Restore disclaimer to blog postings? #74

opened 2019-10-02 16:05:53 +00:00 by mlncn · 7 comments
mlncn commented 2019-10-02 16:05:53 +00:00 (Migrated from

The old site printed this at the top of every blog:

GEO blogs are part of our mission to provide a platform for co-op practitioners and solidarity economy organizers to share their thoughts and experiences with a wider audience. Any views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the GEO Collective. If you would like to start a blog on GEO, please contact If you would like to make a response to the blog author, we encourage you to do so in the comments section below.

@joshua_davis Should we restore it or a similar disclaimer to somewhere on blog pages?

The old site printed this at the top of every blog: > GEO blogs are part of our mission to provide a platform for co-op practitioners and solidarity economy organizers to share their thoughts and experiences with a wider audience. Any views and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the GEO Collective. If you would like to start a blog on GEO, please contact If you would like to make a response to the blog author, we encourage you to do so in the comments section below. @joshua_davis Should we restore it or a similar disclaimer to somewhere on blog pages?
mlncn commented 2019-10-02 16:06:04 +00:00 (Migrated from

(Sorry thought i'd filed this issue a few days ago but had not submitted the form.)

(Sorry thought i'd filed this issue a few days ago but had not submitted the form.)
joshua_davis commented 2019-10-02 16:08:10 +00:00 (Migrated from

Yes please. Good catch. We definitely need the disclaimer so that when I
write something wildly offensive on my blog, the rest of the group can
officially disclaim responsibility. Putting it at the bottom would be
good. Right above the comments, if possible.

Yes please. Good catch. We definitely need the disclaimer so that when I write something wildly offensive on my blog, the rest of the group can officially disclaim responsibility. Putting it at the bottom would be good. Right above the comments, if possible.
FreeScholar commented 2019-10-07 18:05:55 +00:00 (Migrated from

@joshua_davis Should the whole disclaimer text be shown on the bottom of each blog, or a snippet with a more link that goes to a disclaimer page?

@joshua_davis Should the whole disclaimer text be shown on the bottom of each blog, or a snippet with a more link that goes to a disclaimer page?
joshua_davis commented 2019-10-07 18:29:09 +00:00 (Migrated from

The whole thing.

The whole thing.
FreeScholar commented 2019-10-08 17:06:04 +00:00 (Migrated from

Display disclaimer on bottom of each blog.

Display disclaimer on bottom of each blog.
mlncn commented 2019-10-09 20:57:47 +00:00 (Migrated from

@FreeScholar it used to be displayed at the top, should be the bottom?

@FreeScholar it used to be displayed at the top, should be the bottom?
joshua_davis commented 2019-10-09 22:29:43 +00:00 (Migrated from

Yes, that was my request. Thanks for noticing, though!

Yes, that was my request. Thanks for noticing, though!
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