diff --git a/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.charts.yml b/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.charts.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20a070c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.charts.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+uuid: 9e67a143-2ccc-4837-aaf4-9ebdb0889b7b
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - charts
+id: config_sync.module.charts
+snapshotSet: config_sync
+extensionType: module
+extensionName: charts
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: charts.settings
+ data:
+ dependencies: { }
+ charts_default_settings:
+ library: ''
+ type: line
+ display:
+ title: ''
+ subtitle: ''
+ colors:
+ - '#006fb0'
+ - '#f07c33'
+ - '#342e9c'
+ - '#579b17'
+ - '#3f067a'
+ - '#cbde67'
+ - '#7643b6'
+ - '#738d00'
+ - '#c157c7'
+ - '#02dab1'
+ - '#ed56b4'
+ - '#d8d981'
+ - '#004695'
+ - '#736000'
+ - '#a5a5ff'
+ - '#833a00'
+ - '#ff9ee9'
+ - '#684507'
+ - '#fe4f85'
+ - '#5d0011'
+ - '#ffa67b'
+ - '#88005c'
+ - '#ff9b8f'
+ - '#85000f'
+ - '#ff7581'
+ color_changer: false
+ title_position: out
+ tooltips: true
+ tooltips_use_html: false
+ data_markers: false
+ data_labels: false
+ legend: false
+ legend_position: right
+ background: ''
+ three_dimensional: 0
+ polar: 0
+ dimensions:
+ width: ''
+ width_units: '%'
+ height: ''
+ height_units: ''
+ gauge:
+ max: '100'
+ min: '0'
+ green_from: '85'
+ green_to: '100'
+ yellow_from: '50'
+ yellow_to: '85'
+ red_from: '0'
+ red_to: '50'
+ xaxis:
+ title: ''
+ labels_rotation: '0'
+ yaxis:
+ title: ''
+ min: ''
+ max: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ decimal_count: ''
+ labels_rotation: '0'
+ advanced:
+ debug: false
+ requirements:
+ cdn: true
+ _core:
+ default_config_hash: wZ5T1cqvSG3zUPxdtz_BgdBiNjgy1K1Al-L3iT7sPh8
diff --git a/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.tour.yml b/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.tour.yml
index 55054ba..b55e7e7 100644
--- a/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.tour.yml
+++ b/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.tour.yml
@@ -8,4 +8,140 @@ id: config_sync.module.tour
snapshotSet: config_sync
extensionType: module
extensionName: tour
-items: { }
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: tour.tour.block-layout
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ module:
+ - block
+ id: block-layout
+ label: 'Block Layout Page'
+ module: block
+ routes:
+ -
+ route_name: block.admin_display
+ tips:
+ block-layout:
+ id: block-layout
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Block Layout'
+ weight: 1
+ body: 'Blocks are boxes of content rendered into an area, or region, of a web page that can be displayed in regions (such as footer or sidebar) on your page.'
+ place-block:
+ id: place-block
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Place Blocks'
+ weight: 2
+ selector: .button--small
+ body: 'Any custom or contributed block can be added to a particular region by clicking on a button Place block. A new block can also be created by clicking on Place Block'
+ block-region:
+ id: block-region
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Block Region'
+ weight: 3
+ selector: .block-region-select
+ body: 'Assign or change the region of a block by clicking here. A dropdown list with all the regions will appear. You can place one block in multiple regions.'
+ configure-block:
+ id: configure-block
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Configure Block'
+ weight: 4
+ selector: .dropbutton-widget
+ body: 'By Clicking on "Configure" you can go ahead and edit the contents of the block, deal with the visibility settings and even change the placement of where it is on your theme.'
+ _core:
+ default_config_hash: pG6QAggTrD7RQWb79PT3NH48GSvTiePly_l53f3OENs
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: tour.tour.views-ui
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ module:
+ - views_ui
+ id: views-ui
+ label: 'View edit page'
+ module: views_ui
+ routes:
+ -
+ route_name: entity.view.edit_form
+ -
+ route_name: entity.view.edit_display_form
+ tips:
+ views-main:
+ id: views-main
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Manage view settings'
+ weight: 1
+ body: 'View or edit the configuration.'
+ views-ui-displays:
+ id: views-ui-displays
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Displays in this view'
+ weight: 2
+ selector: '#views-display-top'
+ body: 'A display is a way of outputting the results, e.g., as a page or a block. A view can contain multiple displays, which are listed here. The active display is highlighted.'
+ views-ui-view-admin:
+ id: views-ui-view-admin
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'View administration'
+ weight: 3
+ position: right
+ selector: '#views-display-extra-actions'
+ body: 'Perform administrative tasks, including adding a description and creating a clone. Click the drop-down button to view the available options.'
+ views-ui-format:
+ id: views-ui-format
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Output format'
+ weight: 4
+ selector: .views-ui-display-tab-bucket.format
+ body: "Choose how to output results. E.g., choose Content to output each item completely, using your configured display settings. Or choose Fields, which allows you to output only specific fields for each result. Additional formats can be added by installing modules to extend Drupal's base functionality."
+ views-ui-fields:
+ id: views-ui-fields
+ plugin: text
+ label: Fields
+ weight: 5
+ selector: .views-ui-display-tab-bucket.field
+ body: 'If this view uses fields, they are listed here. You can click on a field to configure it.'
+ views-ui-filter:
+ id: views-ui-filter
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Filter your view'
+ weight: 6
+ selector: .views-ui-display-tab-bucket.filter
+ body: 'Add filters to limit the results in the output. E.g., to only show content that is published, you would add a filter for Published and select Yes.'
+ views-ui-filter-operations:
+ id: views-ui-filter-operations
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Filter actions'
+ weight: 7
+ selector: '.views-ui-display-tab-bucket.filter .dropbutton-widget'
+ body: 'Add, rearrange or remove filters.'
+ views-ui-sorts:
+ id: views-ui-sorts
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Sort Criteria'
+ weight: 8
+ selector: .views-ui-display-tab-bucket.sort
+ body: 'Control the order in which the results are output. Click on an active sort rule to configure it.'
+ views-ui-sorts-operations:
+ id: views-ui-sorts-operations
+ plugin: text
+ label: 'Sort actions'
+ weight: 9
+ selector: '.views-ui-display-tab-bucket.sort .dropbutton-widget'
+ body: 'Add, rearrange or remove sorting rules.'
+ views-ui-preview:
+ id: views-ui-preview
+ plugin: text
+ label: Preview
+ weight: 10
+ position: right
+ selector: '#preview-submit'
+ body: 'Show a preview of the view output.'
