Unable to edit certain articles. #94

opened 2019-11-02 16:24:51 +00:00 by joshua_davis · 2 comments
joshua_davis commented 2019-11-02 16:24:51 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

Trying to fix some of the mixed content issues and I ran into this: trying to edit this page gives me a "page not found" error:


Trying to fix some of the mixed content issues and I ran into this: trying to edit this page gives me a "page not found" error: https://geo.coop/content/financial-education-worker-co-op-memberseducaci%C3%B3n-financiera-para-miembros-de-cooperativas/edit
mlncn commented 2019-11-23 11:13:55 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

Hi @joshua_davis sorry for the slow response.

For some reason the accent is breaking the alias but not the view link. Very weird, sorry. We should be transliterating all path aliases to remove accents anyway.

In the meantime you can access this article through its non-aliased path: https://geo.coop/node/3362/edit (i don't know an easy way for you to get that alternate path currently, it's buried in the View Source— a search for node turns up the number to plug in.

Please assign or CC @FreeScholar or i to make sure we see the tickets. @cedewey is there a way to auto-assign tickets, or only with the issue templates? Can we set a default issue template?

Hi @joshua_davis sorry for the slow response. For some reason the accent is breaking the alias but not the view link. Very weird, sorry. We should be transliterating all path aliases to remove accents anyway. In the meantime you can access this article through its non-aliased path: https://geo.coop/node/3362/edit (i don't know an easy way for you to get that alternate path currently, it's buried in the View Source— a search for `node` turns up the number to plug in. Please assign or CC @FreeScholar or i to make sure we see the tickets. @cedewey is there a way to auto-assign tickets, or only with the issue templates? Can we set a default issue template?
mlncn commented 2019-11-23 11:13:55 +00:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

assigned to @joshua_davis

assigned to @joshua_davis
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Reference: geo/geo-coop#94
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