Visitors open links in predictable ways. #46

opened 2019-09-30 12:54:48 +00:00 by mlncn · 6 comments
mlncn commented 2019-09-30 12:54:48 +00:00 (Migrated from

Acceptance Criteria

Given that I am a visitor,
when I click on an internal link,
then I am taken to the page in the same tab,
so that I have a smooth experience navigating throughout content.

Given that I am a visitor,
when I click on an external link,
the link is opened in a new tab and I am kept on the site,
so that I can easily continue to navigate within the GEO site.

Given that I am a content editor,
when I create content and link some of that content,
I can override the default internal and external link behavior,
so that I can direct visitors to new or existing tabs under specific circumstances outside the assumed defaults.


Criteria for a good solution:

  • Every person can see whether a link is opening in a new tab or not.

Criteria for an ideal solution:

  • No user is forced to open a link in a new tab.
  • Content authors and editors can choose which links open in a new tab or not, but by default all internal links open in the same tab and all external links open in a new tab.

As far as allowing content editors to specify which links should open in a new tab, this is surprisingly not an easy default in Drupal 8.

There's now competing usability versus security reasons for not opening links in new tabs versus opening links in new tabs, but in the specific case of GEO both may be less meaningful than for the general case: regular visitors to GEO are used to many, if not most, links opening in new windows, but users on GEO aren't generally logged in or doing activities requiring high-security.

There's not really a good way to both show whether a link opens in a new tab and allow the choice of either in some situations but allow for security or other reasons to only open in a new tab in some cases, right inline in the text.

Combined with a link preview capability such as that provided by OpenGraph Filter, though, the options for opening the link could be laid out much more clearly.

Additional Info

[Screenshots, wireframes, prototypes or other relevant documentation]

Work Required

[Steps required to complete user story, usually completed by Agaric.]

## Acceptance Criteria Given that I am a visitor, when I click on an internal link, then I am taken to the page in the same tab, so that I have a smooth experience navigating throughout content. Given that I am a visitor, when I click on an external link, the link is opened in a new tab and I am kept on the site, so that I can easily continue to navigate within the GEO site. Given that I am a content editor, when I create content and link some of that content, I can override the default internal and external link behavior, so that I can direct visitors to new or existing tabs under specific circumstances outside the assumed defaults. ## Background Criteria for a good solution: * Every person can see whether a link is opening in a new tab or not. Criteria for an ideal solution: * No user is forced to open a link in a new tab. * Content authors and editors can choose which links open in a new tab or not, but by default all internal links open in the same tab and all external links open in a new tab. As far as allowing content editors to specify which links should open in a new tab, this is [surprisingly not an easy default in Drupal 8]( There's now competing usability versus security reasons for not opening links in new tabs versus opening links in new tabs, but in the specific case of GEO both may be less meaningful than for the general case: regular visitors to GEO are used to many, if not most, links opening in new windows, but users on GEO aren't generally logged in or doing activities requiring high-security. There's not really a good way to both show whether a link opens in a new tab and allow the choice of either in some situations but allow for security or other reasons to only open in a new tab in some cases, right inline in the text. Combined with a [link preview capability such as that provided by OpenGraph Filter]( ), though, the options for opening the link could be laid out much more clearly. ## Additional Info [Screenshots, wireframes, prototypes or other relevant documentation] ## Work Required [Steps required to complete user story, usually completed by Agaric.]
mlncn commented 2019-09-30 12:55:48 +00:00 (Migrated from

mentioned in commit ee353b3276

mentioned in commit ee353b3276109b607a8f5de57bf00b682aca173e
cedewey commented 2019-09-30 15:15:07 +00:00 (Migrated from

changed title from Visitors {-can easily open external links in a new tab, even if they don't know about ctrl+click, middle/both-button click, or right click or other options-} to Visitors {+open links in predictable ways.+}

changed title from **Visitors {-can easily open external links in a new tab, even if they don't know about ctrl+click, middle/both-button click, or right click or other options-}** to **Visitors {+open links in predictable ways.+}**
cedewey commented 2019-09-30 15:15:07 +00:00 (Migrated from

changed the description

changed the description
cedewey commented 2019-09-30 15:24:47 +00:00 (Migrated from

I'm labeling this ~"Post-Launch" as the current behavior is not a show stopper.

I'm labeling this ~"Post-Launch" as the current behavior is not a show stopper.
mlncn commented 2019-09-30 20:10:49 +00:00 (Migrated from

@cedewey they're happy with current behavior now, because i made it so the content editor can set the target (open in blank or not). That wasn't true when i filed this :-)

@cedewey they're happy with current behavior now, because i made it so the content editor can set the target (open in blank or not). That wasn't true when i filed this :-)
FreeScholar commented 2019-10-08 17:21:50 +00:00 (Migrated from


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