Blogs for individual users should be viewable at /blogs/{author} #53

opened 2019-09-30 20:25:25 +00:00 by wolcen · 11 comments
wolcen commented 2019-09-30 20:25:25 +00:00 (Migrated from

As a visitor
When I go to /blogs/{author}
I should see a list of blogs by that author

As a visitor When I go to /blogs/{author} I should see a list of blogs by that author
wolcen commented 2019-09-30 20:25:50 +00:00 (Migrated from

changed the description

changed the description
wolcen commented 2019-09-30 20:26:12 +00:00 (Migrated from
Example source view:
mlncn commented 2019-10-01 03:02:49 +00:00 (Migrated from

assigned to @mlncn

assigned to @mlncn
mlncn commented 2019-10-02 21:47:56 +00:00 (Migrated from

mentioned in commit 83d0ffaab8

mentioned in commit 83d0ffaab8f457d4ef162ffefe159649142fb050
mlncn commented 2019-10-05 19:01:38 +00:00 (Migrated from

This is done for existing blogs. New blogs (note, that's newly blogging users, not blog posts) will not get path aliases; the blog for user New Nancy (uid 1234) will still be visible at blog/1234

@cedewey In addition to reviewing, can you see of whether to do this or not or to do the fix and to make it a Drutopia feature? And make an issue as appropriate. 000I guess the first question is how GEO wants individual blogs to be discoverable.

This is done for existing blogs. New blogs (note, that's newly blogging users, not blog posts) will not get path aliases; the blog for user New Nancy (uid 1234) will still be visible at blog/1234 @cedewey In addition to reviewing, can you see of whether to do this or not or to do the fix and to make it a Drutopia feature? And make an issue as appropriate. 000I guess the first question is how GEO wants individual blogs to be discoverable.
mlncn commented 2019-10-05 19:01:38 +00:00 (Migrated from

assigned to @cedewey

assigned to @cedewey
mlncn commented 2019-10-10 07:21:33 +00:00 (Migrated from

marked this issue as related to #89

marked this issue as related to #89
cedewey commented 2020-04-06 16:12:59 +00:00 (Migrated from

unassigned @mlncn and @cedewey

unassigned @mlncn and @cedewey
FreeScholar commented 2021-03-30 17:44:23 +00:00 (Migrated from

changed the description

changed the description
FreeScholar commented 2021-03-30 17:44:23 +00:00 (Migrated from

assigned to @mlncn

assigned to @mlncn
FreeScholar commented 2021-04-25 21:12:29 +00:00 (Migrated from
see -
FreeScholar (Migrated from closed this issue 2021-04-25 21:12:30 +00:00
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Reference: geo/geo-coop#53
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