopia_hosting. This will install the site using the minimal profile and existing config. Set the vars accordingly (drupal_install and drupal_forceinstall must be True), if needed: `ahoy vault-edit`
- Deploy a new build, as needed: `ahoy deploy-build news`
- Deploy the site. With a forced re-install, a migration will be performed automatically: `ahoy deploy-site geo_live`