Editors need to be able to embed iframes (as for showing PDFs) using WYSIWYG buttons #116

opened 2022-01-28 17:05:41 +00:00 by joshua_davis · 3 comments
joshua_davis commented 2022-01-28 17:05:41 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

We need to have a button for iframe embeds on the text editor windows (for articles and blogs at least), as well as text alignment buttons (center, align right , etc.) (latter covered in #134 ) . Thanks.

Right now I just add the html to the source manually whenever we need to embed a pdf.

We need to have a button for iframe embeds on the text editor windows (for articles and blogs at least), as well as text alignment buttons (center, align right , etc.) (latter covered in #134 ) . Thanks. > Right now I just add the html to the source manually whenever we need to embed a pdf.
joshua_davis commented 2022-01-28 17:05:41 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

assigned to @mlncn

assigned to @mlncn
mlncn modified the milestone from 2022 Q1 to 2025 Quarter 1 priorities 2025-01-26 03:15:34 +00:00
mlncn changed title from Missing buttons on text editor boxes to Editors need to be able to embed iframes (as for showing PDFs) using WYSIWYG buttons 2025-02-22 05:46:22 +00:00

@joshua_davis are these PDFs generally external (hosted at another site) or uploaded to GEO.coop?

@joshua_davis are these PDFs generally external (hosted at another site) or uploaded to GEO.coop?


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