Move email to use MayFirst servers #36

opened 2019-08-31 16:57:40 +00:00 by cedewey · 8 comments
cedewey commented 2019-08-31 16:57:40 +00:00 (Migrated from


Email can be switched to MayFirst independent of the website. So, we'll do that whenever we have time.

Work Required

  • Change MX records in gaia host
## Background Email can be switched to MayFirst independent of the website. So, we'll do that whenever we have time. ## Work Required * [x] Change MX records in gaia host
wolcen commented 2019-08-31 17:04:43 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked the checklist item Change MX records in gaia host as completed

marked the checklist item **Change MX records in gaia host** as completed
wolcen commented 2019-08-31 17:04:57 +00:00 (Migrated from

MX 0 ->

MX 0 ->
wolcen commented 2019-08-31 17:10:28 +00:00 (Migrated from

@joshua_davis please check your mail client to ensure the mailbox on MFPL is being populated properly. You should be able to add an additional connection to your mail client, keeping a connection to the old mailbox. Things can be then copied to MFPL via your client, or you can copy them to local storage before that connection is dropped.

@joshua_davis please check your mail client to ensure the [mailbox on MFPL]( is being populated properly. You should be able to add an additional connection to your mail client, keeping a connection to the old mailbox. Things can be then copied to MFPL via your client, or you can copy them to local storage before that connection is dropped.
joshua_davis commented 2019-08-31 19:37:13 +00:00 (Migrated from

Something has gone wrong, I'm afraid. I successfully connected my MFPL mailbox to Thunderbird and sent myself a test email from my old gmail account. Nothing came through on either Gaiahost or MFPL
(though I didn't receive a 'could not deliver' message.) So it looks like I'm not receiving emails to at all right now.

I'm not sure if it's related, but when I sign into my MFPL account with RoundCube, it shows my email address as, not I'm guessing maybe I screwed up when I created the mailbox somehow? I followed the guide, selecting as the domain and connected it to my account (screen cap attached).

To make things even weirder, I can send an email from either the Gaiahost server of the MFPL server to my gmail account successfully...but if I try replying back to either one, the reply never shows up.

Any ideas?geo-email-addresses-screen-capmayfirst-roundcube-screen-cap

Something has gone wrong, I'm afraid. I successfully connected my MFPL mailbox to Thunderbird and sent myself a test email from my old gmail account. Nothing came through on either Gaiahost or MFPL (though I didn't receive a 'could not deliver' message.) So it looks like I'm not receiving emails to at all right now. I'm not sure if it's related, but when I sign into my MFPL account with RoundCube, it shows my email address as, not I'm guessing maybe I screwed up when I created the mailbox somehow? I followed [the guide](, selecting as the domain and connected it to my account (screen cap attached). To make things even weirder, I can send an email from either the Gaiahost server of the MFPL server to my gmail account successfully...but if I try replying back to either one, the reply never shows up. Any ideas?![geo-email-addresses-screen-cap](/uploads/535ceb821474a09055b0ccfcf696c9e8/geo-email-addresses-screen-cap.png)![mayfirst-roundcube-screen-cap](/uploads/b29ad7fe4ae3329b2a0e9e0dd0525035/mayfirst-roundcube-screen-cap.png)
joshua_davis commented 2019-09-01 18:09:26 +00:00 (Migrated from

It's working this morning. Woohoo!

It's working this morning. Woohoo!
wolcen commented 2019-09-02 12:22:31 +00:00 (Migrated from

Hi @joshua_davis

Thanks for the update. I've double-checked things and used an external tool (mxtoolbox and things are looking good to me. I also added an alias so that I could test ( and it seems to be forwarding properly, meaning mail systems are talking to the correct destination server.

Are you still having an issue?


Hi @joshua_davis Thanks for the update. I've double-checked things and used an external tool ([mxtoolbox]( and things are looking good to me. I also added an alias so that I could test ( and it seems to be forwarding properly, meaning mail systems are talking to the correct destination server. Are you still having an issue? Thanks, Chris
cedewey commented 2019-09-02 14:03:52 +00:00 (Migrated from

We got word from Josh that email is working properly now. Thanks!

We got word from Josh that email is working properly now. Thanks!
cedewey commented 2019-09-02 14:03:52 +00:00 (Migrated from


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