+ _core:
+ default_config_hash: XIYL1KF7ND2XQRa5AxvEcp8vgCN2kUGiuBNhCgxrPME
diff --git a/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.visitors.yml b/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.visitors.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfb573e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.visitors.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8542 @@
+uuid: b1593280-86e7-4d02-8c68-f115cbf12a40
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - visitors
+id: config_sync.module.visitors
+snapshotSet: config_sync
+extensionType: module
+extensionName: visitors
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: views.view.visitors
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ module:
+ - charts
+ - charts_chartjs
+ - visitors
+ id: visitors
+ label: Visitors
+ module: views
+ description: 'Visitors web analytics reports.'
+ tag: ''
+ base_table: visitors
+ base_field: ''
+ display:
+ default:
+ id: default
+ display_title: Default
+ display_plugin: default
+ position: 0
+ display_options:
+ title: ''
+ fields:
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ pager:
+ type: mini
+ options:
+ offset: 0
+ items_per_page: 10
+ total_pages: null
+ id: 0
+ tags:
+ next: ››
+ previous: ‹‹
+ expose:
+ items_per_page: false
+ items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
+ items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
+ items_per_page_options_all: false
+ items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
+ offset: false
+ offset_label: Offset
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ options:
+ submit_button: Apply
+ reset_button: false
+ reset_button_label: Reset
+ exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
+ expose_sort_order: true
+ sort_asc_label: Asc
+ sort_desc_label: Desc
+ access:
+ type: none
+ options: { }
+ cache:
+ type: none
+ options: { }
+ empty: { }
+ sorts:
+ visitors_id:
+ id: visitors_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ order: DESC
+ expose:
+ label: ''
+ field_identifier: ''
+ exposed: false
+ arguments: { }
+ filters:
+ bot:
+ id: bot
+ table: visitors
+ field: bot
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ operator: '!='
+ value: '1'
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ operator_limit_selection: false
+ operator_list: { }
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ visitors_date_time:
+ id: visitors_date_time
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_date_time
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_date
+ operator: between
+ value:
+ min: to
+ max: from
+ value: ''
+ type: global
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ operator_limit_selection: false
+ operator_list: { }
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ min_placeholder: ''
+ max_placeholder: ''
+ placeholder: ''
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ columns:
+ route: route
+ visitor_id: visitor_id
+ default: visitor_id
+ info:
+ route:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ visitor_id:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ override: true
+ sticky: true
+ summary: ''
+ empty_table: false
+ caption: ''
+ description: ''
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options:
+ query_comment: ''
+ disable_sql_rewrite: false
+ distinct: false
+ replica: false
+ query_tags: { }
+ relationships: { }
+ use_ajax: true
+ group_by: true
+ header: { }
+ footer: { }
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ browser_engine_pie:
+ id: browser_engine_pie
+ display_title: 'Engine Pie'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 8
+ display_options:
+ title: 'Browser Engines'
+ fields:
+ config_browser_engine:
+ id: config_browser_engine
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_browser_engine
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: Engine
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ style:
+ type: chart
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ chart_settings:
+ library: chartjs
+ type: pie
+ fields:
+ label: config_browser_engine
+ stacking: false
+ data_providers:
+ config_browser_engine:
+ enabled: false
+ color: '#000000'
+ weight: 2
+ visitor_id:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#000000'
+ weight: 2
+ display:
+ title: 'Browser Engines'
+ title_position: top
+ subtitle: ''
+ data_labels: false
+ data_markers: true
+ legend_position: bottom
+ background: ''
+ three_dimensional: 0
+ polar: 0
+ tooltips: true
+ dimensions:
+ width: '60'
+ width_units: ''
+ height: '60'
+ height_units: '%'
+ gauge:
+ max: ''
+ min: ''
+ green_from: ''
+ green_to: ''
+ yellow_from: ''
+ yellow_to: ''
+ red_from: ''
+ red_to: ''
+ color_changer: false
+ xaxis:
+ title: ''
+ labels_rotation: '0'
+ yaxis:
+ title: ''
+ min: ''
+ max: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ decimal_count: ''
+ labels_rotation: '0'
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ fields: false
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: table
+ empty: false
+ display_id: browser_engine_table
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ browser_engine_table:
+ id: browser_engine_table
+ display_title: 'Engine Table'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 8
+ display_options:
+ title: 'Browser Engines'
+ fields:
+ config_browser_engine:
+ id: config_browser_engine
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_browser_engine
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: Engine
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ fields: false
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: chart
+ empty: false
+ display_id: browser_engine_pie
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ browser_name_table:
+ id: browser_name_table
+ display_title: 'Browser Name'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 6
+ display_options:
+ title: Browser
+ fields:
+ config_browser_name:
+ id: config_browser_name
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_browser_name
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_browser
+ label: Browser
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ icon: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ fields: false
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: 'Browser version'
+ empty: false
+ display_id: browser_version_table
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ browser_version_table:
+ id: browser_version_table
+ display_title: 'Browser Version'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 7
+ display_options:
+ title: 'Browser Version'
+ fields:
+ config_browser_name:
+ id: config_browser_name
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_browser_name
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_browser
+ label: 'Browser Name'
+ exclude: true
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
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+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
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+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
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+ more_link_text: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ icon: true
+ config_browser_version:
+ id: config_browser_version
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_browser_version
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Browser Version'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: true
+ text: '{{ config_browser_name }} {{ config_browser_version }} '
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
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+ more_link_path: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
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+ max_length: 0
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+ more_link_path: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
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+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ fields: false
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: Browser
+ empty: false
+ display_id: browser_name_table
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ continent_pie:
+ id: continent_pie
+ display_title: 'Continent Pie'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ title: Continent
+ fields:
+ location_continent:
+ id: location_continent
+ table: visitors
+ field: location_continent
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_continent
+ label: Continent
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
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+ max_length: 0
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+ more_link_path: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
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+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ style:
+ type: chart
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ chart_settings:
+ library: chartjs
+ type: pie
+ fields:
+ label: location_continent
+ stacking: false
+ data_providers:
+ location_continent:
+ enabled: false
+ color: '#000000'
+ weight: 2
+ visitor_id:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#000000'
+ weight: 2
+ display:
+ title: Continent
+ title_position: top
+ subtitle: ''
+ data_labels: false
+ data_markers: true
+ legend_position: bottom
+ background: ''
+ three_dimensional: 0
+ polar: 0
+ tooltips: true
+ dimensions:
+ width: '60'
+ width_units: '%'
+ height: '60'
+ height_units: '%'
+ gauge:
+ max: ''
+ min: ''
+ green_from: ''
+ green_to: ''
+ yellow_from: ''
+ yellow_to: ''
+ red_from: ''
+ red_to: ''
+ color_changer: false
+ xaxis:
+ title: ''
+ labels_rotation: '0'
+ yaxis:
+ title: ''
+ min: ''
+ max: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ decimal_count: ''
+ labels_rotation: '0'
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ fields: false
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: table
+ empty: false
+ display_id: continent_table
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ continent_table:
+ id: continent_table
+ display_title: 'Continent Table'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ title: Continent
+ fields:
+ location_continent_1:
+ id: location_continent_1
+ table: visitors
+ field: location_continent
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_continent
+ label: Abbreviation
+ exclude: true
+ alter:
+ alter_text: true
+ text: '{{ location_continent_1|lower }}'
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
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+ max_length: 0
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+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ abbreviation: true
+ location_continent:
+ id: location_continent
+ table: visitors
+ field: location_continent
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_continent
+ label: Continent
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: true
+ path: 'internal:/visitors/location/continent/{{ location_continent_1 }}'
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ abbreviation: false
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ fields: false
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: chart
+ empty: false
+ display_id: continent_pie
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ country_table:
+ id: country_table
+ display_title: Country
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 2
+ display_options:
+ title: Country
+ fields:
+ location_country_1:
+ id: location_country_1
