# GEO.coop README This project is based on Drutopia, which means it is compatible with existing and future Drutopia features. We will be diverging from Drutopia for special functionality, however. ## Temporary upgrade notes There's an error in the update hooks about url alias table not found, but confirmed that all the entries in `old_5ebc14_url_alias` also exist in the new `path_alias` table, so whatever happened there, nothing is lost in the upgrade. ## Getting started One time: ``` git clone git@gitlab.com:agaric/sites/geo.git cd geo ``` [Install DDEV](https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#installation) for the following steps to work. Whenever you want a fresh start: ``` git pull ddev start ddev composer update ddev . drush -y site:install minimal --existing-config ``` Note: If you receive a `Permission denied (publickey).` error it means you need to copy your key into the DDEV container by running `ddev auth ssh`. ## Pull live content down for development ``` drush sql-sync @live @self drush -y rsync --exclude-paths=css:js:php --verbose @live:%files/ @self:%files ``` ## Running the migration in development Download the D7 files via the Backup and Migrate module. Put the D7 files in the following location: ``` /d7/sites/default/files/ ``` There is a reference to the `sites/default/files` in the database so that structure is mandatory for the migration. The path in the `upgrade_d7_file.yml` migration file is different because this is executed inside the docker container so in the docker container the is: `/var/www/html/` but no need to re-create those folders in the host machine. Download a database dump of the D7 site via the Backup and Migrate module. Create a database called `drupal7`: Use `ddev describe` to see what the host and port are for your local environment, and use that in the first line here: ``` mysql --host= --port=32779 --user=root --password=root --database=db CREATE DATABASE drupal7; GRANT ALL ON drupal7.* to 'db'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'db'; ``` Now `ctrl+c` out of there, and, again substituting the host and port for your own, import your file from whereever you placed and named your db SQL dump: ``` mysql --host= --port=32779 --user=root --password=root --database=drupal7 < data/db.mysql ``` (Above per [instructions for creating another database in ddev](https://stackoverflow.com/a/49785024/1943924).) Once the files are in the correct place and the database has been created we can run the following to run all the migrations: ``` ddev . drush mim --group="migrate_drupal_7_geo" ``` Note: The migration will partially fail because of missing files. For now, re-run the migration command and it will complete the migration. ## Running the migration on the hosted instance 1. Refresh files and database from live. - Obtain the latest from the prior site via [Migrate and Backup](http://geo.coop/admin/config/system/backup_migrate): database, and public files, as two separate downloads. The following commands assume the files saved as `files.tar.gz` and `database.sql.gz` - Upload these to the server: `scp *.gz geo_live@drutopia.org:` - SSH to server: `ssh geo_live@drutopia.org` - Unzip the uploaded database file: `gunzip database.sql.gz` - Drop the existing tables: `drop-tables.sh geo_legacy` - Reload the uploaded database: `mysql geo_legacy < database.sql` - Change to the files folder and untar them: `cd site/d7/sites/default/files/` and then: `tar xzf ~/files.tar.gz` (this will take a couple minutes). - The server side is ready! Log off by typing `ctrl+d` 1. Now perform a deployment with drutopia_hosting. This will install the site using the minimal profile and existing config. Set the vars accordingly (drupal_install and drupal_forceinstall must be True), if needed: `ahoy vault-edit` - Deploy a new build, as needed: `ahoy deploy-build news` - Deploy the site. With a forced re-install, a migration will be performed automatically: `ahoy deploy-site geo_live` ## Post go-live tasks 1. Remove all d7 files: `rm -rf site/d7` and `rm geo_legacy.sql`, etc. 1. Change the site settings in hosting: - config_import -> True - php_settings_code -> blank 1. Change the news build settings in hosting: - remove custom build commands (i.e. sed) 1. At this point, the deploy should be typical (deploy-build/deploy-site as normal)