diff --git a/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.drutopia_collection.yml b/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.drutopia_collection.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0419fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sync/config_snapshot.snapshot.config_sync.module.drutopia_collection.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,1191 @@
+uuid: ab288b9b-1f3c-455a-9fbd-dfb7fb604e2d
+langcode: en
+status: true
+ module:
+ - drutopia_collection
+id: config_sync.module.drutopia_collection
+snapshotSet: config_sync
+extensionType: module
+extensionName: drutopia_collection
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: core.entity_form_display.node.collection.default
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - field.field.node.collection.body
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_authors
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_collection_items
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_collection_type
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_image
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_meta_tags
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_summary
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_tags
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_topics
+ - image.style.thumbnail
+ - node.type.collection
+ module:
+ - image
+ - metatag
+ - path
+ - text
+ id: node.collection.default
+ targetEntityType: node
+ bundle: collection
+ mode: default
+ content:
+ created:
+ type: datetime_timestamp
+ weight: 10
+ region: content
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ field_authors:
+ weight: 4
+ settings:
+ match_operator: CONTAINS
+ size: 60
+ placeholder: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: entity_reference_autocomplete
+ region: content
+ field_collection_items:
+ weight: 5
+ settings:
+ match_operator: CONTAINS
+ size: 60
+ placeholder: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: entity_reference_autocomplete
+ region: content
+ field_collection_type:
+ weight: 1
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: options_select
+ region: content
+ field_image:
+ weight: 3
+ settings:
+ progress_indicator: throbber
+ preview_image_style: thumbnail
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: image_image
+ region: content
+ field_meta_tags:
+ weight: 7
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: metatag_firehose
+ region: content
+ field_summary:
+ weight: 2
+ settings:
+ rows: 5
+ placeholder: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: text_textarea
+ region: content
+ field_tags:
+ weight: 15
+ settings:
+ match_operator: CONTAINS
+ size: 60
+ placeholder: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: entity_reference_autocomplete
+ region: content
+ field_topics:
+ weight: 14
+ settings:
+ match_operator: CONTAINS
+ size: 60
+ placeholder: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: entity_reference_autocomplete
+ region: content
+ path:
+ type: path
+ weight: 8
+ region: content
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ promote:
+ type: boolean_checkbox
+ settings:
+ display_label: true
+ weight: 12
+ region: content
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ status:
+ type: boolean_checkbox
+ settings:
+ display_label: true
+ weight: 13
+ region: content
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ sticky:
+ type: boolean_checkbox
+ settings:
+ display_label: true
+ weight: 11
+ region: content
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ title:
+ type: string_textfield
+ weight: 0
+ region: content
+ settings:
+ size: 60
+ placeholder: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ uid:
+ type: entity_reference_autocomplete
+ weight: 6
+ settings:
+ match_operator: CONTAINS
+ size: 60
+ placeholder: ''
+ region: content
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ url_redirects:
+ weight: 9
+ region: content
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ hidden:
+ body: true
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: core.entity_view_display.node.collection.default
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - field.field.node.collection.body
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_authors
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_collection_items
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_collection_type
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_image
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_meta_tags
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_summary
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_tags
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_topics
+ - node.type.collection
+ module:
+ - ds
+ - image
+ - metatag
+ - text
+ - user
+ id: node.collection.default
+ targetEntityType: node
+ bundle: collection
+ mode: default
+ content:
+ body:
+ label: hidden
+ type: text_default
+ weight: 2
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ field_authors:
+ weight: 5
+ label: hidden
+ settings:
+ link: true
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: entity_reference_label
+ region: content
+ field_collection_items:
+ weight: 6
+ label: hidden
+ settings:
+ view_mode: teaser
+ link: false
+ third_party_settings:
+ ds:
+ ds_limit: ''
+ type: entity_reference_entity_view
+ region: content