+ table: visitors
+ field: location_country
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_country
+ label: Abbreviation
+ exclude: true
+ alter:
+ alter_text: true
+ text: '{{ location_country_1|lower }}'
+ make_link: false
+ path: 'internal:/visitors/location/region/{{ location_country_1 }}'
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: true
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
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+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
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+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ icon: false
+ text: false
+ abbreviation: true
+ location_country:
+ id: location_country
+ table: visitors
+ field: location_country
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_country
+ label: Country
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: true
+ path: 'internal:/visitors/location/country/{{location_country_1}}'
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: true
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ icon: true
+ text: true
+ abbreviation: false
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ arguments:
+ location_continent:
+ id: location_continent
+ table: visitors
+ field: location_continent
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: string
+ default_action: ignore
+ exception:
+ value: all
+ title_enable: false
+ title: All
+ title_enable: false
+ title: ''
+ default_argument_type: fixed
+ default_argument_options:
+ argument: ''
+ summary_options:
+ base_path: ''
+ count: true
+ override: false
+ items_per_page: 25
+ summary:
+ sort_order: asc
+ number_of_records: 0
+ format: default_summary
+ specify_validation: false
+ validate:
+ type: none
+ fail: 'not found'
+ validate_options: { }
+ glossary: false
+ limit: 0
+ case: none
+ path_case: none
+ transform_dash: false
+ break_phrase: false
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ fields: false
+ arguments: false
+ filters: true
+ filter_groups: true
+ display_description: ''
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ daily_column:
+ id: daily_column
+ display_title: 'Daily Column'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 26
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ visitors_day:
+ id: visitors_day
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_day
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_day
+ label: Day
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
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+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ pager:
+ type: none
+ options:
+ offset: 0
+ sorts: { }
+ style:
+ type: chart
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ chart_settings:
+ library: chartjs
+ type: column
+ fields:
+ label: visitors_day
+ stacking: false
+ data_providers:
+ visitors_day:
+ enabled: false
+ color: '#006fb0'
+ weight: 2
+ visitor_id:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#0277bd'
+ weight: 2
+ display:
+ title: Daily
+ title_position: top
+ subtitle: ''
+ data_labels: false
+ data_markers: true
+ legend_position: ''
+ background: ''
+ three_dimensional: 0
+ polar: 0
+ tooltips: true
+ dimensions:
+ width: ''
+ width_units: ''
+ height: ''
+ height_units: ''
+ gauge:
+ max: ''
+ min: ''
+ green_from: ''
+ green_to: ''
+ yellow_from: ''
+ yellow_to: ''
+ red_from: ''
+ red_to: ''
+ color_changer: false
+ xaxis:
+ title: ''
+ labels_rotation: '0'
+ yaxis:
+ title: ''
+ min: ''
+ max: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ decimal_count: ''
+ labels_rotation: '0'
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ defaults:
+ pager: false
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ fields: false
+ sorts: false
+ header: false
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ header: { }
+ footer: { }
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ tags: { }
+ day_of_month_column:
+ id: day_of_month_column
+ display_title: 'Day of Month Column'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 28
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ visitors_day_of_month:
+ id: visitors_day_of_month
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_day_of_month
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_day_of_month
+ label: 'Day of Month'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ suffix: ''
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+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
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+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
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+ rel: ''
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+ chart_settings:
+ library: chartjs
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+ label: visitors_day_of_month
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+ enabled: false
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+ weight: 2
+ visitor_id:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#0277bd'
+ weight: 2
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+ title: 'Day of Month'
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+ header: { }
+ footer:
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+ max-age: -1
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+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ tags: { }
+ day_of_month_table:
+ id: day_of_month_table
+ display_title: 'Day of Month Table'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 28
+ display_options:
+ title: 'Day of Month'
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+ visitors_day_of_month:
+ id: visitors_day_of_month
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_day_of_month
+ relationship: none
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+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_day_of_month
+ label: 'Day of Month'
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+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
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+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
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+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ columns:
+ visitors_day_of_month: visitors_day_of_month
+ visitor_id: visitor_id
+ default: '-1'
+ info:
+ visitors_day_of_month:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ visitor_id:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: views-align-right
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ override: true
+ sticky: true
+ summary: ''
+ empty_table: false
+ caption: 'Day of Month'
+ description: ''
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
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+ separator: ''
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+ header: { }
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+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
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+ label: chart
+ empty: false
+ display_id: day_of_month_column
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
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+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ day_of_week_column:
+ id: day_of_week_column
+ display_title: 'Day of Week Column'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 30
+ display_options:
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+ visitors_day_of_week:
+ id: visitors_day_of_week
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_day_of_week
+ relationship: none
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+ plugin_id: visitors_day_of_week
+ label: 'Day of Week'
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+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
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+ style:
+ type: chart
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ chart_settings:
+ library: chartjs
+ type: column
+ fields:
+ label: visitors_day_of_week
+ stacking: false
+ data_providers:
+ visitors_day_of_week:
+ enabled: false
+ color: '#000000'
+ weight: 2
+ visitor_id:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#0277bd'
+ weight: 2
+ display:
+ title: 'Day of Week'
+ title_position: top
+ subtitle: ''
+ data_labels: false
+ data_markers: true
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+ polar: 0
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+ height: ''
+ height_units: ''
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+ max: ''
+ min: ''
+ green_from: ''
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+ yellow_to: ''
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+ separator: ''
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+ defaults:
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ fields: false
+ sorts: false
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+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ header: { }
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: table
+ empty: false
+ display_id: day_of_week_table
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ day_of_week_table:
+ id: day_of_week_table
+ display_title: 'Day of Week Table'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 30
+ display_options:
+ title: 'Day of Week'
+ fields:
+ visitors_day_of_week:
+ id: visitors_day_of_week
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_day_of_week
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_day_of_week
+ label: 'Day of Week'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
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+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ rel: ''
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+ html: false
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+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ sorts: { }
+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ columns:
+ visitors_day_of_week: visitors_day_of_week
+ visitor_id: visitor_id
+ default: '-1'
+ info:
+ visitors_day_of_week:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ visitor_id:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: views-align-right
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ override: true
+ sticky: true
+ summary: ''
+ empty_table: false
+ caption: 'Day of Week'
+ description: ''
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ fields: false
+ sorts: false
+ header: false
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ header: { }
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: chart
+ empty: false
+ display_id: day_of_week_column
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ device_brand_table:
+ id: device_brand_table
+ display_title: 'Device Brand'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 10
+ display_options:
+ title: 'Device Brand'
+ fields:
+ config_device_brand:
+ id: config_device_brand
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_device_brand
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_brand
+ label: Brand
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ more_link_path: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
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+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ icon: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
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+ rel: ''
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+ more_link_path: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
