uuid: 66537703-95f0-4808-b7b0-120b56fd35b3 langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - block id: config_sync.module.block snapshotSet: config_sync extensionType: module extensionName: block items: - collection: '' name: tour.tour.block-layout data: langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - block id: block-layout label: 'Block Layout Page' module: block routes: - route_name: block.admin_display tips: block-layout: id: block-layout plugin: text label: 'Block Layout' weight: 1 body: 'Blocks are boxes of content rendered into an area, or region, of a web page that can be displayed in regions (such as footer or sidebar) on your page.' place-block: id: place-block plugin: text label: 'Place Blocks' weight: 2 selector: .button--small body: 'Any custom or contributed block can be added to a particular region by clicking on a button Place block. A new block can also be created by clicking on Place Block' block-region: id: block-region plugin: text label: 'Block Region' weight: 3 selector: .block-region-select body: 'Assign or change the region of a block by clicking here. A dropdown list with all the regions will appear. You can place one block in multiple regions.' configure-block: id: configure-block plugin: text label: 'Configure Block' weight: 4 selector: .dropbutton-widget body: 'By Clicking on "Configure" you can go ahead and edit the contents of the block, deal with the visibility settings and even change the placement of where it is on your theme.' _core: default_config_hash: pG6QAggTrD7RQWb79PT3NH48GSvTiePly_l53f3OENs