+ field_collection_type:
+ weight: 9
+ label: above
+ settings:
+ link: true
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: entity_reference_label
+ region: content
+ field_image:
+ weight: 3
+ label: hidden
+ settings:
+ image_style: ''
+ image_link: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: image
+ region: content
+ field_meta_tags:
+ weight: 4
+ label: hidden
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: metatag_empty_formatter
+ region: content
+ field_summary:
+ weight: 1
+ label: hidden
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: text_default
+ region: content
+ field_tags:
+ weight: 8
+ label: above
+ settings:
+ link: true
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: entity_reference_label
+ region: content
+ field_topics:
+ weight: 7
+ label: above
+ settings:
+ link: true
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: entity_reference_label
+ region: content
+ links:
+ weight: 0
+ region: content
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ hidden:
+ search_api_excerpt: true
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: core.entity_view_display.node.collection.full
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - core.entity_view_mode.node.full
+ - field.field.node.collection.body
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_authors
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_collection_items
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_collection_type
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_image
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_meta_tags
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_summary
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_tags
+ - field.field.node.collection.field_topics
+ - node.type.collection
+ module:
+ - ds
+ - image
+ - text
+ - user
+ third_party_settings:
+ ds:
+ layout:
+ id: ds_2col_stacked
+ library: ds/ds_2col_stacked
+ disable_css: true
+ entity_classes: all_classes
+ settings:
+ wrappers:
+ header: div
+ left: div
+ right: div
+ footer: div
+ outer_wrapper: div
+ attributes: ''
+ link_attribute: ''
+ link_custom: ''
+ classes:
+ layout_class: { }
+ regions:
+ header:
+ - field_image
+ left:
+ - node_post_date
+ - field_authors
+ - field_collection_type
+ - field_topics
+ - field_tags
+ right:
+ - field_summary
+ - field_collection_items
+ fields:
+ node_post_date:
+ plugin_id: node_post_date
+ weight: 1
+ label: hidden
+ formatter: ds_post_date_month_day_year
+ id: node.collection.full
+ targetEntityType: node
+ bundle: collection
+ mode: full
+ content:
+ field_authors:
+ weight: 2
+ label: hidden
+ settings:
+ link: true
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: entity_reference_label
+ region: left
+ field_collection_items:
+ weight: 7
+ label: hidden
+ settings:
+ view_mode: teaser
+ link: false
+ third_party_settings:
+ ds:
+ ds_limit: ''
+ type: entity_reference_entity_view
+ region: right
+ field_collection_type:
+ type: entity_reference_label
+ weight: 3
+ region: left
+ label: visually_hidden
+ settings:
+ link: false
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ field_image:
+ weight: 0
+ label: hidden
+ settings:
+ image_style: ''
+ image_link: ''
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: image
+ region: header
+ field_summary:
+ weight: 6
+ label: hidden
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ type: text_default
+ region: right
+ field_tags:
+ type: entity_reference_label
+ weight: 5
+ region: left
+ label: hidden
+ settings:
+ link: true
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ field_topics:
+ type: entity_reference_label
+ weight: 4
+ region: left
+ label: visually_hidden
+ settings:
+ link: true
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ hidden:
+ body: true
+ field_meta_tags: true
+ links: true
+ search_api_excerpt: true
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: core.entity_view_display.node.collection.teaser
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - core.entity_view_mode.node.teaser
+ - field.field.node.collection.body
+ - node.type.collection
+ module:
+ - text
+ - user
+ id: node.collection.teaser
+ targetEntityType: node
+ bundle: collection
+ mode: teaser
+ content:
+ body:
+ label: hidden
+ type: text_summary_or_trimmed
+ weight: 101
+ settings:
+ trim_length: 600
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ links:
+ weight: 100
+ settings: { }
+ third_party_settings: { }
+ region: content
+ hidden:
+ search_api_excerpt: true
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: field.field.node.collection.body
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.body
+ - node.type.collection
+ module:
+ - text
+ id: node.collection.body
+ field_name: body
+ entity_type: node
+ bundle: collection
+ label: Body
+ description: ''
+ required: false
+ translatable: true
+ default_value: { }
+ default_value_callback: ''
+ settings:
+ display_summary: true
+ field_type: text_with_summary
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: field.field.node.collection.field_authors
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_authors
+ - node.type.collection
+ - node.type.people
+ id: node.collection.field_authors
+ field_name: field_authors
+ entity_type: node
+ bundle: collection
+ label: Authors
+ description: 'Optionally attribute this collection to one or more of the People with profiles on the site.'
