# GEO.coop README This project is based on Drutopia, which means it is compatible with existing and future Drutopia features. We will be diverging from Drutopia for special functionality, however. ## Getting started One time: ``` git clone git@gitlab.com:agaric/sites/geo.git cd geo ``` [Install DDEV](https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#installation) for the following steps to work. Whenever you want a fresh start: ``` git pull ddev start ddev composer update ddev . drush -y site:install minimal --existing-config ``` ## Running the migration. Put the D7 files in th following location: ``` /d7/sites/default/files/ ``` There is a reference to the `sites/default/files` in the database so that structure is mandatory for the migration. The path in the `upgrade_d7_file.yml` migration file is different because this is executed inside the docker container so in the docker container the is: `/var/www/html/` but no need to re-create those folders in the host machine. Create a database called `drupal7` with the content of the old site, [check here how to create the database](https://stackoverflow.com/a/49785024/1943924) Once the files are in the correct place and the database has been created we can run the following to run all the migrations: `ddev exec drush mim --group="migrate_drupal_7_geo"`