uuid: e4a5f803-5443-46e7-b31d-862dbc03155c langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - search_api _core: default_config_hash: wiTKND8Vi_2guGPCSCjciyClZs7LVIQ_ruTzlkE_Bg0 id: search-api-server-form label: 'Add or edit a Search API server' module: search_api routes: - route_name: entity.search_api_server.add_form - route_name: entity.search_api_server.edit_form tips: search-api-server-form-introduction: id: search-api-server-form-introduction plugin: text label: 'Adding or editing a Server' body: 'This form can be used to edit an existing server or add a new server to your site. Servers will hold your indexed data.' weight: 1 search-api-server-form-name: id: search-api-server-form-name plugin: text label: 'Server name' body: 'Enter a name to identify this server. For example, "Solr server". This will only be displayed in the admin user interface.' weight: 2 attributes: data-id: edit-name search-api-server-form-description: id: search-api-server-form-description plugin: text label: 'Server description' body: 'Optionally, enter a description to explain the function of the server in more detail. This will only be displayed in the admin user interface.' weight: 3 attributes: data-id: edit-description search-api-server-form-backend: id: search-api-server-form-backend plugin: text label: 'Server backend' body: 'Servers can be based on different technologies. These are called "backends". A server uses exactly one backend and cannot change it later. You can make the "Database" backend available by enabling the "Database Search" module. Another very common backend is "Solr", which requires to be set up separately.' weight: 4 attributes: data-id: edit-backend