+ required: false
+ translatable: true
+ default_value: { }
+ default_value_callback: ''
+ settings:
+ handler: 'default:node'
+ handler_settings:
+ target_bundles:
+ people: people
+ sort:
+ field: title
+ direction: ASC
+ auto_create: false
+ auto_create_bundle: ''
+ field_type: entity_reference
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: field.field.node.collection.field_collection_items
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_collection_items
+ - node.type.collection
+ id: node.collection.field_collection_items
+ field_name: field_collection_items
+ entity_type: node
+ bundle: collection
+ label: Items
+ description: 'Select any other content on the site to display as a list of teasers by typing words from the title and looking for the autocompletion of the content you want in the collection. You can change the order after adding each item.'
+ required: true
+ translatable: false
+ default_value: { }
+ default_value_callback: ''
+ settings:
+ handler: views
+ handler_settings:
+ view:
+ view_name: collection_select_content
+ display_name: entity_reference
+ arguments: { }
+ field_type: entity_reference
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: field.field.node.collection.field_collection_type
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_collection_type
+ - node.type.collection
+ - taxonomy.vocabulary.collection_type
+ id: node.collection.field_collection_type
+ field_name: field_collection_type
+ entity_type: node
+ bundle: collection
+ label: 'Collection type'
+ description: ''
+ required: false
+ translatable: false
+ default_value: { }
+ default_value_callback: ''
+ settings:
+ handler: 'default:taxonomy_term'
+ handler_settings:
+ target_bundles:
+ collection_type: collection_type
+ sort:
+ field: name
+ direction: asc
+ auto_create: false
+ auto_create_bundle: ''
+ field_type: entity_reference
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: field.field.node.collection.field_image
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_image
+ - node.type.collection
+ module:
+ - image
+ id: node.collection.field_image
+ field_name: field_image
+ entity_type: node
+ bundle: collection
+ label: Image
+ description: ''
+ required: false
+ translatable: true
+ default_value: { }
+ default_value_callback: ''
+ settings:
+ file_directory: '[date:custom:Y]-[date:custom:m]'
+ file_extensions: 'png gif jpg jpeg'
+ max_filesize: ''
+ max_resolution: ''
+ min_resolution: ''
+ alt_field: true
+ alt_field_required: true
+ title_field: false
+ title_field_required: false
+ default_image:
+ uuid: ''
+ alt: ''
+ title: ''
+ width: null
+ height: null
+ handler: 'default:file'
+ handler_settings: { }
+ field_type: image
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: field.field.node.collection.field_meta_tags
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_meta_tags
+ - node.type.collection
+ module:
+ - metatag
+ id: node.collection.field_meta_tags
+ field_name: field_meta_tags
+ entity_type: node
+ bundle: collection
+ label: 'Meta tags'
+ description: ''
+ required: false
+ translatable: true
+ default_value: { }
+ default_value_callback: ''
+ settings: { }
+ field_type: metatag
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: field.field.node.collection.field_summary
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_summary
+ - node.type.collection
+ module:
+ - text
+ id: node.collection.field_summary
+ field_name: field_summary
+ entity_type: node
+ bundle: collection
+ label: Summary
+ description: 'Use this space to introduce your collection with a short description. This summary is also> displayed on teasers, such as those shown in search results. '
+ required: true
+ translatable: true
+ default_value: { }
+ default_value_callback: ''
+ settings: { }
+ field_type: text_long
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: field.field.node.collection.field_tags
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_tags
+ - node.type.collection
+ - taxonomy.vocabulary.tags
+ id: node.collection.field_tags
+ field_name: field_tags
+ entity_type: node
+ bundle: collection
+ label: Tags
+ description: ''
+ required: false
+ translatable: true
+ default_value: { }
+ default_value_callback: ''
+ settings:
+ handler: 'default:taxonomy_term'
+ handler_settings:
+ target_bundles:
+ tags: tags
+ sort:
+ field: name
+ direction: asc
+ auto_create: true
+ auto_create_bundle: ''
+ field_type: entity_reference
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: field.field.node.collection.field_topics