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+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
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+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ fields: false
+ display_description: ''
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ device_config_table:
+ id: device_config_table
+ display_title: Configuration
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 13
+ display_options:
+ title: Configuration
+ fields:
+ config_os:
+ id: config_os
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_os
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_operating_system
+ label: 'Operating System'
+ exclude: true
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
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+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ suffix: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ icon: false
+ config_browser_name:
+ id: config_browser_name
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_browser_name
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_browser
+ label: 'Browser Name'
+ exclude: true
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
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+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ icon: false
+ config_resolution:
+ id: config_resolution
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_resolution
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: Configurations
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: true
+ text: '{{ config_os }} / {{ config_browser_name }} / {{ config_resolution }} '
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
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+ max_length: 0
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+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
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+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ more_link_path: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
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+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ fields: false
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: Resolution
+ empty: false
+ display_id: device_resolution_table
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ device_model_table:
+ id: device_model_table
+ display_title: 'Device Model'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 11
+ display_options:
+ title: Model
+ fields:
+ config_device_brand:
+ id: config_device_brand
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_device_brand
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_brand
+ label: 'Device brand'
+ exclude: true
+ alter:
+ alter_text: true
+ text: '{{ config_device_brand }} - '
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
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+ config_device_model:
+ id: config_device_model
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_device_model
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Device model'
+ exclude: true
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+ alter_text: false
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+ hide_empty: false
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+ config_device_type:
+ id: config_device_type
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_device_type
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_device
+ label: 'Device model'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: true
+ text: '{{ config_device_brand }}{{ config_device_model }} {{ config_device_type }} '
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
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+ replace_spaces: false
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+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
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+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ device_resolution_table:
+ id: device_resolution_table
+ display_title: Resolution
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 12
+ display_options:
+ title: Resolution
+ fields:
+ config_resolution:
+ id: config_resolution
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_resolution
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: Resolution
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
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+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
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+ absolute: false
+ external: false
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+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ fields: false
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: Configurations
+ empty: false
+ display_id: device_config_table
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ device_type_table:
+ id: device_type_table
+ display_title: 'Device Type'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 9
+ display_options:
+ title: 'Device Type'
+ fields:
+ config_device_type:
+ id: config_device_type
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_device_type
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_device
+ label: Device
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
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+ absolute: false
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+ icon: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
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+ alter_text: false
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+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ distinct_countries_list:
+ id: distinct_countries_list
+ display_title: 'Distinct Countries'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 3
+ display_options:
+ title: 'Distinct Countries'
+ fields:
+ location_country:
+ id: location_country
+ table: visitors
+ field: location_country
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_country
+ label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: '{{ location_country }} distinct countries'
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ alt: ''
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+ icon: false
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+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
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+ format_plural: true
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MSBkaXN0aW5jdCBjb3VudHJ5A0Bjb3VudCBkaXN0aW5jdCBjb3VudHJpZXM=
+ prefix: ''
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+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
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+ hour_column:
+ id: hour_column
+ display_title: 'Hour Column'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 24
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ visitors_hour:
+ id: visitors_hour
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_hour
+ relationship: none
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+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_hour
+ label: Hour
+ exclude: false
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+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
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+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ pager:
+ type: none
+ options:
+ offset: 0
+ sorts: { }
+ style:
+ type: chart
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ chart_settings:
+ library: chartjs
+ type: column
+ fields:
+ label: visitors_hour
+ stacking: false
+ data_providers:
+ visitors_hour:
+ enabled: false
+ color: '#000000'
+ weight: 2
+ visitor_id:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#0277bd'
+ weight: 2
+ display:
+ title: 'Your time'
+ title_position: top
+ subtitle: ''
+ data_labels: false
+ data_markers: false
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+ height: ''
+ height_units: ''
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+ min: ''
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+ yellow_to: ''
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+ red_to: ''
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+ title: ''
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+ title: ''
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+ max: ''
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+ defaults:
+ pager: false
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ fields: false
+ sorts: false
+ header: false
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ header: { }
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: table
+ empty: false
+ display_id: hour_table
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ tags: { }
+ hour_table:
+ id: hour_table
+ display_title: 'Hour Table'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 24
+ display_options:
+ title: 'Your time'
+ fields:
+ visitors_hour:
+ id: visitors_hour
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_hour
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_hour
+ label: Hour
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
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+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
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+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ html: false
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+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ pager:
+ type: none
+ options:
+ offset: 0
+ sorts: { }
+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ columns:
+ visitors_hour: visitors_hour
+ visitor_id: visitor_id
+ default: '-1'
+ info:
+ visitors_hour:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ visitor_id:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: views-align-right
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ override: true
+ sticky: true
+ summary: ''
+ empty_table: false
+ caption: 'Your time'
+ description: ''
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ pager: false
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ fields: false
+ sorts: false
+ header: false
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ header: { }
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: chart
+ empty: false
+ display_id: hour_column
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ language_code_table:
+ id: language_code_table
+ display_title: 'Language Code'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 5
+ display_options:
+ title: 'Language Code'
+ fields:
+ language:
+ id: language
+ table: visitors
+ field: language
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_language
+ label: Language
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
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+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
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+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ code: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ html: false
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
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+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ fields: false
+ filters: true
+ filter_groups: true
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: Language
+ empty: false
+ display_id: language_table
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ language_table:
+ id: language_table
+ display_title: Language
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 4
