// From https://benmarshall.me/responsive-iframes/ // Note that the JavaScript approach does not combine with his recommended CSS // approach, and it would probably be better/smoother to combine them. // @TODO Or, best, write a text formatter that does the below and assigns the // appropriate class, for example .embed-responsive-4by3 (function ($) { 'use strict'; // Find all iframes var $iframes = $( "iframe" ); // Find and save the aspect ratio for all iframes $iframes.each(function () { $( this ).data( "ratio", this.height / this.width ) // Remove the hardcoded width and height attributes .removeAttr( "width" ) .removeAttr( "height" ); }); // Resize the iframes when the window is resized $( window ).resize( function () { $iframes.each( function() { // Get the parent container's width var width = $( this ).parent().width(); $( this ).width( width ) .height( width * $( this ).data( "ratio" ) ); }); // Resize to fix all iframes on page load. }).resize(); })(jQuery); // Note that we know we have JQuery because our geofresco/global relies on bulma/global // which pulls in JQuery already.