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_topics
+ - node.type.collection
+ - taxonomy.vocabulary.topics
+ id: node.collection.field_topics
+ field_name: field_topics
+ entity_type: node
+ bundle: collection
+ label: Topics
+ description: ''
+ required: false
+ translatable: true
+ default_value: { }
+ default_value_callback: ''
+ settings:
+ handler: 'default:taxonomy_term'
+ handler_settings:
+ target_bundles:
+ topics: topics
+ sort:
+ field: name
+ direction: asc
+ auto_create: false
+ auto_create_bundle: ''
+ field_type: entity_reference
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: field.storage.node.field_collection_items
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ module:
+ - node
+ id: node.field_collection_items
+ field_name: field_collection_items
+ entity_type: node
+ type: entity_reference
+ settings:
+ target_type: node
+ module: core
+ locked: false
+ cardinality: -1
+ translatable: true
+ indexes: { }
+ persist_with_no_fields: false
+ custom_storage: false
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: field.storage.node.field_collection_type
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ module:
+ - node
+ - taxonomy
+ id: node.field_collection_type
+ field_name: field_collection_type
+ entity_type: node
+ type: entity_reference
+ settings:
+ target_type: taxonomy_term
+ module: core
+ locked: false
+ cardinality: 1
+ translatable: true
+ indexes: { }
+ persist_with_no_fields: false
+ custom_storage: false
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: node.type.collection
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ module:
+ - menu_ui
+ third_party_settings:
+ menu_ui:
+ available_menus:
+ - main
+ parent: 'main:'
+ name: Collection
+ type: collection
+ description: 'Create a collection to bring together ordered listings of Articles, Blog posts, or other content. This is useful for magazine issues or online books (referencing each chapter) or to create a meta-resource of recommended resources and people.'
+ help: ''
+ new_revision: true
+ preview_mode: 1
+ display_submitted: false
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: taxonomy.vocabulary.collection_type
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies: { }
+ name: 'Collection type'
+ vid: collection_type
+ description: 'For categorizing collections on aspects unique to collections.'
+ weight: 0
+ -
+ collection: ''
+ name: views.view.collection_select_content
+ data:
+ langcode: en
+ status: true
+ dependencies:
+ config:
+ - field.storage.node.field_summary
+ module:
+ - node
+ - text
+ - user
+ id: collection_select_content
+ label: 'Select content'
+ module: views
+ description: 'Choose items to include in a Collection.'
+ tag: ''
+ base_table: node_field_data
+ base_field: nid
+ core: 8.x
+ display:
+ default:
+ display_plugin: default
+ id: default
+ display_title: Master
+ position: 0
+ display_options:
+ access:
+ type: perm
+ options:
+ perm: 'access content'
+ cache:
+ type: tag
+ options: { }
+ query:
+ type: views_query
+ options:
+ disable_sql_rewrite: false
+ distinct: false
+ replica: false
+ query_comment: ''
+ query_tags: { }
+ exposed_form:
+ type: basic
+ options:
+ submit_button: Apply
+ reset_button: false
+ reset_button_label: Reset
+ exposed_sorts_label: 'Sort by'
+ expose_sort_order: true
+ sort_asc_label: Asc
+ sort_desc_label: Desc
+ pager:
+ type: mini
+ options:
+ items_per_page: 10
+ offset: 0
+ id: 0
+ total_pages: null
+ expose:
+ items_per_page: false
+ items_per_page_label: 'Items per page'
+ items_per_page_options: '5, 10, 25, 50'
+ items_per_page_options_all: false
+ items_per_page_options_all_label: '- All -'
+ offset: false
+ offset_label: Offset
+ tags:
+ previous: ‹‹
+ next: ››
+ style:
+ type: default
+ options:
+ grouping: { }
+ row_class: ''
+ default_row_class: true
+ uses_fields: false
+ row:
+ type: fields
+ options:
+ inline: { }
+ separator: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ default_field_elements: true
+ fields:
+ title:
+ id: title
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: title
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: title
+ label: ''
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ make_link: false
+ absolute: false
+ trim: false
+ word_boundary: false
+ ellipsis: false
+ strip_tags: false
+ html: false
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ settings:
+ link_to_entity: true
+ plugin_id: field
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ element_type: ''