+ display_options:
+ title: Language
+ fields:
+ language:
+ id: language
+ table: visitors
+ field: language
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: Language
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
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+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
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+ group_type: count_distinct
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+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
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+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
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+ label: 'Language Code'
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+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
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+ id: local_hour_column
+ display_title: 'Local Column'
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+ position: 22
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ visitor_localtime:
+ id: visitor_localtime
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_localtime
+ relationship: none
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+ label: Hour
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+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
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+ style:
+ type: chart
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ chart_settings:
+ library: chartjs
+ type: column
+ fields:
+ label: visitor_localtime
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+ visitor_localtime:
+ enabled: false
+ color: '#000000'
+ weight: 2
+ visitor_id:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#0277bd'
+ weight: 2
+ display:
+ title: "Visitor's time"
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+ subtitle: ''
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+ field: visitors_display_link
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+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: table
+ empty: false
+ display_id: local_hour_table
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
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+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ tags: { }
+ local_hour_table:
+ id: local_hour_table
+ display_title: 'Local Table'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 22
+ display_options:
+ title: "Visitor's time"
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+ id: visitor_localtime
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_localtime
+ relationship: none
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+ label: Hour
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+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
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+ alter_text: false
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+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ columns:
+ visitor_localtime: visitor_localtime
+ visitor_id: visitor_id
+ default: '-1'
+ info:
+ visitor_localtime:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ visitor_id:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: views-align-right
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ override: true
+ sticky: true
+ summary: ''
+ empty_table: false
+ caption: "Visitor's time"
+ description: ''
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
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+ separator: ''
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+ header: { }
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+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
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+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: chart
+ empty: false
+ display_id: local_hour_column
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ monthly_column:
+ id: monthly_column
+ display_title: 'Monthly Column'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 26
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ visitors_month:
+ id: visitors_month
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_month
+ relationship: none
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+ label: Month
+ exclude: false
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+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
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+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
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+ style:
+ type: chart
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ chart_settings:
+ library: chartjs
+ type: column
+ fields:
+ label: visitors_month
+ stacking: false
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+ visitors_month:
+ enabled: false
+ color: '#000000'
+ weight: 2
+ visitor_id:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#0277bd'
+ weight: 2
+ display:
+ title: Monthly
+ title_position: top
+ subtitle: ''
+ data_labels: false
+ data_markers: true
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+ min: ''
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+ style: false
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+ header: { }
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
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+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: table
+ empty: false
+ display_id: monthly_table
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ monthly_table:
+ id: monthly_table
+ display_title: 'Monthly Table'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 26
+ display_options:
+ title: Monthly
+ fields:
+ visitors_month:
+ id: visitors_month
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_month
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_month
+ label: Month
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
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+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
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+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
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+ sorts: { }
+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ columns:
+ visitors_month: visitors_month
+ visitor_id: visitor_id
+ default: '-1'
+ info:
+ visitors_month:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ visitor_id:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: views-align-right
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ override: true
+ sticky: true
+ summary: ''
+ empty_table: false
+ caption: Monthly
+ description: ''
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ defaults:
+ title: false
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+ row: false
+ fields: false
+ sorts: false
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+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ header: { }
+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
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+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: chart
+ empty: false
+ display_id: monthly_column
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
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+ os_family_table:
+ id: os_family_table
+ display_title: 'OS Family'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 14
+ display_options:
+ title: 'OS Family'
+ fields:
+ config_os:
+ id: config_os
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_os
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_operating_system
+ label: 'Operating System families'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
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+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
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+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
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+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ fields: false
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+ footer:
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+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: 'Operating System versions'
+ empty: false
+ display_id: os_version_table
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ os_version_table:
+ id: os_version_table
+ display_title: 'OS Version'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 15
+ display_options:
+ title: 'OS Version'
+ fields:
+ config_os_version:
+ id: config_os_version
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_os_version
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'OS version'
+ exclude: true
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+ alter_text: false
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+ empty: Unknown
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ config_os:
+ id: config_os
+ table: visitors
+ field: config_os
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_operating_system
+ label: 'Operating System'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: true
+ text: '{{ config_os }} {{ config_os_version }}'
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ icon: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
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+ replace_spaces: false
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+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ fields: false
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+ footer:
+ visitors_display_link:
+ id: visitors_display_link
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_display_link
+ relationship: none
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+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_display_link
+ label: 'Operating System families'
+ empty: false
+ display_id: os_family_table
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ performance_daily_column:
+ id: performance_daily_column
+ display_title: 'Performance Daily'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 21
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ network:
+ id: network
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: network
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: Network
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
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+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ server:
+ id: server
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: server
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: Server
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
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+ absolute: false
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+ hide_empty: false
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+ hide_alter_empty: true
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+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ transfer:
+ id: transfer
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: transfer
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: Transfer
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
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+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ precision: 0
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+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ dom_processing:
+ id: dom_processing
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: dom_processing
