Missing collections. #72

opened 2019-10-02 02:30:28 +00:00 by joshua_davis · 12 comments
joshua_davis commented 2019-10-02 02:30:28 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

The oldest 10 issues didn't get migrated because they have a different link structure. "1: Grassroots Democracy In Action" through "10: Occupy! Connect! Create!" use the structure /vol-2/issue-1 . These need to get migrated over as collections as well. old-geo-sidbar

The oldest 10 issues didn't get migrated because they have a different link structure. "1: Grassroots Democracy In Action" through "10: Occupy! Connect! Create!" use the structure /vol-2/issue-1 . These need to get migrated over as collections as well. ![old-geo-sidbar](/uploads/a1727842b396b98a978ba65dfa61a0c3/old-geo-sidbar.png)
mlncn commented 2019-10-02 04:01:32 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

@joshua_davis a content's path wouldn't matter, but are they a content type (like "Issue Index") or a taxonomy term?

@joshua_davis a content's path wouldn't matter, but are they a content type (like "Issue Index") or a taxonomy term?
mlncn commented 2019-10-02 04:05:04 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

@joshua_davis well that one at least — http://geonewsletter.org/vol-2/issue-1 — is on the new site, https://geo.coop/vol-2/issue-1

Ah, what's different about them is that they are ordinary pages, not an issue index. So they remain ordinary pages on the new site, sorry. You can link to them as before, or copy them manually, or try an experimental content type converter...

@joshua_davis well that one at least — http://geonewsletter.org/vol-2/issue-1 — is on the new site, https://geo.coop/vol-2/issue-1 Ah, what's different about them is that they are ordinary pages, not an issue index. So they remain ordinary pages on the new site, sorry. You can link to them as before, or copy them manually, or try an experimental content type converter...
mlncn commented 2019-10-02 05:24:31 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

@joshua_davis OK, i have enabled the "Convert bundles" module which worked quite well for me in a test on my local to convert a page to a collection.

You can go one item at a time or just go to https://geo.coop/admin/content?type=page and select each page that should be a collection, and then use the Convert Content Entity Bundles to convert them all to Collection at once, optionally setting values like Collection type to Issue, for example.

@joshua_davis OK, i have enabled the "Convert bundles" module which worked quite well for me in a test on my local to convert a page to a collection. You can go one item at a time or just go to https://geo.coop/admin/content?type=page and select each page that should be a collection, and then use the **Convert Content Entity Bundles** to convert them all to Collection at once, optionally setting values like Collection type to Issue, for example.
mlncn commented 2019-10-02 13:30:31 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

assigned to @joshua_davis

assigned to @joshua_davis
mlncn commented 2019-10-02 13:43:48 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

mentioned in commit af1581d181

mentioned in commit af1581d181c2345826f0eae1423e5a5a4f3fbefe
joshua_davis commented 2019-10-02 15:07:39 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

I think I'll just end up re-doing those 10 issues by hand. I suppose
it's better than doing all of them by hand, as we originally intended,
so I'm not gonna complain to hard.

I think I'll just end up re-doing those 10 issues by hand. I suppose it's better than doing all of them by hand, as we originally intended, so I'm not gonna complain to hard.
joshua_davis commented 2019-10-02 15:09:37 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

OK, I'll give it a shot. Thanks.

OK, I'll give it a shot. Thanks.
joshua_davis commented 2019-10-02 18:44:34 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

Alright, I'm not going to do that. Here's the message I get when I click Apply
I'm just going to cut and paste them into new collection pages by hand.

Alright, I'm not going to do that. Here's the message I get when I click Apply ![convert-bundle-warning](/uploads/2b150aecec6dc43a9400dd18422f89f1/convert-bundle-warning.png) I'm just going to cut and paste them into new collection pages by hand.
joshua_davis commented 2019-10-02 19:39:50 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

Can you please remove or disable the convert bundles modules? Kind of freaks me out seeing it on all the pages now. Thanks.

Can you please remove or disable the convert bundles modules? Kind of freaks me out seeing it on all the pages now. Thanks.
mlncn commented 2019-10-03 04:02:08 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

Yes it's experimental as i said and it says, but i tested it for this use case and it worked fine.

Will remove.

Yes it's experimental as i said and it says, but i tested it for this use case and it worked fine. Will remove.
mlncn commented 2019-10-07 16:26:26 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)


mlncn commented 2019-10-07 16:27:27 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

@FreeScholar i closed this but maybe i should have left it open so you could follow up to be sure the missing collections were indeed manually copied over.

@FreeScholar i closed this but maybe i should have left it open so you could follow up to be sure the missing collections were indeed manually copied over.
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Reference: geo/geo-coop#72
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