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: true
+ element_wrapper_type: ''
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: true
+ empty: ''
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ click_sort_column: value
+ type: string
+ group_column: value
+ group_columns: { }
+ group_rows: true
+ delta_limit: 0
+ delta_offset: 0
+ delta_reversed: false
+ delta_first_last: false
+ multi_type: separator
+ separator: ', '
+ field_api_classes: false
+ type:
+ id: type
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: type
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
+ trim: false
+ preserve_tags: ''
+ html: false
+ element_type: kbd
+ element_class: ''
+ element_label_type: ''
+ element_label_class: ''
+ element_label_colon: false
+ element_wrapper_type: '0'
+ element_wrapper_class: ''
+ element_default_classes: false
+ empty: ''
+ hide_empty: false
+ empty_zero: false
+ hide_alter_empty: true
+ click_sort_column: target_id
+ type: entity_reference_label
+ settings:
+ link: false
+ group_column: target_id
+ group_columns: { }
+ group_rows: true
+ delta_limit: 0
+ delta_offset: 0
+ delta_reversed: false
+ delta_first_last: false
+ multi_type: separator
+ separator: ', '
+ field_api_classes: false
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: type
+ plugin_id: field
+ status:
+ id: status
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: status
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: ''
+ exclude: false
+ alter:
+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
+ make_link: false
+ path: ''
+ absolute: false
+ external: false
+ replace_spaces: false
+ path_case: none
+ trim_whitespace: false
+ alt: ''
+ rel: ''
+ link_class: ''
+ prefix: ''
+ suffix: ''
+ target: ''
+ nl2br: false
+ max_length: 0
+ word_boundary: true
+ ellipsis: true
+ more_link: false
+ more_link_text: ''
+ more_link_path: ''
+ strip_tags: false
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+ type: boolean
+ settings:
+ format: custom
+ format_custom_true: ''
+ format_custom_false: Unpublished
+ group_column: value
+ group_columns: { }
+ group_rows: true
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+ delta_first_last: false
+ multi_type: separator
+ separator: ', '
+ field_api_classes: false
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: status
+ plugin_id: field
+ field_summary:
+ id: field_summary
+ table: node__field_summary
+ field: field_summary
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ label: ''
+ exclude: false
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+ alter_text: false
+ text: ''
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+ settings: { }
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+ group_columns: { }
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+ delta_first_last: false
+ multi_type: separator
+ separator: ', '
+ field_api_classes: false
+ plugin_id: field
+ filters:
+ status:
+ value: '1'
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: status
+ plugin_id: boolean
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: status
+ id: status
+ expose:
+ operator: ''
+ group: 1
+ sorts:
+ created:
+ id: created
+ table: node_field_data
+ field: created
+ order: DESC
+ entity_type: node
+ entity_field: created
+ plugin_id: date
+ relationship: none
+ group_type: group
+ admin_label: ''
+ exposed: false
+ expose:
+ label: ''
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+ footer: { }
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+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - url.query_args
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ tags:
+ - 'config:field.storage.node.field_summary'
+ entity_reference:
+ display_plugin: entity_reference
+ id: entity_reference
+ display_title: 'Entity Reference'
+ position: 1
+ display_options:
+ display_extenders: { }
+ style:
+ type: entity_reference
+ options:
+ search_fields:
+ title: title
+ type: type
+ field_summary: field_summary
+ status: '0'
+ row:
+ type: entity_reference
+ options:
+ default_field_elements: true
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+ title: title
+ type: type
+ status: status
+ separator: ' · '
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+ type: some
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+ max-age: -1
+ contexts:
+ - 'languages:language_content'
+ - 'languages:language_interface'
+ - 'user.node_grants:view'
+ - user.permissions
+ tags:
+ - 'config:field.storage.node.field_summary'