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: 'DOM Processing'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
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+ replace_spaces: false
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+ precision: 0
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+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ dom_complete:
+ id: dom_complete
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: dom_complete
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: 'DOM Complete'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
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+ precision: 0
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+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ on_load:
+ id: on_load
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: on_load
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: 'On Load'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
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+ trim: false
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+ hide_empty: false
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+ precision: 0
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+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ visitors_day:
+ id: visitors_day
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_day
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_day
+ label: Day
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ more_link_path: ''
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+ trim: false
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+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
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+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
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+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ pager:
+ type: none
+ options:
+ offset: 0
+ sorts: { }
+ style:
+ type: chart
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ chart_settings:
+ library: chartjs
+ type: column
+ fields:
+ label: visitors_day
+ stacking: true
+ data_providers:
+ network:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#0277bd'
+ weight: 7
+ server:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#ff8f00'
+ weight: 7
+ transfer:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#ad1457'
+ weight: 7
+ dom_processing:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#6a1b9a'
+ weight: 7
+ dom_complete:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#558b2f'
+ weight: 7
+ on_load:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#00838f'
+ weight: 7
+ visitors_day:
+ enabled: false
+ color: '#7643b6'
+ weight: 7
+ display:
+ title: ''
+ title_position: ''
+ subtitle: ''
+ data_labels: false
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+ dimensions:
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+ width_units: ''
+ height: ''
+ height_units: ''
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+ max: ''
+ min: ''
+ green_from: ''
+ green_to: ''
+ yellow_from: ''
+ yellow_to: ''
+ red_from: ''
+ red_to: ''
+ color_changer: false
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+ title: ''
+ labels_rotation: '0'
+ yaxis:
+ title: ''
+ min: ''
+ max: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
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+ labels_rotation: '0'
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ defaults:
+ pager: false
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ relationships: false
+ fields: false
+ sorts: false
+ relationships:
+ visitors_performance:
+ id: visitors_performance
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_performance
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: 'Visitor performance'
+ plugin_id: standard
+ required: true
+ display_description: ''
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ tags: { }
+ performance_hourly_column:
+ id: performance_hourly_column
+ display_title: 'Performance Hourly'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 21
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ network:
+ id: network
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: network
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: Network
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
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+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ suffix: ''
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+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
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+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ set_precision: false
+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ server:
+ id: server
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: server
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: Server
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ set_precision: false
+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ transfer:
+ id: transfer
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: transfer
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: Transfer
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ rel: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
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+ element_class: ''
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+ element_label_class: ''
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
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+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ set_precision: false
+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ dom_processing:
+ id: dom_processing
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: dom_processing
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: 'DOM Processing'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
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+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ dom_complete:
+ id: dom_complete
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: dom_complete
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: 'DOM Complete'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
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+ element_label_class: ''
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
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+ hide_empty: false
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+ hide_alter_empty: true
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+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
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+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ on_load:
+ id: on_load
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: on_load
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: 'On Load'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
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+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
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+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ visitors_hour:
+ id: visitors_hour
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_hour
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_hour
+ label: Hour
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
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+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
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+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ pager:
+ type: none
+ options:
+ offset: 0
+ sorts: { }
+ style:
+ type: chart
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ chart_settings:
+ library: chartjs
+ type: column
+ fields:
+ label: visitors_hour
+ stacking: true
+ data_providers:
+ network:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#0277bd'
+ weight: 7
+ server:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#ff8f00'
+ weight: 7
+ transfer:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#ad1457'
+ weight: 7
+ dom_processing:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#6a1b9a'
+ weight: 7
+ dom_complete:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#558b2f'
+ weight: 7
+ on_load:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#00838f'
+ weight: 7
+ visitors_hour:
+ enabled: false
+ color: '#7643b6'
+ weight: 7
+ display:
+ title: ''
+ title_position: ''
+ subtitle: ''
+ data_labels: false
+ data_markers: true
+ legend_position: bottom
+ background: ''
+ three_dimensional: 0
+ polar: 0
+ tooltips: true
+ dimensions:
+ width: ''
+ width_units: ''
+ height: ''
+ height_units: ''
+ gauge:
+ max: ''
+ min: ''
+ green_from: ''
+ green_to: ''
+ yellow_from: ''
+ yellow_to: ''
+ red_from: ''
+ red_to: ''
+ color_changer: false
+ xaxis:
+ title: ''
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+ yaxis:
+ title: ''
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+ max: ''
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+ suffix: ''
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+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
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+ pager: false
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+ sorts: false
+ relationships:
+ visitors_performance:
+ id: visitors_performance
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_performance
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: 'Visitor performance'
+ plugin_id: standard
+ required: true
+ display_description: ''
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ tags: { }
+ performance_weekly_column:
+ id: performance_weekly_column
+ display_title: 'Performance Weekly'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 21
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ network:
+ id: network
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: network
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: Network
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
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+ element_label_class: ''
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+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
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+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ server:
+ id: server
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: server
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: Server
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ max_length: 0
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+ more_link_path: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ set_precision: false
+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ transfer:
+ id: transfer
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: transfer
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: Transfer
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
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+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
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+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ set_precision: false
+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ dom_processing:
+ id: dom_processing
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: dom_processing
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: 'DOM Processing'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
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+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
