uuid: f3a87a2a-96b2-4e23-a6c0-14bcdcad2d75 langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - captcha - comment - comment_notify - contact - empty_page - exclude_node_title - file - google_analytics - media - node - statistics - system - visitors _core: default_config_hash: dJ0L2DNSj5q6XVZAGsuVDpJTh5UeYkIPwKrUOOpr8YI id: authenticated label: 'authenticated user' weight: 0 is_admin: false permissions: - 'access comments' - 'access content' - 'access site-wide contact form' - 'access user contact forms' - 'change own username' - 'delete own files' - 'opt-in or out of google analytics tracking' - 'post comments' - 'skip CAPTCHA' - 'skip comment approval' - 'subscribe to comments' - 'use exclude node title' - 'view empty pages' - 'view media' - 'view own unpublished content' - 'view post access counter' - 'view visitors counter'