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+ more_link_path: ''
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ set_precision: false
+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ dom_complete:
+ id: dom_complete
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: dom_complete
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: 'DOM Complete'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ set_precision: false
+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ on_load:
+ id: on_load
+ table: visitors_performance
+ field: on_load
+ relationship: visitors_performance
+ group_type: avg
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: 'On Load'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ set_precision: false
+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ visitors_week:
+ id: visitors_week
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_week
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_week
+ label: Week
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ pager:
+ type: none
+ options:
+ offset: 0
+ sorts: { }
+ style:
+ type: chart
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ chart_settings:
+ library: chartjs
+ type: column
+ fields:
+ label: visitors_week
+ stacking: true
+ data_providers:
+ network:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#0277bd'
+ weight: 7
+ server:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#ff8f00'
+ weight: 7
+ transfer:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#ad1457'
+ weight: 7
+ dom_processing:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#6a1b9a'
+ weight: 7
+ dom_complete:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#558b2f'
+ weight: 7
+ on_load:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#00838f'
+ weight: 7
+ visitors_week:
+ enabled: false
+ color: '#7643b6'
+ weight: 7
+ display:
+ title: ''
+ title_position: ''
+ subtitle: ''
+ data_labels: false
+ data_markers: true
+ legend_position: bottom
+ background: ''
+ three_dimensional: 0
+ polar: 0
+ tooltips: true
+ dimensions:
+ width: ''
+ width_units: ''
+ height: ''
+ height_units: ''
+ gauge:
+ max: ''
+ min: ''
+ green_from: ''
+ green_to: ''
+ yellow_from: ''
+ yellow_to: ''
+ red_from: ''
+ red_to: ''
+ color_changer: false
+ xaxis:
+ title: ''
+ labels_rotation: '0'
+ yaxis:
+ title: ''
+ min: ''
+ max: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ decimal_count: ''
+ labels_rotation: '0'
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ defaults:
+ pager: false
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ relationships: false
+ fields: false
+ sorts: false
+ relationships:
+ visitors_performance:
+ id: visitors_performance
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_performance
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: 'Visitor performance'
+ plugin_id: standard
+ required: true
+ display_description: ''
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ tags: { }
+ recent_view_table:
+ id: recent_view_table
+ display_title: 'Recent views'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 19
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ visitors_id:
+ id: visitors_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: 'Visitors ID'
+ exclude: true
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ set_precision: false
+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ visitors_url:
+ id: visitors_url
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_url
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: URL
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitors_date_time:
+ id: visitors_date_time
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_date_time
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: date
+ label: 'Date Time'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ date_format: short
+ custom_date_format: ''
+ timezone: ''
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: Visitor
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ nothing:
+ id: nothing
+ table: views
+ field: nothing
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: custom
+ label: Operations
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: true
+ text: details
+ make_link: true
+ path: 'internal:/visitors/hits/{{ visitors_id }}'
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: false
+ pager:
+ type: full
+ options:
+ offset: 0
+ items_per_page: 10
+ total_pages: null
+ id: 0
+ tags:
+ next: ››
+ previous: ‹‹
+ first: '« First'
+ last: 'Last »'
+ expose:
+ items_per_page: false
+ items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
+ items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
+ items_per_page_options_all: false
+ items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
+ offset: false
+ offset_label: Offset
+ quantity: 9
+ sorts: { }
+ arguments:
+ route:
+ id: route
+ table: visitors
+ field: route
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: string
+ default_action: ignore
+ exception:
+ value: all
+ title_enable: false
+ title: All
+ title_enable: false
+ title: ''
+ default_argument_type: fixed
+ default_argument_options:
+ argument: ''
+ summary_options:
+ base_path: ''
+ count: true
+ override: false
+ items_per_page: 25
+ summary:
+ sort_order: asc
+ number_of_records: 0
+ format: default_summary
+ specify_validation: false
+ validate:
+ type: none
+ fail: 'not found'
+ validate_options: { }
+ glossary: false
+ limit: 0
+ case: none
+ path_case: none
+ transform_dash: false
+ break_phrase: false
+ visitors_ip:
+ id: visitors_ip
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_ip
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: string
+ default_action: ignore
+ exception:
+ value: all
+ title_enable: false
+ title: All
+ title_enable: false
+ title: ''
+ default_argument_type: fixed
+ default_argument_options:
+ argument: ''
+ summary_options:
+ base_path: ''
+ count: true
+ override: false
+ items_per_page: 25
+ summary:
+ sort_order: asc
+ number_of_records: 0
+ format: default_summary
+ specify_validation: false
+ validate:
+ type: none
+ fail: 'not found'
+ validate_options: { }
+ glossary: false
+ limit: 0
+ case: none
+ path_case: none
+ transform_dash: false
+ break_phrase: false
+ location_country:
+ id: location_country
+ table: visitors
+ field: location_country
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: string
+ default_action: ignore
+ exception:
+ value: all
+ title_enable: false
+ title: All
+ title_enable: false
+ title: ''
+ default_argument_type: fixed
+ default_argument_options:
+ argument: ''
+ summary_options:
+ base_path: ''
+ count: true
+ override: false
+ items_per_page: 25
+ summary:
+ sort_order: asc
+ number_of_records: 0
+ format: default_summary
+ specify_validation: false
+ validate:
+ type: none
+ fail: 'not found'
+ validate_options: { }
+ glossary: false
+ limit: 0
+ case: upper
+ path_case: none
+ transform_dash: false
+ break_phrase: false
+ filters:
+ bot:
+ id: bot
+ table: visitors
+ field: bot
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ operator: '!='
+ value: '1'
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ operator_limit_selection: false
+ operator_list: { }
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ visitors_date_time:
+ id: visitors_date_time
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_date_time
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_date
+ operator: between
+ value:
+ min: to
+ max: from
+ value: ''
+ type: global
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ operator_limit_selection: false
+ operator_list: { }
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ min_placeholder: ''
+ max_placeholder: ''
+ placeholder: ''
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ visitors_path:
+ id: visitors_path
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_path
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: string
+ operator: starts
+ value: ''
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: visitors_path_op
+ label: Path
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: visitors_path_op
+ operator_limit_selection: false
+ operator_list: { }
+ identifier: visitors_path
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ content_editor: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ placeholder: ''
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ filter_groups:
+ operator: AND
+ groups:
+ 1: AND
+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ columns:
+ visitors_id: visitors_id
+ visitors_url: visitors_url
+ visitors_date_time: visitors_date_time
+ visitor_id: visitor_id
+ nothing: nothing
+ default: visitors_date_time
+ info:
+ visitors_id:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ visitors_url:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ visitors_date_time:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ visitor_id:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ nothing:
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ override: true
+ sticky: true
+ summary: ''
+ empty_table: false
+ caption: ''
+ description: ''
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ defaults:
+ pager: false
+ group_by: false
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ relationships: false
+ fields: false
+ sorts: false
+ arguments: false
+ filters: false
+ filter_groups: false
+ header: false
+ relationships: { }
+ group_by: false
+ display_description: ''
+ header:
+ result:
+ id: result
+ table: views
+ field: result
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: result
+ empty: false
+ content: 'Displaying @start - @end of @total'
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ referrer_table:
+ id: referrer_table
+ display_title: 'Referrer views'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 19
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ visitors_id:
+ id: visitors_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: numeric
+ label: 'Visitors ID'
+ exclude: true
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ set_precision: false
+ precision: 0
+ decimal: .
+ separator: ','
+ format_plural: false
+ format_plural_string: !!binary MQNAY291bnQ=
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ visitors_referer:
+ id: visitors_referer
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_referer
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: Referrer
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: '(Direct Entry)'
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitors_date_time:
+ id: visitors_date_time
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_date_time
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: date
+ label: 'Date Time'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ date_format: fallback
+ custom_date_format: ''
+ timezone: ''
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: Visitor
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ nothing:
+ id: nothing
+ table: views
+ field: nothing
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: custom
+ label: Operations
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: true
+ text: details
+ make_link: true
+ path: 'internal:/visitors/hits/{{ visitors_id }}'
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: false
+ pager:
+ type: full
+ options:
+ offset: 0
+ items_per_page: 10
+ total_pages: null
+ id: 0
+ tags:
+ next: ››
+ previous: ‹‹
+ first: '« First'
+ last: 'Last »'
+ expose:
+ items_per_page: false
+ items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
+ items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
+ items_per_page_options_all: false
+ items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
+ offset: false
+ offset_label: Offset
+ quantity: 9
+ sorts:
+ visitors_id:
+ id: visitors_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ order: DESC
+ expose:
+ label: ''
+ field_identifier: ''
+ exposed: false
+ arguments:
+ visitors_path:
+ id: visitors_path
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_path
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: string
+ default_action: default
+ exception:
+ value: all
+ title_enable: false
+ title: All
+ title_enable: false
+ title: ''
+ default_argument_type: visitors_path
+ default_argument_options:
+ pop: 1
+ route: false
+ summary_options:
+ base_path: ''
+ count: true
+ override: false
+ items_per_page: 25
+ summary:
+ sort_order: asc
+ number_of_records: 0
+ format: default_summary
+ specify_validation: false
+ validate:
+ type: none
+ fail: 'not found'
+ validate_options: { }
+ glossary: false
+ limit: 0
+ case: none
+ path_case: none
+ transform_dash: false
+ break_phrase: false
+ defaults:
+ pager: false
+ group_by: false
+ relationships: false
+ fields: false
+ sorts: false
+ arguments: false
+ header: false
+ relationships: { }
+ group_by: false
+ display_description: ''
+ header:
+ result:
+ id: result
+ table: views
+ field: result
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: result
+ empty: false
+ content: 'Displaying @start - @end of @total'
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ top_host_table:
+ id: top_host_table
+ display_title: 'Top Host'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 18
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ visitors_ip:
+ id: visitors_ip
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_ip
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: Host
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: true
+ path: 'internal:/visitors/host/{{ visitors_ip }}'
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ defaults:
+ fields: false
+ header: false
+ display_description: ''
+ header:
+ result:
+ id: result
+ table: views
+ field: result
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: result
+ empty: false
+ content: 'Displaying @start - @end of @total'
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ top_path_table:
+ id: top_path_table
+ display_title: 'Top Path'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 16
+ display_options:
+ title: Path
+ fields:
+ visitors_path:
+ id: visitors_path
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_path
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: Path
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ sorts: { }
+ defaults:
+ title: false
+ fields: false
+ sorts: false
+ header: false
+ display_description: ''
+ header:
+ result:
+ id: result
+ table: views
+ field: result
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: result
+ empty: false
+ content: 'Displaying @start - @end of @total'
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ top_route_table:
+ id: top_route_table
+ display_title: 'Top Route'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 17
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ route:
+ id: route
+ table: visitors
+ field: route
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: Route
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: true
+ path: 'internal:/visitors/route/{{ route }}'
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ sorts: { }
+ filters:
+ bot:
+ id: bot
+ table: visitors
+ field: bot
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ operator: '!='
+ value: '1'
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ operator_limit_selection: false
+ operator_list: { }
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ visitors_date_time:
+ id: visitors_date_time
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_date_time
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_date
+ operator: between
+ value:
+ min: to
+ max: from
+ value: ''
+ type: global
+ group: 1
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ operator_id: ''
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: ''
+ operator_limit_selection: false
+ operator_list: { }
+ identifier: ''
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ min_placeholder: ''
+ max_placeholder: ''
+ placeholder: ''
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ route:
+ id: route
+ table: visitors
+ field: route
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: string
+ operator: starts
+ value: ''
+ group: 1
+ exposed: true
+ expose:
+ operator_id: route_op
+ label: Route
+ description: ''
+ use_operator: false
+ operator: route_op
+ operator_limit_selection: false
+ operator_list: { }
+ identifier: route
+ required: false
+ remember: false
+ multiple: false
+ remember_roles:
+ authenticated: authenticated
+ anonymous: '0'
+ content_editor: '0'
+ administrator: '0'
+ placeholder: ''
+ is_grouped: false
+ group_info:
+ label: ''
+ description: ''
+ identifier: ''
+ optional: true
+ widget: select
+ multiple: false
+ remember: false
+ default_group: All
+ default_group_multiple: { }
+ group_items: { }
+ filter_groups:
+ operator: AND
+ groups:
+ 1: AND
+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ columns:
+ route: route
+ visitor_id: visitor_id
+ default: visitor_id
+ info:
+ route:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ visitor_id:
+ sortable: true
+ default_sort_order: desc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ override: true
+ sticky: true
+ summary: ''
+ empty_table: false
+ caption: ''
+ description: ''
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ defaults:
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ fields: false
+ sorts: false
+ filters: false
+ filter_groups: false
+ header: false
+ display_description: ''
+ header:
+ result:
+ id: result
+ table: views
+ field: result
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: result
+ empty: false
+ content: 'Displaying @start - @end of @total'
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url
+ - url.query_args
+ tags: { }
+ weekly_column:
+ id: weekly_column
+ display_title: 'Weekly Column'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 26
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
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+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitors_week:
+ id: visitors_week
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_week
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_week
+ label: Week
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
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+ element_label_class: ''
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
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+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ pager:
+ type: none
+ options:
+ offset: 0
+ sorts: { }
+ style:
+ type: chart
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ chart_settings:
+ library: chartjs
+ type: column
+ fields:
+ label: visitors_week
+ stacking: false
+ data_providers:
+ visitor_id:
+ enabled: true
+ color: '#0277bd'
+ weight: -1
+ visitors_week:
+ enabled: false
+ color: '#0277bd'
+ weight: -2
+ display:
+ title: Weekly
+ title_position: top
+ subtitle: ''
+ data_labels: false
+ data_markers: true
+ legend_position: ''
+ background: ''
+ three_dimensional: 0
+ polar: 0
+ tooltips: true
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+ height: ''
+ height_units: ''
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+ min: ''
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+ yellow_to: ''
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+ footer: false
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+ header: { }
+ footer: { }
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ tags: { }
+ weekly_table:
+ id: weekly_table
+ display_title: 'Weekly Table'
+ display_plugin: embed
+ position: 26
+ display_options:
+ fields:
+ visitors_week:
+ id: visitors_week
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitors_week
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: visitors_week
+ label: Week
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
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+ preserve_tags: ''
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+ element_type: ''
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+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ visitor_id:
+ id: visitor_id
+ table: visitors
+ field: visitor_id
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: count_distinct
+ admin_label: ''
+ plugin_id: standard
+ label: 'Unique visitors'
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
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+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: ''
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+ element_label_class: ''
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+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ pager:
+ type: none
+ options:
+ offset: 0
+ sorts: { }
+ style:
+ type: table
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ columns:
+ visitor_id: visitor_id
+ visitors_week: visitors_week
+ default: '-1'
+ info:
+ visitor_id:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ visitors_week:
+ sortable: false
+ default_sort_order: asc
+ align: ''
+ separator: ''
+ empty_column: false
+ responsive: ''
+ override: true
+ sticky: false
+ summary: ''
+ empty_table: false
+ caption: ''
+ description: ''
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ defaults:
+ pager: false
+ style: false
+ row: false
+ fields: false
+ sorts: false
+ header: false
+ footer: false
+ display_description: ''
+ header: { }
+ footer: { }
+ display_extenders: { }
+ cache_metadata:
+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ tags: { }
+ _core:
+ default_config_hash: bz_czAL179TZlsG0i7NIgro4xD5_VVSavU-mGA5PPNY
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: visitors.config
+ data:
+ flush_log_timer: 0
+ bot_retention_log: 0
+ items_per_page: 10
+ theme: admin
+ disable_tracking: false
+ status_codes_disabled: { }
+ domain_mode: 0
+ track:
+ userid: true
+ counter:
+ enabled: true
+ entity_types:
+ - node
+ display_max_age: 3600
+ privacy:
+ disablecookies: false
+ visibility:
+ request_path_mode: 0
+ request_path_pages: |-
+ /admin
+ /admin/*
+ /batch
+ /node/add*
+ /node/*/*
+ /user/*/*
+ user_role_mode: 0
+ user_role_roles: { }
+ user_account_mode: 1
+ exclude_user1: false
+ codesnippet:
+ before: ''
+ after: ''
+ performance: false
+ script_type: minified
+ _core:
+ default_config_hash: 3TMRvOFlA3eT_Vk11OHppz1qwBLFyZt4OcA4mFniMfE
diff --git a/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.visitors_geoip.yml b/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.visitors_geoip.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9100a38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.visitors_geoip.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+uuid: 57d44644-2760-4239-926d-829cb5e3d2bd
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - visitors_geoip
+id: config_sync.module.visitors_geoip
+snapshotSet: config_sync
+extensionType: module
+extensionName: visitors_geoip
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: visitors_geoip.settings
+ data:
+ geoip_path: ../
+ license: ''
+ _core:
+ default_config_hash: O9-sVp7oOgWfsRZB65TyOT-R2o4IJBha_ud5Ar9oOtw